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descriptionWatt-Hunder Fix [911 Help] EmptyWatt-Hunder Fix [911 Help]

Peroxide's Watt-Hunder Deck
Spoiler :

Watt-Hunder Fix [911 Help] BS6JpTk
Deck Name: Wattayalookinat?

Hello, beautiful people. I'm Peroxide and I bring forth the Competitive Deck I currently use for your analyzing and criticizing. I understand that it's not the best deck around but it's my first attempt at doing something worth of a deck. The above screenshot is of how the deck itself looks without any siding (except for Angineer and Gustav Max at the end of the Side Deck and Extra Deck, those two should be in the other's place).

The deck listing of such Deck is as follows in the spoilers below:

Spoiler :

Spoiler :

Basically? It's meant to be fast, and to swarm the field with as many Watts, Xyz and Synchro Monsters as possible, while the opponent's field is as empty as possible and attacking directly. The main strategy is stopping the opponent from attacking with both Swords of Revealing Light, Messenger of Peace, Mirror Force and Torrential Tribute. While the opponent is unable of attacking Mahunder and Pahunder swarm the field, and then proceed to Xyz between themselves, or to Synchro Summon Thought Ruler/Starsdust if Vylon Prism comes to the field. Thunder Sea Horse allows me to draw either Mahunder, Pahunder or Vylon from the deck, at the cost of not being able to special summon till next turn. All Watts in the main deck can attack directly, triggering their effects that can stop the opponent from activating spells/traps, and to get even more Watts from the Deck. Once the field is swarmed I can Synchro Summon Wattchimera or Watthydra, and, well, attack directly for game. Chaos Sorcerer and Black Luster can also come in handy, but first the Tour bus/Guide need to be sent to the Graveyard. Honest is back-up from attacks. =)

If need be, I can side for Watthopper, in order to lock the opponent by drawing them with Sea Horse, and/or Summoning them with Mahunder/Pahunder. Double Summon is for ensuring the field being swarmed for Watthopper/Vylon Prism. Threatening Roar is very much self-descriptive. The Reflect Slimes are an emergency resource, and if two can be brought upon, then Gustav Max can be summoned. The other Synchro/Xyz are also for when the situation needs them. More than oftenly I will swap these above cards for copies of the Watts.

I ask for your tips, and advice, as to what the Deck needs for better coverage, what is shouldn't be running, and what it lacks as a whole. I mostly want your feedback on how to stop cards that break thru the Deck (i.e. cards that banish, monsters with less than 1500 ATK, cards that destroy spells/traps/monsters/all cards on the field/other Stardust Dragons, etc, etc). I so far have very few problems, only with those people that run Decks with equally weak monsters in terms of ATK, so I would very much appreciate all help and tips you could give me. Thank you for your time~

Last edited by Peroxide. on Mon Jan 20, 2014 3:57 am; edited 1 time in total

descriptionWatt-Hunder Fix [911 Help] EmptyRe: Watt-Hunder Fix [911 Help]

man , your a pro at writing.

maybe u have figured this but here is a good article for wats.

start from here:

link in :

If u werent able to improve ur deck , we ll help. Watt-Hunder Fix [911 Help] 129453283 

descriptionWatt-Hunder Fix [911 Help] EmptyRe: Watt-Hunder Fix [911 Help]

ddeevviiss wrote:
man , your a pro at writing.

maybe u have figured this but here is a good article for wats.

start from here:

link in :

If u werent able to improve ur deck , we ll help. Watt-Hunder Fix [911 Help] 129453283 

Lol, I'm definitely not a pro, I'm just good at rambling Razz

I saw it, and gave it a read, two read, maybe seven... or thirty. It did help me out a lot, and I found some useful articles online. I changed my side deck a bit, and added some cards here and there. I ended removing and changing most from one deck to the other. I found no trouble except for when facing Fire Fists and Madolches o.o

Most notably, 2 copies of Magic Cylinder were added to the Main Deck, without removing any, thus bringing the total count to 42 cards. In matter of Side Deck, I removed one copy of Watthopper, Double Summon, both copies of Metal Reflect Slime, and the only copies Crimson Blader and Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max from it. In exchange, I added 2 copies of Wattdragonfly, 1 copy of Dimensional Fissure, One for One, Photon Lead, Waboku and two copies of Dust Tornado.

From the Extra Deck: I removed both Watthydra, and moved Gagaga Cowboy and Light End Dragon from the Side deck to it in return.

The Deck, after siding, won a match (2-0 favoring me), and lost another one (0-2 favoring opponent). The first post of this Thread will be updated with a screenshot of how the recipe looks now, and the written portion of it shall be updated as well. Any and all feedback on its current state would be much appreciated :3

descriptionWatt-Hunder Fix [911 Help] EmptyRe: Watt-Hunder Fix [911 Help]

Hm maybe you forget about the Chaos and use Light Monsters only. Is that a good deal for you?

descriptionWatt-Hunder Fix [911 Help] EmptyRe: Watt-Hunder Fix [911 Help]

What he said^^

You have 6 dark monsters (with 2 socrerers e.e) and you won't use them a lot in this deck

descriptionWatt-Hunder Fix [911 Help] EmptyRe: Watt-Hunder Fix [911 Help]

playtested your deck , funny to play but it lacks stability...

it needs more traps  , for field control  

+ 2 D-prison
+ 1 Solemn warning
+ 1-2 Threatening Roar (better then swords of light , cause it doesnt stay on the field , so it cant be negated)
+ 1 Malovent Catastrophe (personal tech , for those heave backrow decks)

- 1 Torrential Tribute (worst scenario , u destroy ur own Watts , they need to be on the field)

- chaos engine

why no dark hole here ?

either way  Watt-Hunder Fix [911 Help] 3479277773

descriptionWatt-Hunder Fix [911 Help] EmptyRe: Watt-Hunder Fix [911 Help]

Yamato wrote:
Hm maybe you forget about the Chaos and use Light Monsters only. Is that a good deal for you?

BlackWarGreymon wrote:
What he said^^

You have 6 dark monsters (with 2 socrerers e.e) and you won't use them a lot in this deck

Hmm... Well, the tour guides are for fast synchro summon and Black Luster Soldier is... Black Luster Soldier. But I get why you're telling me to remove them, as BLS needs me to have at least one of those 6 DARK monsters on my graveyard, which do take a time to get there. I can in fact take them out, which will, in turn, allow for cards that boost monsters of a single type/attribute, such as Solidarity. I just need to think what to replace Black Luster Soldier with.

ddeevviiss wrote:
playtested your deck , funny to play but it lacks stability...

it needs more traps  , for field control  

+ 2 D-prison
+ 1 Solemn warning
+ 1-2 Threatening Roar (better then swords of light , cause it doesnt stay on the field , so it cant be negated)
+ 1 Malovent Catastrophe (personal tech , for those heave backrow decks)

- 1 Torrential Tribute (worst scenario , u destroy ur own Watts , they need to be on the field)

- chaos engine

why no dark hole here ?

either way  Watt-Hunder Fix [911 Help] 3479277773

I'll definitely be adding those, just gotta think what to take out, aside from the dark types xD
I'm not sure why, but adding Dark Hole never really crossed my mind o.O I might as well throw that in x3 I'll most likely drop the chaos engine, tho.

Meanwhile, thank you to all three of you, for both giving feedback on this deck and giving me something to do with it right now Razz

[PLACEHOLDER, will be edited in with whatever changes are made to the deck. Such edit shall occur when I have decided what to take out.]

descriptionWatt-Hunder Fix [911 Help] EmptyRe: Watt-Hunder Fix [911 Help]

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