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descriptionGusto Deck List EmptyGusto Deck List

Allright guys lets start off with my first deck list I would like to have some help with. This here is my IRL deck. I believe I might be missing a few trademark gusto cards. So please let me know what I am missing and some strategies as well.

So the idea behind this deck is my attempt at a Gusto, Psychic blend. Since many of the gustos are psychics I am trying to make it use the speed of gustos with the effects of a few psychic support cards.

Total Cards 48

Monsters 26 (24 if I cut **)
Gusto Thun Bolt x2
Winda, Priestess of Gusto x3
Silent Psychic Wizard
Gusto Egul
***The Tricky ( Get rid of?)
***Gusto Griffin (Also on chopping block)
Windaar, Sage of Gusto x2
Gusto Codor x2
Reeze, Whirlwind of Gusto x2
Lady Ninja Yae
Esper Girl
Gusto Falco
Quilbolt Hedgehog
Gusto Squirro x2
Serene Psychic Witch
Musto, Oracle of Gusto x2
Kamui, Hope of Gusto
Gusto, Gulldo (I KNOW I need more of him)

Magic 10
Psi Impulse
Shard of Greed x2
Mage Power
Contact with gusto x2
Miracle Syncro Fusion x2
Emergency Teleport
Creature Swap

Trap 12
Mind Over Matter x2
Whirlwind of Gusto x2
Telepathic Power x2
Blessings for Gusto x2
Limit Reverse
Dark Bribe
Dust Storm of Gusto
Rising Energy


Daigusto Falcos
Daigusto Gulldos x2
Daigust Sphreez
Daigust Eguls x2
Ultimate Axon Kicker
Stardust Dragon
GAGA Cowboy
Number 34 Terror Byte
Lavalval Chain
Illumni Knight
Tin Archduke
Black Rose Dragon

x3 Shadow Imprisoning Mirrors
x3 LIM ^^
x1 Dark Bribe
x2 Thunder King
x1 Beast King Barbaros
x1 Max C
??????? Cant decide

So here is my breakdown . Flaws I feel.

*I feel that this deck does run heavy on the monsters in the draw, but it seems that the gustos need fodder in the graveyard.

* I was thinking of putting a few hand destructions to help with the use of Gryphon.

I feel that I am missing some of the good psychic combos that could be used here.


I feel this this deck has plenty of options to bring out sphreeze and suicide bomb my opponent to death with a smaller gusto monsters. Along with the backfield to prevent from becoming damaged by face downs.

Also has use of F/D destructions using lady ninja and etc.

I am trying to get new cards and not just look at online dueling. This is my real life deck and I feel that just a few more cards can make this deck take tournaments and be a force to reckon with. Thanks so much guys.

descriptionGusto Deck List EmptyRe: Gusto Deck List

i have a psychic gusto deck and at it glance it seems your has quite some junk in it.

Treat gustos as a toolbox, they get smacked in order to bring out required tools for a synchro summon or what not, so only gustos u really need are guldo,egul,winda, musto and caam shud be here for recycling.

as for the psychic side, id suggest u max out esper girl as you will prob use her as the tuner for the most part. silent psychic wizard at 1 and serene at 2, these 3 psychics usually cycle around each other, but u can decide what to do, but at most the wizard should stay at 1.

This deck has the potential for lockdown, so i dont c any hurt for naturia barkion and beast, i even put exterio in my extra deck for the fun of it.

you MUST have psychic teleport at 3, #1 toolbox search lol., and id max out creature swap since majority of ur monster have low atk, its two birds 1 stone with this card, jack their monster, deal dmg, gain ur monster effect.

rest is up 2 u, but ive given u some basics here.

descriptionGusto Deck List EmptyRe: Gusto Deck List

Who use Musto? it's a bad card.

descriptionGusto Deck List EmptyRe: Gusto Deck List

havent had any negatives from it yet o.e

descriptionGusto Deck List EmptyRe: Gusto Deck List

It's just not needed.

descriptionGusto Deck List EmptyRe: Gusto Deck List

Gusto Deck List N860Weu

Decks a format old but I used this in a recent event. I can't be bothered to write about whats wrong with your deck, just use mine .__.

descriptionGusto Deck List EmptyRe: Gusto Deck List

If you can be bothered to wait until about 4:00 pm GMT -8, I can post an analysis of your deck and my recommendations.

