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description"Pressure" Related to Yu-Gi-Oh Duelists :D (TCP) Empty"Pressure" Related to Yu-Gi-Oh Duelists :D (TCP)

"Pressure" Related to Yu-Gi-Oh! Article!


Today I am going to write about "Pressure" and how it relates to all of us as duelists.Every duelist In real life or even the ones that just play in the internet(KCVDS,DMU,YVD ect.) get pressure at some point.Is like you feel the adrenaline inside of you flowing through your body as you are dueling in finals for any special event as Shonen Jump or even finals at a local store in your neighborhood.There is many ways pressure cant cost us the duel and even makes us lose focus,and if you lose focus then you lose it all Razz
The question for every duelist is:

"Can you handle the pressure?"


One part about being a great duelist is how you handle playing games when your pressure is at your highest.That is how most pros keep their cool and in result they play very consistent Smile Most pressure comes indeed in fInals of any event.The reason being that you do not want to lose being this far.I have seen so many duelists getting too excited and losing their cool and end up losing only because they are being pressured by many people and fans watching all around.

How Duelists Lose Their Pressure?

There are many ways a duelist can get pressure even when you think you are confident. Most panic when they lose game 1 in the last round, something you cannot afford to panic over at such a high stage in a tournament.That is one thing you must NEVER allow.Knowing that you are in tough sitaution then make the best of it and duel with your best.When you see yourself losing then you can always bluff your opponent by staying calm and not letting them know that you don't have anything to counter Smile

How do the greatest and most consistent players in the world handle "Pressure"?

They stay focused no matter what the situation is.Even if it's a win or go home situation or finals in a tournament in KCVDS Smile
I wondered what other consistent duelists that duel in real life or in KCVDS have to say about this,and so I decided to ask a few of my friends...

Jin MxSx said."Easy. You don't think about what you're doing.Either that, or you know via the hundreds of thousands of times you've played with a deck, it is so consistent that it will work 95% of the time.Some people even play music while playing Yugioh. It's a nice relaxer, and helps with concentration, in my opinion."

Also I talked to another of the best duelist I know in KCVDS Razz Here is what RebornShadow had to say about this:

"Well, it depends, cause there is no set answer. It really depends on who the duelist is. Like myself, one aspect of my dueling style is from the minute the duel starts, stay at least 3 steps ahead of the duel. This way im prepared for anything. But if it comes to the point that I am backed up in a corner , I just stay calm, you know try to mess with the opponent, and the pressure goes away. I think the trick is that no matter what your skill level is, you never want to let the opponent know you giving in to pressure, this way you keep a clear head at all times. Im sure others will give you a different answer, but overall, Id say overall, a lot of players do the same."

Also here is some small sentences that has alot of meaning came from a close friend, Adro:

"its a game meant to relieve stress...if its causing stress, then you are obsessed."It's just a game. Have fun with it."

Now that we got a few advice from some of our local peers.Here are some of my advices that i came up with:

Play it like a casual game, because sometimes you tend to be so concerned with losing that you make mistakes. Your best moves and innovations come to you when you are playing casually.get in the right mood, and don't make any mistakes. All you can do in Yu-Gi-Oh is make less mistakes than your opponent and hope to win.

What Strong Qualities A Duelist Needs To Have Under Pressure?

One of the main and best qualities to have is "Deck Building skills".Also, creativity and thinking outside the box is good ones to have in mind.
Intuition is the driving force behind everything, from deck construction, reading your opponent, and how you handle situations in all aspects of life is some advice to know as well.

More that I have learned out of my expiriences as a duelist is this:

"Knowing when to go for the strike or when to hold out is very important. Some players rush into things as if they have to right then. They don't take into consideration that player might have a Mirror Force down or something.Experienced players will take stuff like that into account and judge there moves accordingly".

That all above is what seperates pros from normal duelists.Is not all about winning duels is also about having class after being done with a tense duel.No matter what the outcome have the class to shake your opponents hand,and smile while saying "Good Game"! :D

To Prevent Pressure?

The best thing in my opinion a duelist can have is dedication and trust in himself.A duelist can't just hope that he wins.He MUST have confidense and say "I can do It!" no matter what the outcome is.Also you cannot expect to win finals by just throwing cards in your deck.Have good preparation and know what you are doing Razz If you keep this in mind then all your hard work will pay off for something.Trust me.Gives less pressure in your duels as well. :D


This article has come to a close.Hope you enjoy reading this article.If you learned something then it will make you a better player than you were before reading this article.In some way at least...

I would like to thanks my fellow KCVDS peers.Thanks to Jin(MxSx), RebornShadow, and Adro for actually having the time and answering my questions with the best answers they had.So till next time folks Razz

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