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Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

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Phoenix King
Order of Chaos
Amy Kool
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descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!


Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

Duel Academy members. Today we have big news for you. We are actually getting an upgrade to the new server, our own server this time. This means we are migrating to a completely new website, enhanced with so many features that you cannot believe. We will leave this website, yeah I know, the nostalgia and history of this website is great, but we have finished with forumotion. What forumotion can give us, we came to its maximum. As you can see we did not make any major things to our forum since a long time. There is nothing one could make actually with all limitations that forumotion has set for us. So, we will sacrifice our history here, our posts, our topics and move to the new website. I know you are sad about that, but think about it, what is it that we have here anymore? We login, we try to do same stuff all the time and get bored with it. If we had our own website, we could expand it to the new ground, new possibilities and everything would be much more fun. We believe that we own DA that much. This idea needs a new ground to show its full potential, we cannot simply leave it as it is now. We, staff, are not satisfied with our DA and we want to raise it to the next level. If you are not feeling us yet, let us give your few facts that new site will have so you can have it as comparison between future and now. So, here are some spoilers:

- Website design will be raised to completely new level. You liked this theme, you will fall from the chair when you see new design. You cannot even imagine how awesome it is gonna be, nothing like this one. We are going completely latest standards of design, something that no other ygo forum on the whole planet earth has at this time.

- Tablet and Phones. You will be able to browse the site totally with these devices, fully responsive to your screens of any dimensions. Posting and everything will be totally adapted to mobile use which you struggle now the most.

- Full featured website. Yeah you heard it, we will not be anymore a forum with a simple portal, we will be full website with many features, which we will not reveal yet, something has to stay as surprise after all.

- phpbb3 will be our new forum software. Don't imagine now some forumotion fail forum with phpbb3 on it lol. Things you should know when we say phpbb3 is that it is the most customized and supported free forum software out there. It has so many mods that can be installed there that you can't even believe that shiz. Whatever comes to your mind there, it is possible to be done. Also, new design will cover also our forum which means you won't even feel its phpbb3, we will use all its potential and show you what it means to have a real forum that matches your needs.

- Template flexibility. For example, you are tired to see all this grey/blue color scheme for such a long time. We have hard times to change it due to forumotion, we customized too much and now it is hard to change it, it takes at least week of hard work to make the transition smooth without flaws. But, with new website, you want another set of colors and backgrounds as refreshment? No problem, one click and there it is all customized for you in a minute. So we will change colors, even change whole template look time to time to make your experience always fresh and entertaining.

-Better organization of staff, better organization of events, of whole DA structure. Don't worry we will keep being DA and to our standards that make us DA.

- Leagues and arenas and all these dueling recordings via posts.... All that will be raised to completely new level. New type of registration for events, new type of Leagues and everything just for you people!


And this, is just beginning. We have A LOT OF MORE features that we could tell you, but we don't want to spoil everything here. It just looks much better when you actually see those updates in real, with your eyes! The list of all updates is so long that even my wall posts could not handle so much information Razz

Believe us when we say it, you gonna LOOOOOOVE the new site, the first time you see it, you won't be able to unregister from it! Imagine, whatever you want, we will be able to do for a website (except new dueling system, that one we like to use without doing any effort, when we have it already out there, for free).

So tell us what you think now, are you for this change or not? To have your opinions in percentage, we would like you just to vote as a yes or no and then you can tell us why in replies Smile

 Banana Dance Cool Dance Banana Dance

descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyRe: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

So everyone would have to make new accounts on this site, right?

descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyRe: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

is it like the move dnf did?

descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyRe: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

Yes, new accounts with perhaps some incentives to veteran players. Additionally, because of the new dorm system we want to implement, ranks won't be an issue in transition.

There is that bit of compromise, but the rewards of doing so are great. We would no longer be the best Academy, because we would be way beyond any of that.

I guess the only down side is that the other Academies won't have anything to copy anymore-- which isn't a downside for us.

descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyRe: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

It might take some time for other members to transfer over and also, are you going to have a link to the new site on the portal or something?

descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyRe: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

We are taking measures to make a smooth transition. We won't make a sudden move like that, we will slowly transfer everyone interested and promote moving on to the new site of course. We will provide anything necessary for members to know how to get there and link both sites for some time.

descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyRe: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

Man just woke up and Naity talked to me about this :D GO US. But make sure to put a big banner that says we're moving :D and a link below.

descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyRe: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

Sounds interesting. Hope I get a perk or two  Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! 3974120512 

I'm sure you guys got it covered, but if you need any help just give me a heads up.

descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyRe: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

Yes! we will make a big deal about it and won't happen over night. Don't worry about it, this website won't suffer from lack of activities but I can assure you now that once we go to the new website full steam, events will be bigger and better.