I played Gustos a fair bit in the past, so I can help.

descriptionGusto Deck List EmptyRe: Gusto Deck List

Wow, forgot to do this.

Now it's time. :3

Okay, so for monsters, you run:

Gusto Thun Bolt x2
Winda, Priestess of Gusto x3
Silent Psychic Wizard
Gusto Egul
***The Tricky ( Get rid of?)
***Gusto Griffin (Also on chopping block)
Windaar, Sage of Gusto x2
Gusto Codor x2
Reeze, Whirlwind of Gusto x2
Lady Ninja Yae
Esper Girl
Gusto Falco
Quilbolt Hedgehog
Gusto Squirro x2
Serene Psychic Witch
Musto, Oracle of Gusto x2
Kamui, Hope of Gusto
Gusto, Gulldo (I KNOW I need more of him)

My suggestions.

- Well. I'm sorry to say, but this isn't exactly a great beginning. No worries though, Gusto are a hard deck to use. So let's start.

- Ditch the following cards:

Silent Psychic Wizard
The Tricky
Serene Psychic Witch
Quilbolt Hedgehog
Ninja Lady Yae
Esper Girl

Reason why? This is not a Psychic deck. This is not a WIND deck. This is a Gusto deck, and it has a peculiar formula. These cards cannot be used.

- Ditch Windaar. Gustos don't like tributing. Windaar is hard to Special Summon on his own, and otherwise has to be Tribute Summoned. That means he's not good.

- Ditch Griffin. He's bad. No question about it, there are so many better cards.

- Ditch Squirro or whatever that damn rat's name is. He's bad too.

- You need triple Egul, Winda, and Gulldo. That forms the defensive core of the deck. Those cards will cycle through each other, and allow you to grab out Pirika whenever you want.

- Musto is a bad card. Can't be used effectively. Just toss him.

- Double Caam is necessary. Caam is one of your main draw cards. Her recycling power is amazing!

- Use Pirika. She's the newest Gusto card, and has an AMAZING effect. When she hits the field, she gets to take a WIND tuner in your Graveyard and Special Summon it to the field, with it's effects negate. You can only Special Summon WIND monsters for the rest of the turn, but seeing as how your boss monsters are all WIND attributed, that doesn't matter! Don't just use this card. Abuse the crap out of her.

- I haven't thought about it before, but Junk Synchron is a nice tech choice. So is Genex Ally Birdman.

- Windrose the Elemental Lord. Yes yes yes! Use this card for the deck. It has an abusive effect of Heavy Storming your opponent's field when it's Summoned, and has 2800 ATK. You have to have exactly 5 WIND monsters in your Graveyard to summon this thing, but that's no trouble with the recycling power of the deck.

- I suggest throwing in one or two Kamui. She's just a card to quicken the pace of the deck if Pirika can't be used.

- Codor is a bad card. Don't use.

- Thunbolt. Same thing as Codor.

- So, in the end, you need to have the following in your deck.

x3 Egul
x3 Falco
x3 Winda
x2 Caam
x1 Windrose.

These are the necessary monsters for the deck. Also, feel free to tech the WIND Dragon Ruler.

Okay, onto Spells.

So, you run.

Psi Impulse
Shard of Greed x2
Mage Power
Contact with gusto x2
Miracle Syncro Fusion x2
Emergency Teleport
Creature Swap

My suggestions:

- Scrap that whole thing and start over.

- Gustos no longer need Creature Swap, though I admit that was one of my favourite cards to use. :<

- Throw in triple Emergency Teleport. This card can bring out Pirika and Winda whenever you need them, and allow the cards to get off their effects. Great for both protecting yourself, and pulling off a quick Synchro/XYZ summon when you need it.

