Quiz League Rules & Information

We have 4 types of quizzes/puzzles. Regular Quiz of any kind, Guess that Card, Guess that Character and Duel Scenarios. All these give you DP as reward but also count the score in the Quiz League.

Quiz League is basically the rankings for correct quiz answers. It has two basic informations: Number of correct answers & number of hints given. Now, every type of quiz has time for members to give answer. If answer is not given in time, the hint is given. If even then no one comes with the right answer, another hint is given. After that, if no one knows the answer, DA will answer it for you and proceed with next question.

Each correct answer gives you +3 PTS in League. However, with every hint, those points decrease by 1. So, answer without hints is 3 PTS, answer with 1 hint is 2 PTS and answer with 2 hints is just 1 PT. If two duelists have same number of points, the 2nd algorithm triggers and to the one with less hints used is given the advantage.

League is composed of Seasons. Each season might have its own additional rules or changes to points system. Follow the annoncements for that. At the end of each Season, winner will be rewarded with decent amount of DP and an Achievement.

League is found under our Scores & Rankings link, by pressing the "Quiz League" button.