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Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

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bakura normal
Jue Viole Grace
Whatup Nab
Amy Kool
15 posters

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyContribution & Reputation Points + Report System

Today, Duel Academy gets few new little features that will enhance your experience with this site.

Report System

Recently you requested from us to add the report system with a button where you can report certain posts if you think something is against the rules there. There it is, a small icon Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System Report10 above the post itself, along with other post buttons. When you click it, a reply-like window will open, where you can choose one of the major reasons for reporting and then explain the details yourself. If none of those reasons fits your needs, then choose "Misc" indicating Miscellaneous, again with providing us the details.
Of course, we will try to handle it the best way we can. However, do not try to abuse this option, you cannot report anything you want. You know that we are people and that forum rules are always harder than we are used to when we speak, so if someone says a bad word in a joke, do not consider it as rule breaking to be able to report it. Then, we might issue you a warning for wasting our time. We are all humans, so deal with it. Report only really rule breaking material. If you insist on unnecessary reporting, we will disable the option for you in the future, so please be careful with it.

Contribution & Reputation Points System

From now on, we DA has two more valuable profile fields called Contribution Points Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System Promot10 and Reputation Points Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System Add_to11. So, what are these points?

Contribution Points (CP) are points based on your overall contribution to the forum. The following is counted in CP:

  • 1 per friend (friend management is located in your profile as well).
  • 1 per post. Some sections give out more than just 1 point per post. This depends on how valuable the section is.
Announcements, Feedback & Support, Site Suggestions sections + Academy Central Building category give out 2 points instead of 1.

  • 3 per topic. Some sections give out more than just 1 point per topic. This depends on how valuable the section is.
Feedback & Support, Test Center, Battle Arena, Classroom, Deck Workshop, TCG/OCG Discussions, Strategies and Combos Discussion and Card Questions give out 5 points instead of 3.
Announcements, Site Suggestions, Shadow Arena, Tag Arena and Articles Library give out even 10 points instead of 3.

Forum Reputation is also counted in CP.
Reputation Points is a subfeature of Contribution Points. This is the
way members can reward each other with reputation points. These points
are also counted in CP as stated above. The following is counted in RP:

  • 1 per topic/post like. To like a topic click on Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System Add_to10 icon within the post you want to like.
  • 3 per Thanks. To thank a topic click on Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System Thanks10
    button located within other post buttons. You can only thank in topics you created.
In order to get reputation points like this, others have to like/thank your posts/topics.

When you thank a post that was valuable for you in your topic, the member whose post is thanked will get the following message under his/her signature:

"Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System Star1 Amy Cool Thanks You! Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System Star1"

Of course, Amy Cool is just an example. There will be your name written if you were the one who thanked the member for the post.

Now you probably ask yourself why should you even care for these points or why should you like other posts or thank people for contributing in your topics? Well, Duel Academy always had the greatest respect to most valuable members. It means the more you contribute in a positive way, staff looks at you with more respect and at the end, when we have a staff position available, you will be easier considered if you have more Contribution and Reputation Points than other members. Also, in future we will have these connected to our events or features which means for example we organize a tournament where only members above 1000 Contribution Points can enter it, or lets say we want to give out some rewards for the most valuable ones from you and there come your points in play. There will be many events which are connected to those points in future so its better for you to build a good and positive career in DA.

Also, aside from rewards due to these points, they motivate you to act more peaceful towards others, especially Like and Thanks features. People feel good when you like their posts and you feel good when yours get liked too. Same with Thanks. With that cool feature where the member who earned thanking gets marked in his or her post with those stars, you have one more reason why you should really thank to people who answer your question/help/contribute in some of your topics.

Additional notice for the smart ones: Maybe some of you know that phpbb2 forum version has those plus and minus signs for good or bad reputation and maybe you figured out that my codes are javascript which you could turn off when loading the page and then you would be able to click on that minus or generally said, get the link to negative reputation so you could not only blame anzo with words, but also with negative reputation. Well, my name is Amy Cool and I have already thought about it all, so if you do that, nothing will happen because I have put that negative reputation gives 0 negative points. At the end, you will just waste time, negative reputation is turned off with that and even if you click on it, as I said nothing happens.

