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descriptionSix Sams EmptySix Sams

Monsters: 18

Kagemusha of the Six Samurai x3
Legendary Six Samurai Kageki x3
Legendary Six Samurai Kizan x2
Grandmaster of the Six Samurai x2
Elder of the Six Samurai x2
Legendary Six Samurai Enishi x1
Hand of the Six Samurai x1
Spirit of the Six Samurai x1
Future Samurai x1
Great Shogun Shien x1
Effect Veiler x1

Spells: 15

Shien's Dojo x3
Six Samurai United x3
Shien's Smoke Signal x2
Gateway of the Six x1
Reinforcement of the Army x1
Dark Hole x1
Monster Reborn x1
The Warrior Returning Alive x1
Heavy Storm x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1

Traps: 7

Fiendish Chain x2
Musakani Magatama x2
Mirror Force x2
Solemn Judgement x1

Extra Deck: ?

Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En x1
Shadow of the Six Samurai - Shien x1
Number 39: Utopia x1
Black Rose Dragon x1
Wind-Up Zenmaines x1
Leviair the Sea Dragon x1
Blade Armor Ninja x1

This has taken me a great deal of time to build. I play this one for my tournaments now and it's been working beautifully. Though, lately it has been slowing down a bit and I have been getting a little more push back then I am used to. I know the Extra Deck isn't completed and I did not include a Side Deck but I was hoping with C&C people would be able to help me. Thanks everyone and I hope you enjoy it. Not like you haven't seems dozens of these xD

Last edited by Jun-Lian Chang on Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionSix Sams EmptyRe: Six Sams

I forgot to add a monster and added one too many traps.

Effect Veiler x1
Double-Edged Sword Technique -1

Last edited by Jun-Lian Chang on Thu Feb 28, 2013 9:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionSix Sams EmptyRe: Six Sams

Jun-Lian Chang wrote:
I forgot to add a monster.

Effect Veiler x1

Don't double post. If you missed anything, edit it into your main post.

descriptionSix Sams EmptyRe: Six Sams

Interesting build. Let me tell you what I would change

I would replace the chains with a Solemn Warning and A Shien's Smoke Signal, since it's going to three

Replace the Future Samurai with an Effect Veiler, and one of the Grandmaster with an Elder

I would replace the other Grandmaster and a Shien's Dojo with the Asceticism of the Six Samurai, since it works well

Shogun Shien isn't really needed that much. Replace with Irou or Hand unless you're running him at two or three

For extra deck, add Ally of Justice Catastor, Naturia Beast, Naturia Barkion, T.G. Hyper Librarian, Gaia Knight the Force of Earth, Heroic Champion Excalibur and Maestroke the Symphony Djinn.

For side deck, I'd throw in double Thunder King, double Maxx "C", both Imprisoning Mirrors, Heroic Champion Kusanagi, Heroic Champion Gandiva, Number 16: Shock Master, and Vylonn Disigma

EDIT: This is what my fixes would make your deck look like

Six Sams LLI0fst

descriptionSix Sams EmptyRe: Six Sams

Thank you so much Naito! I played with it and it worked like a charm <3 The extra Effect Veiler made such a huge difference as well as the Naturias. Much more than I thought anyway. Again, thanks loads :D

descriptionSix Sams EmptyRe: Six Sams

Glad I could help.

Well, I think this is another solved workshop.

If you need any more help, make sure to say now. Otherwise, this topic will be locked.

descriptionSix Sams EmptyRe: Six Sams

I'm going to build on this.

-1 Grandmaster
-1 Effect Veiler
-1 Enishi
-1 Shogun

Grandmaster doesn't need to run more than 1, Effect Veiler and Enishi are both not good in next format. Shogun can get clunky.

-2 Shien's Dojo

While this allows you to get counters and extra summons, it seems awkward to run at three.

-1 The Warrior Returning Alive

It's just not fast enough for how you should play the deck.

-1 Magatama

Not as good as it seems, especially not against Water.

+2 Asceticism of the Six Samurai

Lets you make good plays with Elder for extra Synchros.

+1 Smoke Signal

Going to 3.

+1 Solemn Warning

Good card.

+2 Mystical Space Typhoon

Another good card.

+2 Torrential Tribute

This card is just about the best in the game right now. Better than Mirror Force.


