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descriptionGraveKeeper Deck EmptyGraveKeeper Deck


So I decided to add Van'dalgyon to the gravekeeper's build and it works really well making it more anti-meta. I'm sure you guys are used to malefic build by now, but I feel that it keeps me from trolling; so im siding them with extra support. I have the cards I need, but you never know. So what do you guys think? Open to suggestions and comments.

Here it goes.
GraveKeeper Deck ZPBMx

Last edited by Jack Spicer on Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:23 am; edited 2 times in total

descriptionGraveKeeper Deck EmptyRe: GraveKeeper Deck

hmm? why use skill drain? does it even work with GKs? i'm curious though over some of those cards i mean... hmm... well you certainly don't use GKs like i use em' other than that i can't give you any suggestion mostly because i don't know you're prespective on how you use it...

descriptionGraveKeeper Deck EmptyRe: GraveKeeper Deck

Well at first I thought it was risky becuase it affects gk's, but skill drain doesn't effect recruiter. Also, I do not play it unless I need it, usually I do. For example, if I don't have necro on the field, if I didn't draw or ran out of them I'd play it. Stuns against inzektors, wind-ups, chaos, and rabbit. Plus Necro and skill drain are an awesome combo. The key is to use it wisely like after you made all your plays. The counter traps are obviously to protect my skill drains and necro; which can also bring out my van'dalgyon and activate one of his effects. Van'Dalgyon is the perfect anti-meta + you get a 2800 beater.

-Skill Drain also helps me negate malefic stardust's effect so that my other monsters are allowed to atk. (I use it becuase It can get annoiying and I want to whipe out their life-points faster.)

-there are times when you need the sucker to protect necro so I side my skill drains and add the torrential or bottomless; depending on what I need.

I side a virus card that requires a 2500+ dark monster to destroy their traps/spells in hand and that happens for every trap/spell they draw for 3 turns. (Van'dalgyon + 2 Malefic Stardust dragons= dark attribute)

P.s I Side the van'dalgyons for the malefics.

-and the rest is history.

Last edited by Jack Spicer on Wed Jun 20, 2012 7:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

descriptionGraveKeeper Deck EmptyRe: GraveKeeper Deck

hmm... now i'm even more curious doesn't all that need perfect timing and abnormal luck? (i mean if you want to maintain that strategy every single duel...) won't it just be a dead draw somehow? and if you want quick kills why not go for the Raw Power Route that resides within the GKs? (you know: Priestess, Solidarity, etc...) sure it's not exactly the SAFEST strategy to duel with GK but you gotta wonder....

descriptionGraveKeeper Deck EmptyRe: GraveKeeper Deck

Some how I have managed to keep the same strategy for evey duel. Once dead draw, but pot of duality's are a life saver, especially since I dont special summon that often. That DN shuffler is evil and I have been doing pretty good so far. I want to take this deck to regionals or what ever tournament irl there is next near me.

May I include that wonder wond with recruiter does miracles for this deck! 2+1 three cards to your hand. Plus the two steles. I mean there is always room for improvement.

B.t.w Someone in the ycs (2012) used skill drain gk's and made top 32. - I said wtf?

My build is way different though.

P.s the Gk's you mentioned cluster the deck and slows it down; all you need are the main staples of the deck. (remember this format is all about speed.) -Plus the gravekeepr's are not as fast as the top tier decks from this format. I try to mill through the deck faster.

descriptionGraveKeeper Deck EmptyRe: GraveKeeper Deck

hmm i see... hah! guess i'm actually the one who's learnin' here thanks for the intel and stuff and good luck with Regionals!

descriptionGraveKeeper Deck EmptyRe: GraveKeeper Deck

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