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September banlist 2012

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s{EX} Chaos Magician
Train Heartnet
Juelz Anthony Cruz
Amy Kool
Potus Mat
Jue Viole Grace
22 posters

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptySeptember banlist 2012

Not sure if it's already been said here, but the OCG banlist seems to be out:

Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Future Fusion

Inzektor Dragonfly
Inzektor Hornet
Evigishki Gustkraken
Chaos Sorcerer
Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
Ultimate Offering

The Agent of Mystery - Earth
Debris Dragon
Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow
Rescue Rabbit
E - Emergency Call
Pot of Duality
Hieratic Seal of Convocation
A Hero Lives
Mirror Force
Tour Guide From the Underworld

No Longer Restricted:
Necro Gardna
Emergency Teleport
Destiny Draw
Swords of Revealing Light
Level Limit - Area B
Magic Cylinder

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012


Edit: o.o I can't pin it

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

I like it :face:

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

Well, I could move it to announcements, I guess.

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

I saw a much more convincing one. Cannot remember where. This one seems much to heavy handed. I shall wait a bit more.

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

Potus Mat wrote:
I saw a much more convincing one. Cannot remember where. This one seems much to heavy handed. I shall wait a bit more.

The thing is, Satoshi Sato posted this, and Sato has an accuracy of 100%; Jarel confirmed this list, too.

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

TCG banlist usually similar to the OCG like 99%, i can deal with this ban list tho, it's so good for my playing style.

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

Irate wrote:
Potus Mat wrote:
I saw a much more convincing one. Cannot remember where. This one seems much to heavy handed. I shall wait a bit more.

The thing is, Satoshi Sato posted this, and Sato has an accuracy of 100%; Jarel confirmed this list, too.

1.) I have little to no idea who either of those people/organizations are.
2.) Flipping a coin three times and getting all heads does not mean the next coin toss will be heads.
3.) This list just does not seem Konami's style. Like I said, it is too heavy handed. Too much overkill, even for the weaker decks. You are supposed to snipe a Meta deck, not use birdshot.
4.) I have seen too many times when a banlist is seen as credible, but is actually complete and utter fantasy. This is why I do not partake in banlist speculation. I simply wait until Konami releases it.

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

Satoshi Sato is a Japanese guy who leaks manga-related stuff with an accuracy of 100%.
Jarel McKay Winston is KDE Judge (not that it means anything) and Representant of the United States at the Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship.

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

The issue is that the banlist just does not feel right. It feels more like a banlist prediction, where everything is heavy handed, non-Meta decks are hit as much as Meta decks, and the maker just does not have much of a background in history, plays, or... well, common sense. If this banlist is correct, so be it. I will not believe so until I hear Konami say so, though.

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

So be it

Whereas, this format was all about speed, this list is actually pretty cool since it slows down play a lot.

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

You would be surprised. D-Draw and E-Tele at three...

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

Potus Mat wrote:
You would be surprised. D-Draw and E-Tele at three...

Please don't come with TeleDAD...

KONAMI burned that with hellfire and it will not come back ever.

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

O, with DAD and Reinforcements at one, I doubt TeleDAD. But there is always something new around the corner.

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

tele-DARK maybe? same concept as tele-dad jsut with less dad September banlist 2012 3974120512 or tele-chaos? o.O imme build me a tele-something deck if this comes around to being true September banlist 2012 3974120512

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

TeleAgents could be a thing.

Which I don't really like.

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

DAD or not, Tele*insert a name here* will be for sure meta lol.

Its like konami tells you, go kids use those synchros you all love so much, it doesn't matter anymore we already forced you to use xyz lol.

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

P.S. and we banned Brio, cuz he rapes all the xyz instantly.

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

Swords of Revealing Light, Marshy, & Cylinder @3?

Stall decks for Final Countdown goooooooo

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

Allot of cards can rape XYZ Amy, Brio was just one of them.

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

final countdown everywhere ::Monkey47::

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

because people like to count!

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

What a sexy banlist. This format is going to be by far the best.