@Powernova: Thanks for your offering! all help we can get will be greatly appreciated. Once we make the lists of things that must be done, we will consider our assets and take on your offer if needed!

descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyRe: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

I've seen this "new website =  better stuff" before with TAU. We closed the original website and opened DC and few months later it died for inactivity, because only few people were actually interested in the new place. A new website doesn't mean better staff, a new website doesn't mean better design, a new website doesn't mean more activity. You're simply killing 5 years of awesomeness so you could have some more control over coding and such. I'm strongly against this idea, even thought i'm hundred percent sure my opinion is ignored and you'll do whatever you want anyways. DA is not about "most active" academy, it's the best place to chill out. If you want a different servers, your own, then go ahead and make it but don't kill DA in order to do that. You can start your own place without messing around with this one. Have you consulted EJ regarding this? He entrusted DA to us, and you want to close this forum? Yes, EJ doesn't play this game, but that doesn't matter at all, DA is still under his ownership regarding if he's active or not and he might have something to say about this. How many members do you truly believe will be active in your new website? Does starting again and erasing 5 years of hardcore-day-and-night-work for a new server worth it? Have you calculated everything including the veteran's feelings which is pretty much the only reason DA is active in such times? Have you calculated your financial stats and you are a hundred percent sure you're able to keep the server running? What makes you say a new website equals a better staff? The same staffers currently in DA will be staffers in the new place, nothing is changed, people's habits are not changed because there is a different name after the www. or before the .net or the .com, people are still people. If you chose to leave the forumotion.com DA's version of forum and go for an independent server where you could make some fancy stuff just for the fun of it then don't, even if you truly believe this is the best thing to restore activity, then you're surely wrong. You don't have to kill this forum and revive it somewhere else. Making a new website - even if you're going to mention that it's an extension to this one - is still considered as a new website without history, staffers without experiences from the newcomers and such. You'll probably have 30 member maximum registering in your new servers, while you're dumping everything else we have right now including thousands of members, thousands of topics, thousands of laughs and fun we shared through the few years we spent in this place. Don't ruin our place just because you're not quite satisfied with it, we're satisfied with it. If you're not, then go make your own place without taking the only thing we care about.

Last edited by Anzobuse on Fri Jan 31, 2014 8:51 am; edited 2 times in total

descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyRe: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

Oh come on I was about to hit 10000 posts QQ It is not that I really like the idea but I guess I can't really do a thing about it...

Still ya guys know that I always can help Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! 3974120512

descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyRe: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

tbh im more like to agree with anzo boi here, even if i dont want.On other side i think there's an option so everyone is happy.Having a site is a great idea, but this forum should stay imo.Why not just make the site, do w/e you want there, all things you plan and just when ppl click on forum, they got here? And here just change minor things from time to time, like colors and shit.
Like i'm sure you guys may do a great forum, but just it wont be da.Yea it will be way better i gues, but yet it wont be da.

descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyRe: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

Anzobuse wrote:
I've seen this "new website =  better stuff" before with TAU. We closed the original website and opened DC and few months later it died for inactivity, because only few people were actually interested in the new place. A new website doesn't mean better staff, a new website doesn't mean better design, a new website doesn't mean more activity. You're simply killing 5 years of awesomeness so you could have some more control over coding and such. I'm strongly against this idea, even thought i'm hundred percent sure my opinion is ignored and you'll do whatever you want anyways. DA is not about "most active" academy, it's the best place to chill out. If you want a different servers, your own, then go ahead and make it but don't kill DA in order to do that. You can start your own place without messing around with this one. Have you consulted EJ regarding this? He entrusted DA to us, and you want to close this forum? Yes, EJ doesn't play this game, but that doesn't matter at all, DA is still under his ownership regarding if he's active or not and he might have something to say about this. How many members do you truly believe will be active in your new website? Does starting again and erasing 5 years of hardcore-day-and-night-work for a new server worth it? Have you calculated everything including the veteran's feelings which is pretty much the only reason DA is active in such times? Have you calculated your financial stats and you are a hundred percent sure you're able to keep the server running? What makes you say a new website equals a better staff? The same staffers currently in DA will be staffers in the new place, nothing is changed, people's habits are not changed because there is a different name after the www. or before the .net or the .com, people are still people. If you chose to leave the forumotion.com DA's version of forum and go for an independent server where you could make some fancy stuff just for the fun of it then don't, even if you truly believe this is the best thing to restore activity, then you're surely wrong. You don't have to kill this forum and revive it somewhere else. Making a new website - even if you're going to mention that it's an extension to this one - is still considered as a new website without history, staffers without experiences from the newcomers and such. You'll probably have 30 member maximum registering in your new servers, while you're dumping everything else we have right now including thousands of members, thousands of topics, thousands of laughs and fun we shared through the few years we spent in this place. Don't ruin our place just because you're not quite satisfied with it, we're satisfied with it. If you're not, then go make your own place without taking the only thing we care about.
For all this time iv'e been on DA i always hated Anzo's way of speaking. And then this came.
He's right, but totally !
If you could just change the server without making a new website that would me great , if not than no.
P.S : Anzo 4 Pres

descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyRe: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

So much feels ..... Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! 2731074536

we are entering the apocalypse of DA.....

Please read:

I'd like to speak my mind about this , even tho ,you consider me new , i have been here since the times of EJ (his funny articles lol).Since the time of playing yugioh Nds only. Have seen most of the things here , new staffs , new admins , new users , inactive one getting back ect . Yes i wasnt active during this times , but i have always visited the site and those great articles , well some of them.

I am around the age of anzo so  i might have experience in life with this kind of stuffs.(i behave like a moron sometimes , just for fun)

To the point:
No other academy , and most forums dont have the staff , the good layout , the original ideas of DA .  Most yugioh forums , suck badly  .... they dont have the life and emotions of DA.

Like anzo said we have memories here ... and laughs , fun , roplaying , duels ....

I'd like to continue this , the EJ style:

"But we love  DA , the admins suck , you suck ...."

OK , now dont be angry , nobody here is saying that they hate DA , and the admins do not suck. This is what is called nostalgia , and sometimes it makes you feel good, and sometimes not...

"No , nostalgia is great , its what give life memories , so why u kill it .... "

Nobody , wants to kill it , but you dont have to be attached to material stuff so much. You came to DA , cause firstly , you liked the activity here and colors and stuff. You didnt attach to the colors and spaces and figures , no ,  you attached yourself to the people here. And if you still have the same friends but drink to a different bar , you are still with your old buddies and continue to have fun regardles of place , or beer mark.

"But .. I lke it here so much ... "

Yes , everybody likes it , but newcomers here , are never grasping the idea of DA , they come here just for spamming and winning Dp's. We have lost quality in the forum. I mean , you could have more fun about yugioh in pojo where half of the users are trolls and the other half are people who like ranting about them , and most of are haters of Konami and the continuos release of new cards .  And if you could have fun on pojo more than here , a serious deticated site then something is not right.

"Screw pojo never went there ,  and screw new users..."

Ok. Bad example. Sorry.  But understand that after sometime people will loose interst for DA , for yugioh and admins are getting tired and bored so what will our legacy be? Nobody knows.
The technology , revving up and new thing comming up , new users are loosing interest to the old stuff quickly. Yes we like old classic games , but they cant compete with the new ones (serious new ones , not half games..) So , its only natural for us to change , keeping users intersted and the old ones learning new things.
ygopro on tablet (yes windows tablet), soon the day will come when we will have yugioh in our tiny iphones and samsungs , why not DA that way too.


I appove the staff , the new site , cause i have seen their oppinos and their way of thinking , so of course , they are doing this for the best of DA. Please dont make this forum like pojo , a rotten apple , a black cave of the trolls , or nostalgias bed.

Ok. That my oppinion . and to end this with the quote from Tristan at ygo abridged :

"Quit living in the past Tea ..."

Ps. No hard feelings . (the above sentense was said with this tone: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! 1968215193 )

descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyRe: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

I agree with making new academy, but not with removing this one! I mean, look at this place! Even a newbie could tell that removing this site is madness! You should make that new academy on a new site, but don't touch this one, unless you want to do regular stuff.

descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyRe: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

We won't delete this DA. It will be here, to show our origins and for nostalgic memories. I understand that many of you have hard times to detach your souls from this place, but that is natural. We admins have decided, this place is not worth anyone's time anymore like this. Yes, some of you are satisfied with this site as your home so whatever it is for you, ygo, LoL or other games, you don't care, you just care for being here. Okay, but that is also not original DA. I remember the times when this place was stunning, full of activity and everything, when our staff effort has been seen in response in events and stuff like that. It has no spark right now. We want to expand DA, we have set a goal once, to always be on top and reach new heights. This is inevitable. If you love DA, if you love what we have accomplished until now, you won't quit on us now. This is for the good of DA, you don't know all things we know and we assure you everything will be good, much better than now. DA is not the real DA until it rocks and sparks! And right now, it is not like that. It needs to be like that.