- Throw in triple Mystical Space Typhoon. Traps are the worst enemy of this deck, and so is that horrid Gravekeeper Field Spell, Necrovalley. With Field Spells get a tech buff in this format, you need to be able to protect yourself against the onslaught of Gravekeeper players that are going to be popping up, as well as the other Trap heavy decks that float around, such as Bujin and Ghostrick.

- Contact with Gusto is a superb card that you need. This card recycles the Gustos in your Graveyard back into your Deck (both Extra and Main) as well as allowing you to destroy a single card on your opponent's field in return. This card adds extra coverage where Mystical Space Typhoon fails, and keeps the deck moving along nicely. Don't overlook this card.

- Pot of Dichotomy is a great card as well. Basically, this card is the replacement of Pot of Avarice, and does a pretty nice job of it. With Psychic, Winged Beast monsters in Main, and others in the Extra, Dichotomy makes for a good recovery to move the deck along.

- Also, if you want to use Ultimate Axon Kicker, throw a Miracle Synchro Fusion into the deck. It's fun to have some shits and giggles with the card.

- Other than that, add the staples of Dark Hole and Book of Moon.

Onto traps.

You run:

Mind Over Matter x2
Whirlwind of Gusto x2
Telepathic Power x2
Blessings for Gusto x2
Limit Reverse
Dark Bribe
Dust Storm of Gusto
Rising Energy

My recommendations:

- Ditch them. All of them. We're starting over.

- This deck needs a LOT of protection. The traps you were running don't provide it. You need to be able to stop monsters with a simple trap activation when Winda, Egul, and Falco aren't out or readily accessible.

- Basically, run the following:

x3 Fiendish Chain
x2 Mirror Force
x1 Bottomless Trap Hole
x1 Solemn Warning
x1 Compulsory Evacuation Device
x1 Blessing for Gusto

That's all you need, and it will help a lot.

Extra deck time! :3

You run:
Daigusto Falcos
Daigusto Gulldos x2
Daigust Sphreez
Daigust Eguls x2
Ultimate Axon Kicker
Stardust Dragon
GAGA Cowboy
Number 34 Terror Byte
Lavalval Chain
Illumni Knight
Tin Archduke
Black Rose Dragon

My suggstions:

- Ew... Let's just dump and start over like with the other sections.

- For the Extra Deck, you need the Gusto staples

x2 Daigusto Sphreeze: She is the boss monster of the deck. With resistance to destruction via battle, and inflicting all battle damage you would take on your opponent, this card is crazy strong. Don't overlook

x2 Daigusto Eguls: This card is Basically your saviour against face-downs when you're out of everything else. Being able to destroy them at the End Phase is big help, as well as carrying 2600 ATK, which is higher than a lot of other monsters.

x1 Daigusto Gulldos: Do you hate boss monsters? Bujintei Susanowoo? Ghostrick Alucard? Black Luster Soldier, Envoy of the Beginning? Well, look no further! Gulldos is here to help. While he may only carry 2200 ATK, this card has the great effect of being able to take two Gustos in the Graveyard, shuffle them back into the deck, and then destroy a face-up monster!

- Run Ultimate Axon Kicker to piss people off. Simple as that.

- Moonlight Rose Dragon is the alternate to Black Rose Dragon. This card will bounce an opponent's Level 5 or higher Special Summoned monster back to hand when either itself, or another Level 5 or higher monster touches the field. Better than Black Rose, because you're not blowing up your entire field to get rid of that one card.

- Armades Keeper of Boundaries, T.G. Hyper Librarian, and Ally of Justice Catastor are great level 5 staples.

- Run Reincarnation Dragon Samsara. This card will bring back a monster from the Graveyard when he gets destroyed, plus his DEF is good for stalling out the match. This card can also grab an opponent's monster, which is also really good.

- Wave-Motion Phonon Dragon is an easy to grab, easy to use Tuner Synchro monster. Grab him if you have nothing else.

- Leviair the Sea Dragon, Wind-Up Zenmaines, and Number 49: Fortune Tune are just some good Xyz monsters to use.

Side Deck, if you want, I will review.

descriptionGusto Deck List EmptyRe: Gusto Deck List

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