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descriptionNew Decks? EmptyNew Decks?

Good question here.... why do people use the same types of decks now....

my last tournament i had went to i had been creamed by synchros and Xyz
but funny thing is, if one person has a good deck chances are mostly everyone uses them.

My whole point is this game is loosing its fun because everyone uses the same kinds of decks.... there is no originality in Yugioh anymore... i remember when i would see a kid using his own custom deck with his favorite cards and he got in the semi finals only because he knew what he was doing....

New effects have nothing to do with old cards.... if i sat here all day and had played an original starter deck against the best deck in the world i would prob loose alot but thats what makes this game fun.... loosing is not fun but overcoming your opponent is the fun part.... and most of yall have lost that....

im sick of people dissing kids decks because they are custom.... if he/she likes there deck oh well... let them learn how to make it better.... whole point of yugioh is to make your own deck and if you loose tweak it around.

This is my last message on DA so please respond to this and farewell....

descriptionNew Decks? EmptyRe: New Decks?



Why must you always lie

descriptionNew Decks? EmptyRe: New Decks?

I'll make this as simple as possible.

Konami has done an EXCELLENT job of fostering a playing field that allows several different deck-types to be competitive. When you can look at a major tournament and go, well I guess that Rabbit, Wind-Up, E Hero Beat, Dark World, Six Sams, Psychics, and others are all viable deck-types, it's a good thing.

Compare this to a couple years ago and all other formats earlier, when there were at maximum 3 deck-types that were always on top. Some formats there was simply a single deck that was outright best. We had TeleDAD format. Lightsworn format. Chaos format. Gladiator Beast format. All these formats where it was obvious that only 1-3 decks were viable.

So, what you should take away from this is that there is MUCH MORE variability in decks today than there were in the past, which is a great thing since it keeps the game feeling fresh. I'm sure old pros just loved watching matches of "well, it's Gladiator Beasts vs Lightsworns again". I know I grew tired of it quickly.

Last thought: OP's statements are totally baseless and stupid.

descriptionNew Decks? EmptyRe: New Decks?

What neko said.

This current format is much better than the past few we've had. And as for new cards, don't think of it as the new cards being there to out-do the old cards. What I do with new cards is to find ways to make unique decks with them by combining the old and new together.

I'm basically telling you to go out there and find new ways to use cards. It's hard work but it's worth it.

descriptionNew Decks? EmptyRe: New Decks?

You are talking like last format was any better.. in fact last format was better then the one before it. And that one before that. People are always talking about how this game has 'changed' and now only one deck can be used.. It's incredibly stupid..

I'm sorry that your non-hero fusion deck from 2003 can't beat decks today, but please, don't complain about it, it's like trying to win a a current day war with WW2 guns... (My bases for thinking you use a deck from 2005-- is that you said owned by XYZ and Syncro decks)

descriptionNew Decks? EmptyRe: New Decks?

I agree, but because of this failure of originality doesn't mean you have to leave YuGiOh. All I see are exodia decks, >.< And I lose from it a lot too, but I ain't quittin'!

descriptionNew Decks? EmptyRe: New Decks?

1. Guys, The man have his FULL-RIGHTS to complain, we are not to criticize people for sharing their "own" ideas and thoughts.

2. The game had its own ups and downs, mainly, because of the new arch-type KONAMI release every year. They are not going to release something similar to something they already have or equal to it powers.

3. Key cards to win a duel these days, believe it or not, it's NOT what you are using, it's a couple of things:

A: How you use your cards, and where to play them correctly. Some turns you might be able to win the duel; however, you might slow down a bit, and build guards first. It's all about how you use what you got, that's why YGO is a strategical game, you don't just throw your cards to the field all hopes high that your opponent will nto BTHs' them.

B: Your side deck, in case you haven't noticed, the majority of duels of all events all around the world, and even on the internet, are match-duels. Means you can use your side deck after Round 1 is over. Side decks kill top decks, it's been like that since ages. Today's new arch-types are easy to side against, and easy to conquer if you drew good.

Dark Worlds: Shadow-Imp. Mirror, D.D. Crow.
Chaos Dragons: The End of Anubis, Effect Veiler, Macro Cosmos, Fissure.
Wind-Up: Mischeif of Yokai, Effect Veiler, Snowman eater, Torrential Tribute.
HEROs versions: Mispolymerization, CED, Super Polymerization, snowman eater.
Agents: Light-Imp. Mirror.

(Rabbits, Inzektors, and Six Sams are usually up-to-you how to side against)

If you are willing to use a non-ranked tier deck, all you have to do is to do good in siding against what ever you are playing against. Side, is the key to win the majority of your duels.

Hope i helped to cover everything questioning you.

Last edited by Excalibur on Thu Nov 22, 2012 5:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionNew Decks? EmptyRe: New Decks?

I'm completely laughing at Neko over two things. The first being is that he believes that that a format with less than a handful of playable decks makes a game SOOOO versatile, and the second being that he has the audacity to call someone else stupid because they have conflicting beliefs. By comparison, YGO is one of the most limited cards games in terms of viable decks to play. How many playable decks are there right now? Wind-Ups, Mermails/ Atlanteans, HEROs, DW, and Geargia. That's five. Do you honestly believe that a card game is SOOO versatile if only five decks out of a cardpool of more than ten thousand cards is versatile? Not only that, but these are all T1 decks. You don't see random T2 decks topping events, with the exception of Tele-Grandsoil. Even Twilight Dragons weren't a surprise when they were T2 in the TCG and T1 in Japan, and only T2 in the TCG because of an initially low turnout rate. The odds of them topping an even immediately was low because they didn't have the playerbase. The only decent thing about this metagame is that there are five T1 decks, but the metagame itself is poor because the winning curve between T1 and everything else is so high, so it's like YGO doesn't even have a T2 as a part of the metagame. There's nothing wrong with this picture? I guess by comparison though to itself in past formats, this is a pretty versatile format, but at the same time MTG players were cringing about how bad YGO was over constant T0 formats after T0 formats. Even players from other cardgames who looked at the Pokemon metagame cringed over how bad it was, and it's not like YGO has been better off than Pokemon in the past.

descriptionNew Decks? EmptyRe: New Decks?

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