Geargia Karakuria
Due to the occurrence of there being only one clear cut tier one deck(Dragon Rulers) it is very common for these decks to top most events, and see the most play, but after the result of this YCS, and other events there seems to be a rise of different decks topping, and catching people off guard. As the winner of YCS Italy Sam Pedigo did with his Geargia Karakuri deck.
Decklist :
Personally I thought it was a much different take on Geargia Karakuri then the normal lineup, because he decided to main deck his side deck options against Dragon Rulers such as imperial iron wall, gozen match, and soul drain. That isn't even including his severe lack of spells.
So tell me what you think of this deck, and the YCS overall.
Last edited by Spade on Mon Dec 02, 2013 12:06 pm; edited 1 time in total