Enjoy our new features cheers

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

Great idea Amy. I like it. :D

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

The rep system is kinda flawed tho, because people can just +rep somebody because they are there friend, even if they made a retarded post, and they can also negative rep any post made by somebody else simply bc they dont like that person.

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

LoveTaker wrote:
The rep system is kinda flawed tho, because people can just +rep somebody because they are there friend, even if they made a retarded post, and they can also negative rep any post made by somebody else simply bc they dont like that person.

Nope. Can't negative rep somebody.

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

Shane wrote:
LoveTaker wrote:
The rep system is kinda flawed tho, because people can just +rep somebody because they are there friend, even if they made a retarded post, and they can also negative rep any post made by somebody else simply bc they dont like that person.

Nope. Can't negative rep somebody.

Then why do I have -12 rep?

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

LoveTaker wrote:
Shane wrote:
LoveTaker wrote:
The rep system is kinda flawed tho, because people can just +rep somebody because they are there friend, even if they made a retarded post, and they can also negative rep any post made by somebody else simply bc they dont like that person.

Nope. Can't negative rep somebody.

Then why do I have -12 rep?

I think the reputation was visible to admins and mods in the past. Maybe they're from old posts you made?

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

Shane wrote:
LoveTaker wrote:
Shane wrote:
LoveTaker wrote:
The rep system is kinda flawed tho, because people can just +rep somebody because they are there friend, even if they made a retarded post, and they can also negative rep any post made by somebody else simply bc they dont like that person.

Nope. Can't negative rep somebody.

Then why do I have -12 rep?

I think the reputation was visible to admins and mods in the past. Maybe they're from old posts you made?

The old system shouldn't count in the new one because the old one was flawed in many ways.

Imo, everybodys rep should've said 0 once the new rep system was brought in.

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

It counts every post made in DA since you registered.

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

Whatup Nab wrote:
It counts every post made in DA since you registered.

I'm talking about reputation, not contribution, and I know what it does.

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

Am I the only one who can't see the rep button? Seriously, I've looked and I'm seeing no hearts with the plus sign anywhere in the post box.

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

Danica, the Great wrote:
Am I the only one who can't see the rep button? Seriously, I've looked and I'm seeing no hearts with the plus sign anywhere in the post box.

I cant either. Its because we have negative rep.

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

Now I see it. Let me help you out, Friend.

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

Tested and working.

Thank you, Amy.

May the JavaScript be with you!

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

I really like this, thanks for that Amy, I think it'll make the forum even more alive.

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

Emperor wrote:

Thank you, Amy.

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

Reported for quoting me.


descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

Look at my sexy reputation points, damn am such a haters magnet. Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System 1151057309

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

There is no such thing as negative reputation in this system. N you were partially right, it can be abused yea, but everything can. Same like we say you need to have 1000 posts for something and you go and "smart spam" many topics and get to that post count in less than few days. Reputation and Points can be abused like that too. But, you know, there is always a ban solution if we see something not regular. I would of make it a little better if I could with this forum version, but I cannot go further with it, modified it the best way I could to be less abused.

As for resetting those, they cannot be reset and if you got few negative reputation when we had it before, well, you deserved it or someone did not like you that much so it means the system works not that bad, it can show someone do you have friends or foes in a forum.

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

They still hate me ò_ó

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

I don't think I'll ever upvote Anzo again after that.

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

Heh good job :D

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

Haven't even posted since you posted this, already got 3 rep. :/yawn onion he

I like these additions, they worked well in DC.

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

CM Punk wrote:
Haven't even posted since you posted this, already got 3 rep. Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System 3883226218

I like these additions, they worked well in DC.

Your rep is obviously from old posts.

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

Great news cool that will make it funny

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

You need to put a limiter on the awrning system or something, seems people are starting to abuse it

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

[PK] Phoenix King wrote:
You need to put a limiter on the awrning system or something, seems people are starting to abuse it

You mean they abuse Report button already or something else?

For report button, every report which wastes my time when I actually read it, will be punished instead and I'll put that member on Report Restriction list, meaning they will not be able to report anything anymore Smile

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

Amy Cool wrote:
[PK] Phoenix King wrote:
You need to put a limiter on the awrning system or something, seems people are starting to abuse it

You mean they abuse Report button already or something else?