Also, please do not predict how bad everything will be, you know this place, you might know some history facts, but times change. Don't put yourselves into position that once we launch new place, you get embarrassed by new DA look, feel, functions, members and so on. When we say it is not gonna be anything like you know till now, it is gonna be like that for sure.

Please, support us now and we won't disappoint you.

descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyRe: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

Will this new site have a chatbox that does not use Chatango?

descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyRe: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

Who decided this place is not worth anyone's time? If you think you're wasting your time here then hire someone else who still cares about this place and step down. "do not predict how bad everything will be", same back right at you, "don't predict how good everything will be". I can do this all day and night, Amy, because I know i'm right.

descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyRe: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

Anzobuse wrote:
Who decided this place is not worth anyone's time? If you think you're wasting your time here then hire someone else who still cares about this place and step down. "do not predict how bad everything will be", same back right at you, "don't predict how good everything will be". I can do this all day and night, Amy, because I know i'm right.

Anzo,I think she wanted to say DA should keep pace with time e_e.
She never said it's bad , she only said possibilitys are limited on forumotion hosted forums.

descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyRe: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

Covering a scar with a mask doesn't make the scar disappear, it only makes people more interested in what's beneath.

descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyRe: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

Yeaaahhh, we gon be sexeh.

descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyRe: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

Anzobuse wrote:
Covering a scar with a mask doesn't make the scar disappear, it only makes people more interested in what's beneath.
True that.

descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyRe: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

Anzo is a very wise man.

descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyRe: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

Anzobuse wrote:
Covering a scar with a mask doesn't make the scar disappear, it only makes people more interested in what's beneath.
Holy hell, did you come up with this on your own?

descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyRe: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

The rule of the world is change.  You have to keep up with the times.  Those who do not, both in business and in life, are guaranteed to be left behind.

This is not an issue about this forum being bad, or unworthy of being kept up.  That said, here is my personal analysis of the current situation DA faces:

--New membership has remained fairly stagnant for a long time.  At best, I see 1-2 new *dedicated* members per month.
--Tournaments are nearly to the point of "Impossible to Host".  Please take a look at any recent tournament on the forum.  People are not staying active, they are not showing excitement.  The last YCS had to be cancelled due to inactivity.  The one before (which I hosted) was only moderately successful because I spent A LOT of time sending out PM's, reminding people to duel, and getting people involved - none of which would have been necessary for an active forum.  I have not seen any tournaments recently that have finished on time without drastic numbers of participants dropping out due to inactivity.
--Access of the site via mobile device is clunky to say the least.
--As Amy mentioned, new things to do have not been occurring, primarily because the site as it stands does not have the necessary capabilities to effect changes and new functions.  This stagnation of innovation is a primary factor when looking at how little activity has been generated on this site over the past year.

So let me reiterate, there is nothing bad about this site, but in order to be able to keep improving and changing, Amy is correct in determining that we cannot be bound inside the cage that forummotion keeps us in.  Innovation and change are needed if you want Duel Academy to remain active and prosperous.  The age of the forum-based academy has been slowly coming to a close for some time now.  If you want to keep a strong community that is active and enjoyable, then changes need to come.  Rather than trying to force change down your throat's Amy is being smart here and actively trying to obtain buy-in from you all to get you excited about the change, rather than fearful of it.  How about giving her a chance?

I'll end with this - what's the worst that can happen?  This forum isn't being deleted.  If, in the absolute worst case scenario, the other site doesn't work out, we can still come back to here with no sweat off our shoulders.  On the other hand, if the site is a success, then we'll be having that much more fun.  There is no downside here, and the only cost of doing this is Amy's time and the time of anyone who helps her out.

descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyRe: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

The possibilities with our own servers are all glamorous, flashy and all but they're not worth it and not going to make that big impact in the way this academy is moderated in any way. I had the option to do that years ago when this place wasn't as big or as beautiful as it's now, but there was no way migrating topics and members. and Hell I'm not leaving a single member behind.

Thread locked till further notice !! Sorry for inconvenience.

descriptionDuel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level! EmptyRe: Duel Academy: The Upgrade to the Next Level!

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