Monsters: 25
Caius The Shadow Monarch x3
Dark Necrofear x2
Vanity's Fiend x2
Doomcaliber Knight x2
Newdoria x2
Grave Squirmer x2
Chaos Hunter
Gaap The Divine Soldier
Card Guard
Wall of Illusion
Snipe Hunter
Dark Resonator
Dark Tinker
Stygian Security
Brain Jacker
Gorz The Emissary of Darkness
Dark Armed Dragon

Spells: 8
MST x2
Lightning Vortex
Creeping Darkness
Allure of Darkness
Dark Hole
Heavy Storm
Monster Reborn

Traps: 7
Torrential Tribute
Solemn Warning
Solemn Judgment
Mirror Force
Dimensional Prison
Seven Tools of the Bandit
Call of the Haunted

Side: 3
Battle Fader x3

Extra: 15
Stardust Dragon
Red Dragon Archfiend
Hundred Eyes Dragon
Chaos King Archfiend
Dark End Dragon
Stygian Sergeants
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Void Ogre Dragon
Infernity Doom Dragon
Ally of Justice Catastor
Thought Ruler Archfiend
Dark Highlander
Orient Dragon
Mist Wurm
Flamvell Uruquizas

I don't want suggestions like Dark World, etc, I just want to make this deck better, any and all suggestions will be tested and greatly appreciated, thanks in advance. ^^