lolool... you made me laugh with zombye commander pic XD he looks like "someone"... XD
anyways about the cards ... hmmm.. unique effects... AWESOME PICs (and funny for zombie commander XD )but... tooo bad grammar!!! some cards are overpowered (don't compare them with gorz, because he's a situtionnal card) : -zombie left signal: because you can add ANY zombye type monsters to your hand, not only cards of this set, so ,if you say: discard 1 from your hand to add 2 from your grave to your hand it will be almost perfect (in addition it will be cool witht the pic of the card)
-Zombie signal: You can add any zombye you want to your hand so... it maybe good with this eff: field spell: Once per turn, while your opp. declare an attack, you can pay 500 to add 1 Zombye type monster from your deck to your hand. During the End phase of a turn where you activated this eff, discard all of the selected card(s) to the Graveyard.
it can also help to mill plaguespreader and mezuki ^__^
-marvel zombie killed: more powerful than sinister serpent eff (banned card) XD... it would be more balanced if you said: you can only use this eff once per duel
or: when this card is destroyed by battle and send to the graveyard you can pay 500 to put in on top of your deck
-Zombie takeover: the most overpowered card of this set lol... it can be an instant +3 so... make its eff like beckoning light eff or like that: Discard all cards in your hand to the grave. add 4 zombyes from your grave to your hand. You can only activate this eff while you have 3 cards or more in your hand
-zombye union: not very overpowered, but it need a little cost:P like: pay 500LP during each of your Draw phases or destroy this card ^___^