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descriptionRank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory") EmptyRank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory")

Deck List
Monsters (17)
Thunder Sea Horse x2
Vylon Prism x2
Mahunder x3
Pahunder x3
Sishunder x3
Honest x1
Batteryman AAA x3

Spells (15)
Dark Hole x1
Recycling Batteries x3
Rank-Up Magic - Numeron Force x3
Rank-Up Magic - Barian's Force x2
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Upstart Goblin x2
Forbidden Lance x2

Traps (9)
Bottomless Trap Hole x1
Compulsory Evacuation Device x1
Fiendish Chain x2
Trap Stun x2
Torrential Tribute x1
Solemn Warning x1

Extra Deck(15)
Crimson Blader x1
Scrap Dragon x1
Stardust Dragon x1
Number 39: Utopia x2
Number C39: Utopia Ray V x1
Number C39: Utopia Ray Victory x1
Number 101: Silent Honors Ark x1
Number C101: Silent Honors Dark x1
Number 102: Star Seraph Sentry x1
Number C102: Starfallen Seraph Noble Archfiend x1
Number 103: Ragna Zero x1
Number 103: Ragna Infinity x1
Number 104: Masquerade x1
Number C104: Umbral Horror Masquerade x1

Side Deck(15)
Stardust Spark Dragon x1
Constellar Belt x2
Prohibition x2
Dust Tornado x2
Gozen Match x2
Imperial Iron Wall x2
Rivalry of Warlords x2
Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror x2

Picture :

Original Build :

2nd Build :

Original Build :

Rebuild 1 :

Rebuild 2 :

Last edited by Kurogano on Sun Mar 09, 2014 3:50 am; edited 3 times in total

descriptionRank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory") EmptyRe: Rank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory")

Check my Number Hunders in the Pro Decklists Sign-ups man for a wicked Rank Up Hunder deck. I made it for my sister but feel free to study it and take ideas or even the deck itself.

descriptionRank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory") EmptyRe: Rank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory")

I, personally think that Photon Thrasher isn't needed in a Hunder deck. It could sometimes be good, but not all the time. Maybe you can take that of and add another duality?

descriptionRank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory") EmptyRe: Rank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory")

Christopher Kaiba wrote:
Check my Number Hunders in the Pro Decklists Sign-ups man for a wicked Rank Up Hunder deck. I made it for my sister but feel free to study it and take ideas or even the deck itself.

I checked out your deck build, but it is not for me. Each duelist has their own play style and strategy. Cards they can and cannot use properly. It is a good deck, but it would be useless in my hands.

Drake wrote:
I, personally think that Photon Thrasher isn't needed in a Hunder deck. It could sometimes be good, but not all the time. Maybe you can take that of and add another duality?

This is correct. I use to run three Photon Thrashers, but that was incredibly cloggy. In early testing it went by unnoticed as the problem never happened. In later testing however I'd draw two and three of them when I was not able to use them. So I changed that out with a third recycling batteries and and second V Salamander.

descriptionRank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory") EmptyRe: Rank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory")

bump for updates to deck as well as adding in cards to be used in an TCG+OCG advance set up.

descriptionRank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory") EmptyRe: Rank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory")

Gave you my word I'd take a look. I'll finish testing tomorrow and give you my opinions, its gotten late.

descriptionRank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory") EmptyRe: Rank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory")

This is what I've come up with:
Rank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory") PsqnarK
Singles: 17-8
I've only spent about 10 hours on this, so it isn't great, but for what you wish to do, I hope it can prove useful. I can break it down if you'd like, just hit me up. Here are a couple screens of how its performed after the final edits:
Rank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory") TGcVF4l
vs. Evoltiles: Masquerade FTW
Rank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory") RlU7aFe
vs. Heros: He/she got a couple big plays off, but I just kept coming. Decree put in work here.
Rank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory") YIgPe6v
vs. Monarchs: Fiendish Chain pretty much murdered him/her.

Hope these will prove to be useful.

descriptionRank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory") EmptyRe: Rank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory")

PowerNova wrote:
Spoiler :

Try taking out Decree and replacing them with Trap Stun

descriptionRank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory") EmptyRe: Rank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory")

Stun could probably do better, since it doesn't lock you out of your traps. I went Decree because of how I played the deck. Choice is yours Kuro

descriptionRank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory") EmptyRe: Rank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory")

Quick question before I head into testing the new build. What are that spell card you have in the side?

descriptionRank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory") EmptyRe: Rank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory")

Constellar Belt

descriptionRank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory") EmptyRe: Rank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory")

Well the test turned out a deck that was at a 68% win rate. (34W and 16L)

I've decided for my decks in the less that there will be levels... so that when I'm facing anyone here they will get my best.

Spoiler :

Anyway I ran the test with what PowerNova suggested with Trap Stun instead of Royal Decree; As well as running one Rank-Up Magic The Seventh One instead of 3 Upstart Goblins. The deck ran smoothly at the beginning, but later on I noticed I'd lose duels simply because I couldn't draw more the one monster. While that was just luck of the draw I decided to increase the odds after the testing was done. I added back in the 3 Batteryman AAA while removing the Summoner Monk, 1 Fiendish Chains and 1 Mystical Space Typhoon. This should allow for slightly more consistency when it comes to that. I choose those 3 cards because it wouldn't make the deck worse then it was on the fiendish chains/Mystical Space Typhoon front, and summoner monk was essentially useless with no synergy to the deck. The only thing it was good for was starting Crimson Blader/Scrap Dragon/Stardust turn one depending on what the opponent had and whether you went first or not. This is not to mention by putting back in the 3 Batteryman AAA the deck will be a lot more consistent in XYZ for Number 102 and Number 104.

When it came to Rank-Up Magic the Seventh One... I didn't get the results I intended. I original placed it into the deck as a comeback mechanic. Kind of like a heart of the cards deal. Drawing this card at the right moment can and easily will turn a duel around. However this didn't occur. Since the card can only be played if drawn during the draw phase it would be risky to run anymore then one especially when running upstart goblin. With only being able to run one it also become in consistent and completely luck based in when it comes. Several times I had it in my opening hand now completely useless. Any other time I drew it. I didn't need it and it was simply adding insult to injury. Since that was the case I replaced it with A third Recycling Batteries. I could have gone for the third upstart goblin or mystical space typhoon, but I preferred being able to recycle what was in the graveyards then the other options.

When it comes to the extra deck. I took 4 of the XYZ suggested which came from the deck original build. This was to add in more Rank-Up targets. These in particular were Number 102 and Number 103. Both these cards preformed well when played, but the deck still leaned towards playing Number 39 and Number 101 more.

Finally when it came to side deck... with Summoner Monk removed Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning was useless, and since the batteryman AAAs were placed in the main deck this left 3 spots open. I decided to put back the two Shadow-Imprisoning Mirrors because the deck still had a little trouble with certain dark based decks. For the last part I choose Stardust Spark Dragon. It would be interchangeable with Stardust dragon depending on the deck I'm playing against.

descriptionRank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory") EmptyRe: Rank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory")

Glad to hear some of the suggestions worked out.

descriptionRank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory") EmptyRe: Rank-Up-Hunder! (AKA "A Hope for Victory")

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