Hello lovely duelists! Season 4 is in Elimination Tourney phase but that does not stop us to host a new season Smile

These are the specific rules for this season:

1. This season will last only 1 month exactly, not more not less.
2. All top 3 duelists that gather 40+ points at the end will rank up to Ra Yellow Dorm.
3. Top 8 will qualify for a Single Elimination Tournament at the end.
4. Top 3 in the tournament will also Rank up to Ra Yellow Dorm. (2nd place 2000 DP, 3rd place 1500 DP)
5. Winner of the tournament will Rank up to Obelisk Blue Dorm + 5000 DP.

Get your duel disks ready to rumble because Season 5 is starting now with this post.

*moderators, you can update league now*