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descriptionpsychic deck Emptypsychic deck

monsters (21)
1x gorz
1x armored axon kicker
2x overdrive teleporter
3x silent psychic wizard
3x serene psychic witch
3x psychic comander
2x hushed psychic cleric
2x esper girl
2x psychic jumper
2x effect veiler

spells (18)
2x psychic feel zone
1x heavy
1x creature swamp
1x psi-impulse
2x miracle synchron fusion
1x dark hole
1x monster reborn
1x swords of revealing light
2x mystical space typhoon
3x emergency teleport
1x teleport
2x brain research lab

traps (3)
2x torrential tribute
1x mirror force

2x ultimate axon kicker
1x overmind archfiend
1x hyper psychic blaster
1x thought ruler archfiend
1x stardust dragon
1x psychic lifetrancer
1x black rose dragon
1x naturia landoise
2x nauria barkion
1x psychic nightmare
1x pyschic android
1x catastor
1x naturia beast

well i just started using psychic deck and i find it very fun to play with(always found them interesting and now was the time since e-teleport is not-limited). help me make this deck more competitve. if there are any questions pm me.

descriptionpsychic deck EmptyRe: psychic deck

i have take out my teleport and swords of revealing light and added mind control( it works beter this way. also i'm thinking of adding master gig but i don't want to pass the 41 limit

descriptionpsychic deck EmptyRe: psychic deck

So I've never played with physics so take my advice with a grain of salt, but I would suggest dropping the Psi-Impulse, cause idk if you normally get use in it but in both of out games it was a dead draw for you if i remember correctly

descriptionpsychic deck EmptyRe: psychic deck

yeah i was thinking of geting rid of it but i had some games when it was very usefull. but i'll test with out it

descriptionpsychic deck EmptyRe: psychic deck

yeah I see when it can be useful, especially first turn if you go first, and idk what you would replace it with, haha as I said I've never successfully built a physic deck

descriptionpsychic deck EmptyRe: psychic deck

i've put mind control it's useful, very ueful in some turns

descriptionpsychic deck EmptyRe: psychic deck

Could some please suggest a drawing engine for this deck:)

descriptionpsychic deck EmptyRe: psychic deck

This necro-post that might actually be appropriate.  A draw engine for psychics...
Bright Future returns two banished Psychics to the graveyard to draw 1.  Terrible in my opinion.
Psychic Overload is a better one, which returns three psychics to your deck from the grave to draw 3.
Psychic Trigger requires having lower life points than your opponent.  Banish 2 Psychics to draw 2.

descriptionpsychic deck EmptyRe: psychic deck

Esper Girl is basically a draw engine. When she is summoned from the Banished area, you banish a card facedown. When she goes to the grave, you bring that card to your hand. I usually go through esper 1~2 times a turn.

descriptionpsychic deck EmptyRe: psychic deck

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