Hello DA members who helped DA becomes what's it's now.
Lately,there's been lack of events and which caused some inactivity and abit inactivity in discussing decks..and to fix those problems.
It's time to provide DA with more caring active staff

Administrators :
EJ : Leader of Duel academy and supervisor of other administrators.

Jin Kazama : EJ's right hand..He'll be leading DA when he goes inactive..He's the security (responsible for giving warnings and reversing them and applying punishments) and Staff Admin (responsible for hirings and firings of staff)...Contact him for complains about staff or feedback

Nekofjung : The Deck advisor administrator...responsible for fixing decks/ruling questions and leading deck advisor groups and making sure they're active helping DA member in same stuff.Contact him if you wanna be deck advisor

Unkown : He's responsible for Advancement System after Jin Kazama became security and staff administrator.also he's the leader of article team...Contact him if you wanna be OATM

Dante : He's events admin...Responsible for keeping events hosted by other people active...and fixing issues about who starts his tourney first after buying tournament item.Also He's head of testers.

Itachi the Criminal : Widgets/Graphics Admin...He'll be accepting banners,renewing widgets every week.

Moderators :
FenixFX : the head of moderators group
Kira Amadeus
Neji Hyuuga

All of them will be locking,filtering spams,transferring DP

Testers :
Renji Abarai

Teachers and AAs will be removed...any complains about staff.Contact Jin Kazama
and done