Hey there DA! Today I have been working nasty on the new code and guess what? I did it and your eyes shall have an orgasm to it! :D

You can read everything about Pro Decklists here:

Rare YGO Decklists were a hard to make project but this one is very similar with much easier options. You just post your deck and we review it. No lists, no requests and long voting like before! :D

All this of course is tweaked by my code which you can see in nice looking template for those decks. Now we will be more encouraged to read those decks and guides since it satisfies our eyes :D

There is a new concept too. Deck Building Reputation. Yeah, a profile field which will indicate your skill as deck builder. Handy isn't it? For those who love great and challenging deck building, BDR is perfect way of showing your own skill in beck building. When you get high rep in this, your deck shops will be more valuable, you will be more known since those decks will be used and read by many users, from DA as well as strangers. And, at the end, if your deck gets accepted as Pro Decklist, you gain 1000 DP!!!



Banana DanceCool DanceBanana Dance