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descriptionOjama (Men in Tights) EmptyOjama (Men in Tights)

I made 2 decks on DN so far, both similar Ojama builds.  This is the one I find working better.

Decklist :

THe strategy of this deck is simple:  Get Ojama Blue, get Ojama Country, mess up their field with the Atk/Def swap while setting up the field for a Delta Hurricane and Gachi Gachi swarm.  It actually works a number of different ways, but it works best when your opponent has at least one low-to-mid level monster just sitting there.  To properly get the cards you need, Blue must often sacrifice itself, along with quite a few of your life points.

Basic strategy:  Let the opponent blow up either Hamster or Mouse.   Get Blue.  Suicide Blue to get Ojamagic and Ojama Country.  Use Country to sack Ojamagic, get Blue back on the field in defense, and have a handful of Ojamas ready to spring.  Either suicide again or have some luck, and you'll have Ojama Red and Ojama Delta Hurricane ready for use.

This strategy is often upset, obviously, as it takes three turns.  Being a 40 card deck with the important cards in triplicate, though, luck should be easy enough to find.  If not, you have Gravity Bind keeping most everything but XYZ's at bay while you prepare a combo.  Ojamagic works well with Super Poly, as well as Ojama Country to summon your important players again. 

If worse comes to worse, Herald of Pure Light is there to get your Blue or Red from the graveyard.  Gachi and Ronin give the deck a very important boost in power; Gachi has 2200 attack points under Country, and Ronin can hold off opponents for as long as you need with little setup if you can't find your searching cards.  Ronin also checks beatdown decks; with two on the field, you have a wll that can only be breached by banishing or bouncing, and a source for tokens to match your opponents toughest monsters.

Key Mouse is huge.  He searches Blue, or Red, and he can summon Clausolas in a pinch.  He's a 2300 beater with a killer ability, or just a solid defensive support if you have trouble searching for country.

This deck has a slightly hard time with Stardust Dragon, who everyone no matter their deck seems to play on DN.  Even so, I win more than I lose with it.

Side deck should include Rescue Rabbit, as well as Dark Hole and Magic Cylinder.  Ground Collapse and an extra Tri-wight can be useful, as will 3 Mystical Space Typhoons and 3 Xing Zhen Hu's, for a more control-oriented build.

So, what do you guys think?  I don't like Green Baboon, no matter how much amazing he brings to the table, but he's a possibility too.

descriptionOjama (Men in Tights) EmptyRe: Ojama (Men in Tights)

Need a screen shot bro Ojama (Men in Tights) 3974120512 and try to get jjh for this. He's pretty good with Ojamen.

descriptionOjama (Men in Tights) EmptyRe: Ojama (Men in Tights)

What is jjh?

descriptionOjama (Men in Tights) EmptyRe: Ojama (Men in Tights)

Zadocfish wrote:
What is jjh?
of course jj is a name
jjh927 is one of the teachers of the site and also a pro with ojamas
take a look at one of his posts

descriptionOjama (Men in Tights) EmptyRe: Ojama (Men in Tights)

Oh, I see. Reading the article, I feel even better; I hit many of the same points he does in my deck.

Actually, the main differences are in my personal rules. These rules are mostly OCD, and go into every deck I build:

No Dragons.
No Fiends.
No DARK-attribute monsters.
No Spellcasters.
Polymerization, the standard price on DN is $6.66, so that's out.

This disables a good amount of what he suggested, though most of the staples are the same. Any other feedback...?

descriptionOjama (Men in Tights) EmptyRe: Ojama (Men in Tights)

Nobody uses poly and it is therefore cheap. Ignore what DN says for cost.

Now, ojamas. Junk synchron and frozen fitz are practically neccesary for ojamas. If you want to win things, there really is no reason for you to exclude specific types and attributes. You're missing out about 25% of the game by not using spellcasters, dragons, fiends or darks.

Your deck? Well, you don't want any super polys. None. Standard polys are better, as super poly won't let you use fusion material from your hand, and only has an advantage in a mirror match. You will not play many mirror matches.