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

Potus Mat wrote:
I saw a much more convincing one. Cannot remember where. This one seems much to heavy handed. I shall wait a bit more.

Yes, it's 100% official.

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

anyone else think twilight with d-heroes?

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

Juelz Anthony Cruz wrote:
What a sexy banlist. This format is going to be by far the best.
Not the best banlist. It's not even perfect. September 2010 banlist was probably the most perfect banlist this game has had since like 2005. 3/4 of it is good, but my problems with it are the following:

•Brio banned. Brio was not broken for the entire last two formats. It was balanced for once.

•REDMD limited. Atum and Eclipse Wyvern would have been better to hit.

•Ultimate Offering limited. Madolches are a problem without it, and Gadgets are now killed, and weren't topping enough for it to really be a problem. Just butthurt players not liking something halfway decent.

•E - Emergency Call semi-limited. There's not a real problem I have with this being limited, but why?

•Pot of Duality limited. It's a perfectly balanced card, and a legitimate out when your opponent has a better hand than yours without being entirely stupid. This should have stayed unlimited.

•Marshmallon and Magic Cylinder unlimited. Yay. Now Burn decks can officially be T2 without Inzektors running around raping everything. Well, at least until Mermails and Atlanteans hit the TCG, and then we have an entirely new problem.

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

Let me explain why E-Call was semi-limited with an example.

Situation 1:
You have 3 E-call in hand + Bubbleman and some random S/T

1. You set everything and Special Bubbleman.
2. You proceed by activating E-Call to search Stratos
3. Summon Stratos, search for Bubbleman N2 and Special it.
4. You activate the second E-Call and Search for Bubbleman N3 and Special It
5. You XYZ for 2 Blade Armor Ninja and use their effects.
6. GG

Situation 2:

You have 3 E-call hand with random S/T

1. Activate E-Call N1 to search Stratos
2. Use Stratos effect to search Bubbleman and Special it
3. Use E-Call N2 to search for Bubbleman N2 and Special it
4. Use E-Call N3 to search Bubbleman N3 and Special it
5. XYZ for 2 Blade Armor Ninja and use their effects
6. GG

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

Train Hardnett wrote:
Let me explain why E-Call was semi-limited with an example.

Situation 1:
You have 3 E-call in hand + Bubbleman and some random S/T

1. You set everything and Special Bubbleman.
2. You proceed by activating E-Call to search Stratos
3. Summon Stratos, search for Bubbleman N2 and Special it.
4. You activate the second E-Call and Search for Bubbleman N3 and Special It
5. You XYZ for 2 Blade Armor Ninja and use their effects.
6. GG

Situation 2:

You have 3 E-call hand with random S/T

1. Activate E-Call N1 to search Stratos
2. Use Stratos effect to search Bubbleman and Special it
3. Use E-Call N2 to search for Bubbleman N2 and Special it
4. Use E-Call N3 to search Bubbleman N3 and Special it
5. XYZ for 2 Blade Armor Ninja and use their effects
6. GG

Yes genius, we know how Bubble Beat works.

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

Train Hardnett wrote:
Let me explain why E-Call was semi-limited with an example.
Situation 1:
You have 3 E-call in hand + Bubbleman and some random S/T
1. You set everything and Special Bubbleman.
2. You proceed by activating E-Call to search Stratos
3. Summon Stratos, search for Bubbleman N2 and Special it.
4. You activate the second E-Call and Search for Bubbleman N3 and Special It
5. You XYZ for 2 Blade Armor Ninja and use their effects.
6. GG
Situation 2:
You have 3 E-call hand with random S/T
1. Activate E-Call N1 to search Stratos
2. Use Stratos effect to search Bubbleman and Special it
3. Use E-Call N2 to search for Bubbleman N2 and Special it
4. Use E-Call N3 to search Bubbleman N3 and Special it
5. XYZ for 2 Blade Armor Ninja and use their effects
6. GG

So, the logical thing to do would have just get rid of Stratos.

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

Potus with 3 E-Call I can just search for Neos Alius and still otk not mentioning ROTA

descriptionSeptember banlist 2012 EmptyRe: September banlist 2012

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