1. Make a character here. http://www.duelacademy.net/t19175-creators-of-battle-signups#162098

2. Read the rules. http://www.duelacademy.net/t19174-creators-of-battle-rules#162097

3. If you don't understand any of the rules or anything, ask here. http://www.duelacademy.net/t19176-cob-queries#162099

4. To roleplay, first reply to the topic of your team's area with some form of background to yuor character, what they want to do with the world and likewise.

5. If you wish to leave that area, say you are leaving and going to a different topic. Each different topic is like a different area of the place you are in, you may go anywhere and challenge anyone, except for people in your own team, but they may not accept and remember, you cannot directly influence anyone else's character without permission. Also, remember you can only challenge people who are in an area. No point in letting out a challenge if you're the only one in an area!

6. For a challenge, you must decide what game you wish to challenge an opponent to BEFORE they accept/decline, EG "I challenge you to a roulette battle!" (Dice jar roulette if you're slow). Look at the rules again for more details. http://www.duelacademy.net/t19174-creators-of-battle-rules#162097

7. Read the rules again. Because I said so and you'll want to know about Elemental Sparks properly after you have won/lost your first battle.

8. Stay active and have fun roleplaying!