-1 Utopia
-1 Shadow Shien
-1 Leviair

+ Ally of Justice Catastor
+2 Naturia Beast
+ Naturia
+ T.G. Hyper Librarian
+ Gaia Knight the Force of Earth
+ Heroic
Champion Excalibur
+ Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
+ Temtempo
+ Abyss Dweller
+ Blackship of Corn

That's about a standard extra deck. There could be arguments either way on a few cards.


3 Effect Veiler
3 Droll and Lock Bird
3 Mind Crush
2 Thunder King Rai-Oh
2 Dust Tornado
2 Bottomless Trap Hole

Side is done a little quickly, but I think it covers most of the big decks you'd have a problem with.

descriptionSix Sams EmptyRe: Six Sams

Oh yes, I would love some more help from anyone who will give it Smile

descriptionSix Sams EmptyRe: Six Sams

OOOOOH!!!!! YES! Oh Shit MY STRONGEST DECK. I have tons of knowledge about this lol. I will show you the true despair of this archetype.

Monsters: 15

Kagemusha of the Six Samurai x3 (It's the only tuner. So sure, max it.)
Legendary Six Samurai Kageki x2
Legendary Six Samurai Kizan x3 (You gotta run max for Gateway of the Six e.e)
Grandmaster of the Six Samurai x1 (You can't control 2 Grand at the same time. It will be a waste. So replace it with Kizan.)
Elder of the Six Samurai x2
Legendary Six Samurai Enishi x1
Hand of the Six Samurai x1
Spirit of the Six Samurai x1
Future Samurai x0 (Not good. It will rude the combo.)
Great Shogun Shien x0 (This is a good card. But since we have Shien, people don't use it.)
Effect Veiler x0 (Side it e.e)
+1 The Six Samurai - Zanji (For Asceticism to XYZ.)

Spells: 15

Shien's Dojo x2
Six Samurai United x3
Shien's Smoke Signal x2
Gateway of the Six x1
Reinforcement of the Army x1
Dark Hole x1
Monster Reborn x1
The Warrior Returning Alive x0
Heavy Storm x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x0 (Main 1 will do nothing e.e Side it or main it 2-3. But siding is better.)

Traps: 10

Fiendish Chain x0
Musakani Magatama x2
Mirror Force x0
Solemn Judgement x1
+2 Bottomless Trap Hole
+2 Double-Edged Sword Technique
(For more synchro, why not?)
+1 Solemn Warning
+2 Compulsory Evacuation Device

Extra Deck: 15

Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En x1
Shadow of the Six Samurai - Shien x1
Number 39: Utopia x0
Black Rose Dragon x1
Wind-Up Zenmaines x1
Leviair the Sea Dragon x1 (This will be useless e.e)
Blade Armor Ninja x1
+1 Scrap Dragon
+1 Scrap Archfiend
+1 Gaia Knight, The Force of Earth
+1 Ally of Justice Catastor
+1 Naturia Barkion
+1 Naturia Beast
(This is a negation deck. Why no Naturia?)
+1 Stardust Dragon
+1 Heroic Champion - Excalibur
+1 Maestroke The Symphony Djinn
+1 Number 17: Leviathan Dragon

Six Samurai with no side deck is very dangerous. You should make one. Hope I help you.

Last edited by Centrik on Fri Mar 01, 2013 2:58 am; edited 2 times in total

descriptionSix Sams EmptyRe: Six Sams

I love it! Thanks Centrik :D I'll make another deck for this one and when it's done would you like to duel me? I'd like to see how it does against someone who knows how to use it haha.

EDIT: I'm also seeing more and more that Grandmaster is getting pushed back in terms of usefulness T.T It's kind of sad actually. He used to be such a great card. I wish I had stayed with the game. I'd not used to XYZ yet but I'm steadily getting acclimated.

descriptionSix Sams EmptyRe: Six Sams

That's not a problem at all. And look up at my updated extra.

descriptionSix Sams EmptyRe: Six Sams

There are only twelve traps there. Do you mean to add 3 Asceticism of the Six?

descriptionSix Sams EmptyRe: Six Sams

Jun-Lian Chang wrote:
There are only twelve traps there. Do you mean to add 3 Asceticism of the Six?

Yes. I forgot to add it, sorry.

descriptionSix Sams EmptyRe: Six Sams

No worries! I got it in anyway and three came in very handy xD

descriptionSix Sams EmptyRe: Six Sams

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