This is copied and pasted from YGOWiki, becuase I am to lazy to list and etc. Ever since the new support cards on DN this deck has been going in. To me its too broken; its like the water structure deck version of Inzektors. Destroying cards on the field via effect and sending them back to the hand. They do not have much atk power execpt for poseidra and maybe when they synch. Also, that damn card "Ice spirit the god" Just killing your hand. Skreech, undine, ice barrier dragons, and etc cards activating atlanteans effs! Man trollnami has done it again. Anyhow, this is the idea recomended and used cards in the deck.
P.s They're effects activate when detached from exceeds! -.-
P.s They're effects activate when detached from exceeds! -.-
Wait till this issh drops in the tcg -___- I predict tier 1 madness.
* [[Atlantean Dragon Poseidra]]
* [[Atlantean Dragon Riders]]
* [[Atlantean Assaultman]]
* [[Atlantean Armed Soldier]]
* [[Atlantean Marksman]]
* [[Abyss Soldier]]
* [[Deep Sea Diva]]
* [[Genex Undine]]
* [[Genex Controller]]
* [[Genex Ally Birdman]]
* [[Ice Spirit God - Moulin Glace]]
* [[Lost Blue Breaker]]
* [[Spined Gillman]]
* [[Treeborn Frog]] (As a Tribute for "Poseidra")
* [[Mechanical Sea Dragon - Plesion]]
* [[Mermail - Megaloabyss]]
* [[Mermail - Abysspike]]
* [[Skreech]]
* [[Atlantean Roar]]
* [[Salvage]]
* [[Surface]]
* [[Moray of Greed]]
* [[A Legendary Ocean]]
* [[Aegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord]]
* [[Bubble Bringer]]
* [[Call of the Haunted]]
* [[Fiendish Chain]]
* [[Safe Zone]]
* [[Aquamirror Cycle]]
* [[Spiritual Water Art - Aoi]]
* [[Gravity Bind]]
===Extra Deck===
* [[Armory Arm]]
* [[Bahamut Shark]]
* [[Hydro Genex]]
* [[Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon]]
* [[Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier]]
* [[Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier]]
* [[Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier]]
* [[T.G. Hyper Librarian]]
* [[Daigusto Phoenix]]
* [[Number 17: Leviathan Dragon]]
* [[Evigishki Merrowgeist]]
* [[Gachi Gachi Gantetsu]]
* [[Scrap Dragon]]
* [[Mist Wurm]]
* [[Number 20: Giga-Brilliant]]
* [[Stardust Dragon]]
* [[Atlantean Dragon Poseidra]]
* [[Atlantean Dragon Riders]]
* [[Atlantean Assaultman]]
* [[Atlantean Armed Soldier]]
* [[Atlantean Marksman]]
* [[Abyss Soldier]]
* [[Deep Sea Diva]]
* [[Genex Undine]]
* [[Genex Controller]]
* [[Genex Ally Birdman]]
* [[Ice Spirit God - Moulin Glace]]
* [[Lost Blue Breaker]]
* [[Spined Gillman]]
* [[Treeborn Frog]] (As a Tribute for "Poseidra")
* [[Mechanical Sea Dragon - Plesion]]
* [[Mermail - Megaloabyss]]
* [[Mermail - Abysspike]]
* [[Skreech]]
* [[Atlantean Roar]]
* [[Salvage]]
* [[Surface]]
* [[Moray of Greed]]
* [[A Legendary Ocean]]
* [[Aegis of the Ocean Dragon Lord]]
* [[Bubble Bringer]]
* [[Call of the Haunted]]
* [[Fiendish Chain]]
* [[Safe Zone]]
* [[Aquamirror Cycle]]
* [[Spiritual Water Art - Aoi]]
* [[Gravity Bind]]
===Extra Deck===
* [[Armory Arm]]
* [[Bahamut Shark]]
* [[Hydro Genex]]
* [[Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon]]
* [[Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier]]
* [[Gungnir, Dragon of the Ice Barrier]]
* [[Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier]]
* [[T.G. Hyper Librarian]]
* [[Daigusto Phoenix]]
* [[Number 17: Leviathan Dragon]]
* [[Evigishki Merrowgeist]]
* [[Gachi Gachi Gantetsu]]
* [[Scrap Dragon]]
* [[Mist Wurm]]
* [[Number 20: Giga-Brilliant]]
* [[Stardust Dragon]]