LS still loses to any type of decent side decking. LS has never won a major tournie and I still don't think they ever will simply because of how horrible they are when the opponent sides against them.
BW's are still feasible and will probably see a lot of play still.
GB's are gonna be rough and tough. Their only really hits were Cat and Monk limits, but they have plenty of ways to patch up the holes in the deck.
Synchro Cat is, sadly, dead.
Black Salvo decks are probably dead unless someone makes some bigs changes to them.
Monarchs may see some more play with Raiza unlimited so there can now be 3 Raiza and 3 Caius.
Zombies may see a bit of play with Mezuki semi'd, but with CoSR banned and plaguespreader still limited they're still not too awesome.
Black Garden decks may have some fun, but with Lonefire semi'd their consistency is a bit off.
Dark Skill Drain will probably come back to being Tier 1 simply because they weren't hit too hard by the list while other decks were.