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Numbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules

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descriptionNumbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules EmptyNumbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules

Numbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules Number%20hunting%20season%204
You wake up slowly, groggily, in a place you’ve never seen before. Slowly sitting up, you take in your surroundings. It takes you a few minutes to remember exactly what happened.
“I remember… a man. He said he was giving us a chance at… ‘the ultimate power and eternal glory’? And then… The plane. The plane they dropped us from. I must have landed here.”
The shock of being suddenly dumped out of a plane with nothing but your deck, a parachute, and the clothes on your back (not to mention whatever else you may have been carrying) must have put you into a temporary amnesic state. Now that you’ve got your bearings, and your memory, you have to take stock of your situation. Only then can you set out on your assigned task.
Collect all the number cards from the other competitors.

After about an hour, a voice suddenly emanates from seemingly nowhere; an island-wide loudspeaker system.
“Hello, and welcome one and all to my island. You been chosen for a very special reason: You hold a special and unique card called a Number. This Xyz monster is very powerful indeed. However, you are not the only one with one of these cards. Every other competitor here on this island has one of these Numbers as well. If you somehow can’t remember what your number card is, simply look in your extra deck! I have one of several number cards in my possession as well, but I am not a competitor. I only retain them so that none of you can use them! One of which is Number 11: Big Eye. It sits here in my private collection. So that means you won’t have to worry about dueling that guy! Wait, what’s that? Dueling? Ah, yes. I almost forgot. The competition here is a game of duel monsters! The rules are simple: One. In order to take another competitor’s Number, you have to best them in a two out of three match. Two. If by chance you should lose your number card, you can get a new one by winning three consecutive duels against someone who has one. The rest should be explained on the pamphlet in your pocket! It even has a map of the island. Well, here we go! Good luck to you all, and happy hunting!”
After hearing this, you reach into your pocket and pull out a thick pamphlet. You unfold it, and read its contents…

Welcome everybody! Here on this island, you will compete against one another in a survival-of-the-fittest/last-man-standing duel monsters competition! The rules are as follows:

1. You will create a character using the following code, and then post it below:


Name: (Obvious)
Appearance: (How does your character look?)
Number: (Your chosen number card)
Personality: (Obvious)
Objective: (What will you do once you have all of the number cards? Remember: You can choose to either leave the island or stay on it, in addition to whatever you do with the numbers.)
Race: (Human, Fairy, Vampire, Werewolf, Ethereal being, whatever really)
Age: (Optional)
2. You must select a Number that has not already been taken by another competitor.

3. Number 11: Big Eye is banned from this competition, and will be held by the Master of the Hunt for safe keeping!

4. Duels will be held as follows: All duels will be match duels. Siding is allowed, and there are no restrictions on cards. TCG and OCG are both allowed. The winner of the match will receive the opponent’s Number and may add it to their deck. The loser will of course lose their Number. They can get a new Number, however, by winning three consecutive duels against an opponent who has a number card, or against the Master of the Hunt for a new number card entirely, but it will be selected by him.

5. The following decks are banned: Dragon Rulers, Exodia, Burn, Stall, and Instant win. These decks were deemed to not be in the true spirit of this competition, and have thus been banned.

There are also some rules pertaining strictly to your deck.

1. You may only contain one copy of a specific number card in your deck. Example: You cannot have two copies of Number 96: Dark Mist in your deck.

2. After winning another number card, you may add it to your extra deck if you desire.

3. You can edit or completely change your deck at any time. Not during a match, of course, except for siding.

4. If your Number has a “Number C” form, you can only win that after striking the killing blow with your number card against your opponent’s Life Points! After that, you may add a copy of your “Number C” to your deck.

And then there are some important Number-specific rules to remember.

1. Just like in the anime, Numbers can only be destroyed by other Numbers. At least by battle. They can still be destroyed by card effects.

2. You do not have to summon a Number to win one from another player.

Finally, some basic RP rules.

1. Do not godmod. That means you cannot make yourself invincible or otherwise “cheat”.

2. No controlling other people’s characters.

3. If you move to a different area, you must say so somewhere in your post. Otherwise, you cannot properly be tracked down by either other competitors or the RP staff.

4. When challenging someone to a duel, they may decline. If they do so, do not pester them. However, if it is discovered that they are evading every duel, they will be corrected.

5. Put some effort into your posts. People are here to not only win, but to have fun. Many people enjoy reading the RP posts. So make yourself memorable.

6. If you put some extra detail into your post after a duel, maybe detailing the end of it, you may or may not be rewarded. This is not a guarantee.

7. Pay attention to other posts before you. If your post would not make logical sense, fix it BEFORE you post it!

8. Remember, stay active! If you are inactive, your Number may be… repossessed and redistributed.

9. Remember to check the Board often, to see which Numbers are in who’s possession! Located here: http://www.duelacademy.net/t32807-number-s-hunting-season-nhs-participants-and-standings#305909

10. After a duel, post the results of the duel here: http://www.duelacademy.net/t32807-number-s-hunting-season-nhs-participants-and-standings#305909

11. DO NOT duel until the Master of the Hunt gives the all-clear to begin. It is necessary for enough people to join first. However, he did not want to keep people waiting to RP. You may post, but do not duel yet.

