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description[LoL] Discuss about your favorite champions Empty[LoL] Discuss about your favorite champions

So as I said before I'm a tanker/jungler so my favorite is Jarvan IV, Zac, Tryndamere (not tank but k.), Xin Zhao.

Also I started playing as a supporter and Kayle is good Smile My favorite now. More like k.le but k.

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when i played it was prob bruzer nida

description[LoL] Discuss about your favorite champions EmptyRe: [LoL] Discuss about your favorite champions

I've switched from Jungle to ADC recently, Lucian and Caitlyn are my top two picks right now. I prefer Caitlyn for her range, usually pick her against ADCs such as Jinx, Dravn, Corki, and Ashe. As for Lucian, i prefer to go against Sivir, Twitch, Tristana, and Varus. Caitlyn has a stronger early game though, but mid to late game they are both on the same level. I've improved my positioning, so i can go against Thresh, Leona and Annie quite comfortably, as long as i have a good support myself.

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Centrik wrote:
So as I said before I'm a tanker/jungler

Tank is not a role. If you go into champ select and say "Tank" you are going to get reported.

Anyways, I usually play mid or jungle. Mid, I play either Gragas or Vel'Koz. Both are very fun to play, but I prefer Vel because LASERS. The lack of escape isn't very fun though. If I'm jungle I play Zac or Rammus. I don't die much if I'm playing either XD. If I have to ADC I play MF. If I have to support I play BC, Taric or Sona. If I have to top then I lose, but I tend to play rumble.

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How you can stand to play gragas after his rework is beyond me. But i can respect it.

Same for Zac lol

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Gragas is still strong.

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description[LoL] Discuss about your favorite champions EmptyRe: [LoL] Discuss about your favorite champions

Cause I main marksmen.
Caitlyn has the best laning of all. Lucian for his poke. I still prefer Caitlyn though. Ezreal for a standard ADC. I also like Tristana, as her late game is pretty beast.

Thresh is coming into my favor more.

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Allrighty then, been playing since s1 and i've had every lane as a main at some point, as of now my fav is lulu. 600+ games with her and i can play her competitively in every lane(including jungle), since her strength is being able to build however the fk you want, ad/ap/as/tanky/supp absolutely whatever you need at the time ^^

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Ikr let's 3some her.

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Centrik for president. You Lost Hope, what server do play at?

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euw >.> unfortunately

description[LoL] Discuss about your favorite champions EmptyRe: [LoL] Discuss about your favorite champions

Too bad, my van is on NA. But, I have an account on EUW that i use once in blue moon, add me anyways: Marquis Vladdy

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Dat name :O Doesn't get more snazzy than that :3

description[LoL] Discuss about your favorite champions EmptyRe: [LoL] Discuss about your favorite champions

I wannet to make it Marquis D. Van but for some reason it didn't let me. lol

description[LoL] Discuss about your favorite champions EmptyRe: [LoL] Discuss about your favorite champions

Well i really like it

[LoL] Discuss about your favorite champions Hv3Nu

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