Dark Hole/Torrential Tribute (Set)
Starlight Road (Set)
Next to be Lost (Set)
Foolish Burial/Gimmick Puppet Scissor Arms
Rank Up Magic Barian's Force
Number 40: Gimmick Puppet of Strings (Extra Deck)
Number C40: Gimmick Puppet Devil String (Extra Deck)
Stardust Dragon (Extra Deck)

Other Cards:
Gimmick Puppet Necro Doll x2 (Anywhere in your deck)
At least 3 Gimmick Puppets in your grave

Optional Cards:
Swords of Revealing Light
Limiter Removal

Here is how it works: You start by using foolish burial or scissor arms to send a necro doll to your grave. Then, you use Necro Doll'e effect to bring itself to life. Then, you use Next to be Lost and target your Necro Doll. Again, you bring Necro Doll back from the grave with it's effect. At this point you have 2 Necro Dolls, a Scissor Arms, and a face down Starlight Road. You want to overlay the Necro Dolls to make a Number 40: Gimmick Puppet of Strings. If your opponent has any face down monsters, Swords of revealing light will come in handy here.
You use Gimmick Puppet of Strings Effect to place string counters on everything. Then, you use Rank Up Magic Barian's Force to summon Number C40: Gimmick Puppet Devil String and destroy all monsters on the field. You use a Necro Doll's effect to summon itself from your grave by removing another Gimmick Puppet. At this point, you have a Necro Doll, a C40, and a Starlight Road face down. You use the Dark Hole in your hand but negate it with your starlight road and special summon stardust dragon. Then, use limiter removal. Attack directly with your Number C40 and Stardust dragon for 8100 damage.