The rest of the pamphlet contains a detailed map of the island, and the words...

Happy Hunting!

Last edited by Ezekeil on Sun Oct 13, 2013 1:07 am; edited 5 times in total

descriptionNumbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules EmptyRe: Numbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules

Because I *technically* have a character in this, here's my sheet.

Name: Ezekeil (With my duel spirit Erebus)

Appearance: About 6 feet tall. Lanky. Sort of pale skin. Dark brown hair. Green eyes. Has a device attached to his arm with the letters EBS-1 written on it. It has wires that run up his arm to various other sensors and components. He has a wireless earpiece as well.

Personality: Calm, cool, and calculating. Likes to plan his every move. However, he can get caught in the heat of the moment and make some rash decisions. He doesn’t like his target to escape from him, and may try to hunt them down. Despite being so serious, he can also be quite the joker and likes to mess around frequently. He has a thing for grand entrances and exits, when possible. He frequently talks to Erebus, his Duel Spirit who lives in the device on his arm (The EBS-1). He is very rich, but doesn't really show it. He chooses to wear rather plain clothes, and doesn't act like he is made of money. However, he does own a helicopter that he frequently uses to move around the island.

Race: Human

Age: Between 17 and 20

descriptionNumbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules EmptyRe: Numbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules

Name: John Johnson/Lokos
Appearance: i cant find a picture so i will tell about him. Imagine him like this: 183 cm long guy with dark hair, in purple jacket and duel disk on hand.
Number: 1 copy of Number 39: Utopia
Personality: He is single guy who likes dueling and having fun with his friends, and
other things. He always smiles or laughs, but in serious situations he
completely turns in another guy (in serious one
) No one knows from where he gets his decks but every day he uses
another deck (somebody says he stoled them all, somebody says he have
rich family). For him the best deck is blackwing deck. Also He have dual personality and other guy name is Lokos. No one knows about him and even John doesn't know him very good. Only what he knows is: Lokos is duelist, and sometimes shows up only for him and speaks with him.
Objective: Try to collect the Number cards and find out who is the person making others duel over those cards.
Race: Human
Age: 16

descriptionNumbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules EmptyRe: Numbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules

Name: faervel
Appearance:i look like vampire lord but 16 years old
Number: 53
Personality: quiet,hopeless,tired of life,enjoys making other people suffer(since he believes they do the same to vampires just because they are different),i duel everyone just when i see them for more power
Objective: destroy the sun using numbers' power and make everyone in the island vampires so they can feel how he feels
Race: Vampire-elf
Age: 16(my own age)

Last edited by faervel on Sat Oct 12, 2013 2:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionNumbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules EmptyRe: Numbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules

Name: Cinquième "Cinq" Isume
Appearance: (Ima do a picture, normally i would describe it but im pressed for time today)
Appearance :

Number: Number 104: Masquerade
Personality He has one of the weirdest personalities you will ever find.
Objective: Despite his weirdness he wants to use the numbers to rid the world of dark entities.
Race: Vampire
Age: 20

descriptionNumbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules EmptyRe: Numbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules

Name: Matt/mattg104
Appearance: Blonde hair, about 5'2, wears a leather jacket, short sleve shirt saying "Patterson Mill Huskies", red sweat pants
Number: 102: Star Seraph Sentry
Personality: Kind, Shy, and can be a downer at times, get me ticked off and you know it (just sayin)
Objective: I shall stay on this lustrous piece of nature, and keep the numbers hidden
Race: White skinned Human
Age: 13

descriptionNumbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules EmptyRe: Numbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules

Name: Dante
Appearance: White hair; brown eyes; usually seen wearing a red leather duster, black long sleeve shirt and vest, black leather slacks, and black construction boots. Height: 6'0; Weight: 230 ; muscular build
Number: Number 46: Erethreal Dragon Draggluong
Personality: Cocky, arrogant, works well with others
Objective Update: To help Ezekiel?
Race: Half-demon
Age: Looks 25

Last edited by DanteKennedy on Fri Oct 25, 2013 2:15 am; edited 1 time in total

descriptionNumbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules EmptyRe: Numbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules

Name: Harth

Race: Changeling (Put race before appearance and height and all that crap because otherwise it would make no sense)

Appearance: He could look like anything or any kind of creature. However, to change form to mimic the appearance of someone exactly would be too difficult and would there would be noticeable differences. He can also turn into objects, but can only move if he has the legs to do so. Changes are physically and not just illusions- if he turned into stone, he would be made of stone, and therefore be very resilient but unable to move. Regardless of form, he will remain sentient and still retain awareness of his surroundings.
Height: See above.

Number: Number 17: Leviathan Dragon (I always pick this XD)

Personality: Sly, sneaky and cautious. Harth will be very wary about trusting people, but is unlikely to betray people he knows. Despite this, he'll be quite willing to sneak around, spy on and steal from people he does not know, regardless of who they are.

Objective: To see that the power of the numbers goes to someone he trusts, preferably himself.

