Recently we have seen that few members found a flaw in our profile field values which you know as "DN Name" and "YGOPro Name". We have put option to input a whole text which enabled use of bbcodes of course, but our intention was to let you write multiple names for accounts on those dueling systems if you have any.
However, few days ago, we saw that those fields were abused. We silently deleted the rank image put into one of those profile fields of one member in hope that he/she will understand it, because only staff can update that fields except them. Even that was not helpful and the plague has spread to more members. Now, we are at the point where we could chase you, punish you for abusing the obvious, fields are meant for dueling system names only, not for rank images. But, we are Duel Academy and we don't go to such low level.
Thus, we cleared those fields for everyone and put them on steroids. Now, all "DN Name" and "YGOPro Name" fields are empty for everyone and you cannot input bbcode into them anymore.
We apologize for the inconvenience and we would like you all to fill those fields again.
We could not do it without any consequences, so yea, it is better this way for the future, there will always be people who want to abuse the system and with this update, we disabled that possibility.
Thank you for your attention.
However, few days ago, we saw that those fields were abused. We silently deleted the rank image put into one of those profile fields of one member in hope that he/she will understand it, because only staff can update that fields except them. Even that was not helpful and the plague has spread to more members. Now, we are at the point where we could chase you, punish you for abusing the obvious, fields are meant for dueling system names only, not for rank images. But, we are Duel Academy and we don't go to such low level.
Thus, we cleared those fields for everyone and put them on steroids. Now, all "DN Name" and "YGOPro Name" fields are empty for everyone and you cannot input bbcode into them anymore.
We apologize for the inconvenience and we would like you all to fill those fields again.
We could not do it without any consequences, so yea, it is better this way for the future, there will always be people who want to abuse the system and with this update, we disabled that possibility.
Thank you for your attention.