Deckmaster Arena Rules & Information

0. You must use a Deck Master for Deckmaster Duels.

1. Only duel option is match (best 2 out of 3) duel.

2. For each single duel win (in a match duel) you get 30 Duel Points, if you lose a duel you don't lose anything.

3. Whenever you play someone, you or your opponent has to confirm that he played you, but if you have a clear screenshot of the result and duel agreement between each other it will still suffice.

4. If you are using screenshot as a proof you must state your opponent's DA Name. If you don't, your screenshot will just be ignored.

5. You cannot duel an opponent that has the same IP like you. If you do, you risk to be permanently banned from Duel Academy.

6. All suspicious actions will be evaluated and the staff will judge if they were some kind of abuses or not. If your actions are marked as an abuse of our system, you risk to be permanently banned from Duel Academy.

7. You cannot duel the same person many times in a row. That could be interpreted as an abuse of our system and staff can take necessary actions against you including permanent ban.

Deckmaster in-game rules
1. At the beginning of the game both player banish their deckmasters (not facedown but the normal banish) and duel normally

2. LP are being counted till the moment a deck-master steps on the field. Remember you can summon a deckmaster without any costs and cards like Solemn warning can't negate the summon.

3. When the deckmaster steps on the field the life-points are stopped counting. The player will lose on the end-phase in which the deckmaster is absent from the field.