Monsters? Don't use 3 of the vanilla ojamas. Go with 2 of each, and also go down to 2 red. Blue is the only one you want 3 of. 3 super nimbles is all the searching for blue you could need, and key mouse is outclassed as a tuner by junk synchron (whether or not you want to use it).

In terms of spells, go down to 2 ojamagics and 2 delta hurricanes. No need for 3 of either, as in general you will pick them up with a blue search. As mentioned before replace those super polys with regular ones, but go down to 1 or 2 of them. 3 is just too many. You also need a creature swap or two. Remember that if you destroy a blue that you gave to your opponent then you get the search, which makes creature swapping blue a very useful strategy.

Now, a key to this format which you have missed. You need staple cards like MST, compulse and bottomless. A forbidden lance or two could never go wrong either. You don't want gravity bind as it makes ojama country with ojama king utterly pointless, but you could really do with torrential tribute and dark hole.

Lastly, your extra deck. If you need more than one herald you aren't playing the deck right; you should be winning after a second blue search. You only need 1 or 2 ojama knights, certainly not 3, and you're pretty unlikely to summon a second ojama king as well. Play 1 of each. And I obviously would want to see some frozen fitzgeralds and a catastor if you'd put some junk synchrons in.

The real problem, however... Dark mist. You don't have dark mist. *flips table*
Now I don't give a damn if you don't like darks. Dark mist is one of the best ways to deal with anything you can't fight easily, like stardust. So it's neccesary, even if you only use 1.

I'm glad I don't even have to post to be mentioned in ojama topics now. But whenever I see one, my people need me! OJAMASTER AWAY!

descriptionOjama (Men in Tights) EmptyRe: Ojama (Men in Tights)

... Got it on the staples and the problems with numbers.  I just instinctively put 3 of most things I really need in a deck (used to playing Magic the Gathering).  Again, the Dark thing is not optional; I absolutely and simply will not do it.  I have OCD; not OCPD, like Monk, but the actual mental disorder. 

I understand the bit about key mouse, too.  He... really doesn't do much in practice.  As for Ojama king... I can't (see above) use Poly, so he's kind of a secondary concern for me when building the deck.   

I never thought about Creature Swap... I'll probably want to switch for that one, too.  Compulse... After it got Limited, I kind of spaced on using it as a staple.  Torrential Tribute, too!  I should have thought of that.  I did sideboard mst, though.

Thank you for the tips, and I apologize about not being able to take about 70% of them due to my rules. 

PS, I thought I was missing out on a lot more than 25%...  Dragons alone invalidate what seems at times like 40+% of Synchros and XYZ's...

descriptionOjama (Men in Tights) EmptyRe: Ojama (Men in Tights)

Stick around a bit more, go on the chatbox from time to time and we can talk. I like my psychology, and mental issues are somewhat of an interesting area to me. I prefer looking into depression, but other stuff is all well and interesting. I know ways past things. Any mental issues can be overcome. Because seriously, from a yugioh perspective, you're gonna find it difficult to play with limitations on what you use.

And like I said, DN lied. Polymerization is cheap and hardly anyone uses it. It's like $4 around the middle pricing. No reasons not to use it.

descriptionOjama (Men in Tights) EmptyRe: Ojama (Men in Tights)

If you're gonna be running with Junk Synchron now. An Armades wouldn't go amiss here either. Essentially stops the opponent from activating S&T when it attacks and would be an easy summon when used in an Ojama Deck.

descriptionOjama (Men in Tights) EmptyRe: Ojama (Men in Tights)

Little bit late, but:

Ojama (Men in Tights) WZ9NhC1


descriptionOjama (Men in Tights) EmptyRe: Ojama (Men in Tights)

I can't see half of that on the wii U browser and I think I accidentally upvoted it. An imgur link would be appreciated as I like fixing ojama decks and I can only see half of this one.

descriptionOjama (Men in Tights) EmptyRe: Ojama (Men in Tights)

No Necro posting


descriptionOjama (Men in Tights) EmptyRe: Ojama (Men in Tights)

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