DA Regular Tournaments Rules & Information

DA Regular Tournaments are normal type tournaments hosted continuously in DA with no additional rules given. This is for members who do not like twists in tournaments, the ones who just want to play raw style by rules defined offically for the game. Regular Tournaments have predefind deadline, they don't wait for anyone, since they are continuously hosted, the deadline cannot be prolonged.

The Rules
-Advanced TCG Banlist (March 2013)
-Best 2 out of 3 match duels
-No deck changing between the rounds
-Side decking allowed
-Screenshot wins to solve possible confilicts
-Deadline for each round will be 1 week after it began

The Rewards
1st Place: Dorm Rank-up to Ra Yellow + 2500 DP + Medal
2nd Place: Dorm Rank-up to Ra Yellow (IF we have 32 participants) + 1500 DP
3rd Place: 750 DP
4th Place: 750 DP

The Rankings
Regulars are also counted in our Rankings & Scores. You can see them HERE. By clicking on "Regulars Overall" button, rankings for the regulars will be shown.

Table summarizes scores for each Player that gets 1st or 2nd place in a Regular Tournament.

1st Place = 10 pts.
2nd Place = 5 pts.

If two players got same number of points, the one with more Regular Tournament wins will have the advantage, and it continues like that.