For report button, every report which wastes my time when I actually read it, will be punished instead and I'll put that member on Report Restriction list, meaning they will not be able to report anything anymore Smile
Then you and the admins should come to an agreement on what constitutes as "wasting" your time and pin those qualifications.

Last edited by Danica, the Great on Mon Jan 07, 2013 7:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

How does/would PK know if people are abusing the report button? He's not staff.

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

LoveTaker wrote:
How does/would PK know if people are abusing the report button? He's not staff.

Simple rumors?

Amy Lovely Cool wrote:
Of course, we will try to handle it the best way we can. However, do not
try to abuse this option, you cannot report anything you want. You know
that we are people and that forum rules are always harder than we are
used to when we speak, so if someone says a bad word in a joke, do not
consider it as rule breaking to be able to report it. Then, we might
issue you a warning for wasting our time. We are all humans, so deal
with it. Report only really rule breaking material. If you insist on
unnecessary reporting, we will disable the option for you in the future,
so please be careful with it.

Sorry Danica, as much as you love to have everything defined in details, relations between people, social stuff u know, does not work like that. Same way you cannot define love in general for example, each person has their own perception and feeling about what is love. Some people experience it on this way and some on that way, but if you try to define love in detail, you cannot do that simply. Same way, we have defined rules but those are just to set the limits which should not be crossed roughly which means if we apply them totally we will not have fun in posting at all since everything could be seen as offense etc. Just imagine phrase "verbal offense against a member", then we need to give list of things that are considered as offense, for example sexual offense, then again what is "sexual offense" is it centered about being gay or straight or is it simple posting porn material to people who are under 18 etc. You see how it goes, its a long, never ending tree, the more you try to dig, the more tunnels you will find and the more flaws you will find.

But, to give you a little insight of what means "wasting our time" I'll try to give a proper example:

A member goes and has nothing to do than reporting people around. He takes DA rules literally as they are written and then searches for posts which are rule breaking. Seeing it honestly, many posts have some flaws which we as people tolerate, like two people knowing each other say "fu*k you" in a post to each other, its their joke and its okay but that someone wants to play smart and reports it. Then lets say we are rough staff and issue warnings to those people saying go somewhere else and joke around like that. then they go somewhere else and DA is screwed because we care even for those just 2 ppl to stay here and enjoy our site. Staff does not always want to play role of Police, no one likes police nor to be police..... its stressing and painful job to do, people start to hate you for no reason at all u know.... Another example is where in a half serious topic someone posts a meme, funny pic about the stuff and its some sort of trolling but since many people here enjoy those lets say "imaginary tensions" like me and anzo fighting in posts, where in fact we compete who will do more for DA lol, but some ppl might see it as "admins do not get along good in DA". If we were all nice then ppl would say other stuff like "oh admins there are all nice, following rules, not being very relaxed and funny, so DA is not such a joy to be in imo". All these things are social relations where we can tolerate some small rule breaking.

When you see "no spam in forum" rule, it means when someone comes and spams the site with random posts just to hate on us publicly, then we issue warnings, bans n stuff for spamming, not because some of us said "lol" as reply which is technically considered as spam. Spam for lol as only reply is considered when a member answers like that in a topic where we want only applications for Mod positions for example or when someone posts last 20 posts with one word replies just to boost their post count etc.

You got it by now? yea haha. you wanted it, there it is small wall of text for ya. For example, now if anzo who always replies to my walls of text as "tl;dr" and then provides a one liner which explains my wall in one sentence, that is not considered as spam (doesn't mean now that he is admin lets say he is normal member). but if you, who are always serious about things here in forum (or lets say 95% of time as much as i got impression about you) reply to all my effort to explain to you as serious as i can be things you asked, as tl;dr then I will see it as offensive trolling or whatever they call it nowadays. Why? because I spent like 15 mins writing this to you since im nice and want everyone to understand it well, not to have report button misused by our members and then you come and don't appreciate it. I think everyone got it now what we mean by "don't waste our time with reports" Smile

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

Lies, that at least took you 1 hour -.-'

descriptionContribution & Reputation Points + Report System EmptyRe: Contribution & Reputation Points + Report System

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