Exiled wrote: Everyone saying for N to take over as leader when we have PowerNova, guess everyone forgot about you xD
Anyway, as for N's "promotion" to leader, while he is an excellent duelist, there is no point of hiring another leader just for the sake of hiring one if there will still be no members for them to lead. The issue doesn't lie with inactive leadership, its with people not willing to work at becoming Ra. Most members are used to the system were they join an academy, get tested and put into Obelisk/Ra then just go inactive. What we are trying to do at DA is actually HELP you as members become better duelist like a REAL academy, instead of just giving you a test and sending you are your way. As some people have proven, hard work pays off. They have passed the Slifer exams, become all around better duelists, and are now more prepared to tackle the challenge of becoming Obelisk. So for everyone saying "Whats up with Ra" or "Why are there no Ra members" you should be working harder to become better duelists at this academy and then become that Ra member yourself.
We need some way to get Slifers to want to become Ra, otherwise it's redundant to complain.
A lot of people just join, post intro, become active for a while, then drop dead. Nothing we can do about that. It's gunna happen.
We just need to find a way to motivate people to take and pass the Slifer Ra exam.
I havez an idea, but it may be controversial.
The BA has seen a tremendous amount of activity. I say we use the BA to make people want to rank up.
It may prove to be helpful to change the BA awarding system, so that-
Slifer- 20 DP per duel win
Ra- 30 DP per duel win
Obby & up- 40 DP per duel win
(DP rewards really open for Amy to decide, I'm just throwing out numbers.)
(*We could also change the rewarding rates based upon who is dueling who. Like if a Slifer beats an Obby, they get 40 DP per win. If a Obby beats a Slifer, they get 20 DP per win. The above system would be Slifer vs. Slifer, Ra vs Ra, Obby vs Obby. But again, open for debate/Amy's approval.)