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Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

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bakura normal
Jue Viole Grace
Whatup Nab
Amy Kool
15 posters

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System - Page 2 EmptyContribution & Reputation Points + Report System

First topic message reminder :

Today, Duel Academy gets few new little features that will enhance your experience with this site.

Report System

Recently you requested from us to add the report system with a button where you can report certain posts if you think something is against the rules there. There it is, a small icon Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System - Page 2 Report10 above the post itself, along with other post buttons. When you click it, a reply-like window will open, where you can choose one of the major reasons for reporting and then explain the details yourself. If none of those reasons fits your needs, then choose "Misc" indicating Miscellaneous, again with providing us the details.
Of course, we will try to handle it the best way we can. However, do not try to abuse this option, you cannot report anything you want. You know that we are people and that forum rules are always harder than we are used to when we speak, so if someone says a bad word in a joke, do not consider it as rule breaking to be able to report it. Then, we might issue you a warning for wasting our time. We are all humans, so deal with it. Report only really rule breaking material. If you insist on unnecessary reporting, we will disable the option for you in the future, so please be careful with it.

Contribution & Reputation Points System

From now on, we DA has two more valuable profile fields called Contribution Points Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System - Page 2 Promot10 and Reputation Points Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System - Page 2 Add_to11. So, what are these points?

Contribution Points (CP) are points based on your overall contribution to the forum. The following is counted in CP:

  • 1 per friend (friend management is located in your profile as well).
  • 1 per post. Some sections give out more than just 1 point per post. This depends on how valuable the section is.
Announcements, Feedback & Support, Site Suggestions sections + Academy Central Building category give out 2 points instead of 1.

  • 3 per topic. Some sections give out more than just 1 point per topic. This depends on how valuable the section is.
Feedback & Support, Test Center, Battle Arena, Classroom, Deck Workshop, TCG/OCG Discussions, Strategies and Combos Discussion and Card Questions give out 5 points instead of 3.
Announcements, Site Suggestions, Shadow Arena, Tag Arena and Articles Library give out even 10 points instead of 3.

Forum Reputation is also counted in CP.
Reputation Points is a subfeature of Contribution Points. This is the
way members can reward each other with reputation points. These points
are also counted in CP as stated above. The following is counted in RP:

  • 1 per topic/post like. To like a topic click on Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System - Page 2 Add_to10 icon within the post you want to like.
  • 3 per Thanks. To thank a topic click on Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System - Page 2 Thanks10
    button located within other post buttons. You can only thank in topics you created.
In order to get reputation points like this, others have to like/thank your posts/topics.

When you thank a post that was valuable for you in your topic, the member whose post is thanked will get the following message under his/her signature:

"Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System - Page 2 Star1 Amy Cool Thanks You! Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System - Page 2 Star1"

Of course, Amy Cool is just an example. There will be your name written if you were the one who thanked the member for the post.

Now you probably ask yourself why should you even care for these points or why should you like other posts or thank people for contributing in your topics? Well, Duel Academy always had the greatest respect to most valuable members. It means the more you contribute in a positive way, staff looks at you with more respect and at the end, when we have a staff position available, you will be easier considered if you have more Contribution and Reputation Points than other members. Also, in future we will have these connected to our events or features which means for example we organize a tournament where only members above 1000 Contribution Points can enter it, or lets say we want to give out some rewards for the most valuable ones from you and there come your points in play. There will be many events which are connected to those points in future so its better for you to build a good and positive career in DA.

Also, aside from rewards due to these points, they motivate you to act more peaceful towards others, especially Like and Thanks features. People feel good when you like their posts and you feel good when yours get liked too. Same with Thanks. With that cool feature where the member who earned thanking gets marked in his or her post with those stars, you have one more reason why you should really thank to people who answer your question/help/contribute in some of your topics.

Additional notice for the smart ones: Maybe some of you know that phpbb2 forum version has those plus and minus signs for good or bad reputation and maybe you figured out that my codes are javascript which you could turn off when loading the page and then you would be able to click on that minus or generally said, get the link to negative reputation so you could not only blame anzo with words, but also with negative reputation. Well, my name is Amy Cool and I have already thought about it all, so if you do that, nothing will happen because I have put that negative reputation gives 0 negative points. At the end, you will just waste time, negative reputation is turned off with that and even if you click on it, as I said nothing happens.

Enjoy our new features cheers

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Okay, 17 mins and 34 seconds multiplied by 2, then subtract 20 from it.

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15 min 8 sec =/= 1 hour. That's why your rep is -8 and Amy's 59
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All I'm saying is that people should have a little security in reporting people rather than being subject to how someone feels at that time. Obviously reporting people for no reason is abusing it, but if someone reports something that could reasonable seen as legitimate, and you deem it as "unlegitimate," then the question that has to be asked is whether or not we ignore that or if we give them a warning, and if so, by what constitution do we give them a warning for? Personal dislike, poor mood, or the implication that they're reporting people for no reason? Hopefully the prior two.

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LoveTaker wrote:
How does/would PK know if people are abusing the report button? He's not staff.

Because Zephy can't take simple advice, and you can't take a damn joke.

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No one can really knows who did what in that kind of a system, Unless you have an access to the AP. Beside, when a staff steps in to solve a reported issue, he will mention who reported it, sometimes when needed. And try to solve the issue without being biased to one person but another.

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Yea you are right, I hope we will judge good those reports and I hope members will not go too easy on that button Smile

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Well i think the report button is a double edged sword.

Maybe add a new section in forum for this, like "Appeal"? and only give access to certain members, something like "appealable and not appealable" system.

This is because i think that the "Time consuming issue" that you were talking about can be really subjective, as you said Amy, we are all humans so Mods/Admins can make mistakes from time to time. I am not questioning your judgement, but i know it can be annoying to find a solution for everyone's problems after reading 10,000 reports.

Also the contribution/reputation point system (as you said earlier) is going to be abused (even bumping grants you cp), and of course you cannot control everything in the forum. So why not make it more controllable? (Don't really have a suggestion here, just saying).

By the way, i can't find the reputation button Sad...

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I'd like to talk about that, later on, in a PM.

Back to your suggestion: Reports haven't been handed in the last time I checked. None at all.

Reputation is either a small heart with a plus sign on it or a + or - sign, if you have JavaScript disabled.

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Don't worry, here in DA, people are scared to report something because no one really wants to get me mad here :D

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Clever idea Amy Cool. I hope that in future you will have more great ideas to do in this academy.

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Thank you very much, I like positive people Smile

I always try to have great ideas for DA, sometimes like now real is killing my online life, not that i am complaining about it, it would be very bad if it was the opposite but still, having few things done here and there, I can handle that. Before, I was much more active and done much more for DA, I feel sad about it now but what can I do lol, life is a biatch, always way Wink

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I still can't see it.

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