Age: 946

descriptionNumbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules EmptyRe: Numbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules

Name: Yugi/Atem
Appearance: Numbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules Yugi-Atem-yu-gi-oh-9147132-500-375
Number: Number 66: Master Key Beetle
Personality: Boss
Objective: Save the world
Race: Super Human
Age: Exodia

descriptionNumbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules EmptyRe: Numbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules

Name: Kanato Takahiri

Appearance: http://api.ning.com/files/c3NX1Zm--meMVRv3UQqePgMnMMxte9I9fyiqiMGPIiDJ-e2g5AMSc4PUZHl647T*l3uR8JCdUIVc3zte0FN778QmDvJO3nZ0/butler1.jpg

Number: 85: Crazy Box (KEKEKE)

Personality: Pretty crazy. Looks to have fun by killing. Like Salader's avatar.

Objective: Numbers = Soul hunting

Race: Human. Crazy.

Age: 16

Btw, I think Nab is godmoding.

descriptionNumbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules EmptyRe: Numbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules

Name: Limo Aritum

Appearance: A Black Shirt covered in Gold crosses, And Black Jeans the go gray at the Knees Pale Skin that tans at the abs, His eyes are green with A glint gold in them.

Number: 107: Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon

Personality: Personnally a Loner, Very serious and LIKES TO KICK ASS AS A DRAGON TRAINER

Objective: Gather all numbers

Race: Barian/Human Bi-racial

Age: 16

descriptionNumbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules EmptyRe: Numbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules

Name: Fuwa Mahiro
Spoiler :

Number:  96
Personality: prideful, naiive, tends to make mess
Objective: find the meaning of his existence
Race: Human
Age: 18

descriptionNumbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules EmptyRe: Numbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules

Name: John Doe
Appearance:Brown Hair 2 blue eyes 2 ears 1 nose 1 mouth under the nose 2 arms 2 legs Height 6'4 Clothes shirt and a pair of jeans
Number:Number 49: Fortune Tune
Personality: Egotistical but rightfully so I mean have you seen him hes great much better then everyone else
Objective: No real objective just wants to make sure everyone else cant complete theres
Race: Human
Age: Early 20s

descriptionNumbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules EmptyRe: Numbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules

Name: Leon

Race: Human

Leon's Appearance :

Number: Number 88: Gimmick Puppet of Leo

Personality: Cursed with immortality, Leo began to cast aside his feelings of love and hate and hid from society for thousands of years.

Objective: His skin would not tear nor would it burn. His bones would not break and Leo could not find his way to rest eternally. N:88 Called to him and proposed he use the power of the Numbers to bring his life to an end.

Age: Forgotten

descriptionNumbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules EmptyRe: Numbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules

Name: Shikai Suzugamori
Appearance:Can't draw and dont have enough time so here:
Spoiler :

Number: Number 69, Heraldry crest
Personality: Shikai is very calm, and almost never panics, as well as friendly to almost everyone, And is a bit of an airhead sometimes.
Objective: Learning the secrets of the world
Race: Seems human, but may be something else...(Suspense DUH DUH DUHN DUHHHHH)
Age: 14

descriptionNumbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules EmptyRe: Numbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules

This sounds fairly interesting, you've definitely got my attention.

Name: Jain
Appearance: Has been known to appear and disappear without warning. Appears to a fairly tall man in his late-twenties, has medium-length black hair, and seems to be well groomed.
Number: Number 74 - Master of Blades
Personality: Not much is known about Jain. Often speaks in a mannerly and condescending fashion, often taunting those who are able to meet this man in person. Often wears a business suit (usually purple). Beyond this, not much is known.
Race: Cheshire Cat
Age: N/A
Epitaph: Phantom of Phantasms

descriptionNumbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules EmptyRe: Numbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules

Name: Salader

If you can be Twisted Fate, who else? :

Number: Number 22: Zombiestein

Personality: Closed minded in terms of who he wants to be around; only works with the strong to excel to be strong.
Weak are useless.
Likes hats
Can Teleport short distances like a boss

Objective:Kill off the weak so that the only the strong shall remain. Then kill those who made him enhanced

Race: Enhanced Human

Age: Unknown to all, even himself.

descriptionNumbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules EmptyRe: Numbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules

Name: Gareth

Appearance: Gareth look rather humanoid, except that his skin is darker, and blue. He has gills two or three inches unbderneath his jaw, on each side of the throat. His eyes are Light-blue, almost glowing. He is bulky and big, being around 6'7 tall. Gareth also has no hair, the only thing that would be ontop of his haid would be two small, streamlined fins poking out just an inch from his head. He, like real sharks, got more sets of teeth than humans.

Number: Number 94: Crystal Zero

Personality: Gareth is a rather fierce character, having a short fuse and he does not like to be messed with. He often wants to show that he is powerful and strong, barely saying no to a challenge at anything. He likes messing with people aswell, and looks down on most.

Objective: He wants to show everyone that he is the strongest, though he would maybe not be that open with saying it to everyone, still, kind of noticable if you get to know him.

Race: A hybrid mixed between human and Shark

Age: Unknown

descriptionNumbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules EmptyRe: Numbers Hunting Season (NHS) Rules

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