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descriptionA Spell Counter Deck EmptyA Spell Counter Deck

This is my real life deck. I made it before a lot of the new regulations so when I was going through it I found a single banned card: Giant Trunade, which happened to come in the structure deck that I got many of these cards from. I removed it as it doesn't really change the strategy of my deck. So please, tell me what you think.

Total amount of cards in deck: 43

Monsters: Total: 18
Endymion, the Master Magician
Dark Magician x2
Sorcerer of Dark Magic
Magical Plant Mandragola
Magical Marionette
Royal Magical Library
Magical Exemplar
Dark Red Enchanter
Apprentice Magician
Skilled Dark Magician
Mythical Beast Cerberus
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Defender, the Magical Knight
Summoner Monk
Rapid-Fire Magician
Mei-Kou, Master of Barriers

Spells: Total: 17
Magical Citadel of Endymion
Field Barrier
Magical Dimension x2
Magical Blast
Diffusion Wave Motion
Spell Power Grasp
Magicians Unite
Mist Body
Enemy Controller
Malevolent Nuzzler
Dark Magic Attack
Book of Moon
Mask of the Accursed
Mage Power
Swords of Revealing Light

Traps: Total:8
Magician's Circle
Shadow Spell
Magic Cylinder
Miracle Restoring x2
Pitch-Black Power Stone x2
Hidden Book of Spell


descriptionA Spell Counter Deck EmptyRe: A Spell Counter Deck

A big problem here is that you only have one each of a lot of the cards. You should often run 2-3 of a card depending on how good it is in the deck. For example, 3 Apprentice Magician might be a good idea. You should also have some more staples and splashable cards, like Heavy Storm, Dark Hole, Solemn Judgment, Bottomless Trap Hole, Fiendish Chain, Effect Veiler, and Monster Reborn.

Now, about some of the individual cards you run (I'm trying to be constructive though it might sound like insults)
The Dark Magician stuff is very, very weak, and puts you even deeper into fun deck territory than a Spell Counter deck should be. Don't run it, ever, unless you decide to make a Dark Magician deck.
Mei-Kou is bad. Don't run it.
Field Barrier is bad. Don't run it.
A single Spell Power Grasp is pointless. Run 3 or take it out.
Mist Body doesn't do much for a Spell Counter deck. Take it out.
Malevolent Nuzzler is bad. Take it out.
Mask of the Accursed is bad. Take it out.
I can't see much reason to run Mage Power in this deck. You should probably take it out.
Fiendish Chain is usually better than Shadow Spell.
Hidden Book of Spell is bad. Don't run it.

descriptionA Spell Counter Deck EmptyRe: A Spell Counter Deck

As it is, I don't have many of the cards you mentioned, such as Fiendish Chain and Effect Veiler. Also, I do see the wisdom in getting rid of Dark Magician. My only hang-up about that is that it makes it easier to summon Sorcerer of Dark Magic and works with Skilled Dark Magician and Miracle Restoring. In regards to Mask of the Accursed, I put it in in an attempt hold off monsters on my opponents field while also dealing damage and creating at a minimum 1 Spell Counter. Mei-Kou isn't necessary I agree with you on that. My thing with Field Barrier is that I don't always start off with spells, and if I have The Citadel out and no other spells, he comes in handy generating a single spell counter and stops my opponent from targeting it and playing a field spell of their own.

As for Spell Power Grasp, considering its the only one I own, I am hesitant to get rid of it in that while it has the potential to generate 1 to 8 spell counters on my side of the field in one turn even on its own is still valuable. My thing with hidden book of spell is more for the sake of recycling cards in case my opponent uses a milling deck. Malevolent Nuzzler is, while a potential hazard, also a consistent source of Spell counters, although I would believe that Horn of the Unicorn would work better and can switch Nuzzler out for it. Mist Body is worthwhile in a spell counter deck in that you don't always start off with strong offense or defense and need a stalling strategy, this creates a spell counter on activation potentially and creates an indestructible monster in battle for the time being, unless the opponent that has effects that automatically destroys monsters before damage calculation or spell or equip cards. Mage Power is useful in that in addition to automatically giving 500 ATK and DEF it gives an additional 500 for every other spell and trap you have out. This works well with the Citadel as that would be a 1000 point boost as well as if you have field barrier which would make it 1500. AS for Apprentice Magician, I don't own more copies of it. nor do I have Solemn Judgment or Heavy Storm, at least not anymore. I gave away about 90% of my cards to a friend who had his own stolen so now I am down to 4 decks and a stackful of zombies. I could put a bottomless trap hole in and monster reborn, but no dice on Dark Hole, that was given away as well I believe, although I guess I could check.

Thanks for the input.

descriptionA Spell Counter Deck EmptyRe: A Spell Counter Deck

Spell Counter decks are tricky to run sometimes. I recommend tossing in 3 Toon Table of Contents and possibly Toon Gemini Elf. That way you can get 3 counters instantly and fetch a beater. Another good idea is Crusader of Endymion. He's a little hard to get hold of, but I think he is worth it. A great 1900 LIGHT Spellcaster Gemini. Now, as for the Hidden Book, swap it for Magical Stone Excavation. It only nabs 1 spell, but it helps set up for future Graveyard plays also.

Ask me anytime for Spellcaster ideas, I'm Slifer's resident Magician

descriptionA Spell Counter Deck EmptyRe: A Spell Counter Deck

The problem with that is I DON'T OWN THOSE CARDS! I wish I did but the last set of new cards I got I do believe was the starter deck of 2009 with Road Warrior and X-Saber Urbellum. It would be nice to have those cards, but I don't have the resources to buy them. Perhaps in my virtual decks, I can do that. And my virtual decks are much better than this. I will post that Spell Counter deck once I believe that they are up to code.

descriptionA Spell Counter Deck EmptyRe: A Spell Counter Deck

I can understand not having access to cards, happens to me a lot. Shouldn't be too hard to get a trade or 3 in with people to get hold of some of those cards though. Heck, Toon Table isn't very pricey if you'd rather outright buy them.

Yes, post the virtual version for me, let's compare.

descriptionA Spell Counter Deck EmptyRe: A Spell Counter Deck

Here it is. Please tell me what you think:

Deck total: 45

Monsters: 21 total

Crusader of Endymion
Endymion, the Master Magician
Dark Magician x2
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Defender, the Magical Knight
Arcane Apprentice
Dark Eradicator Warlock
Night's End Sorcerer
Effect Veiler
Royal Magical Library
Rapid-Fire Magician
Arcanite Magician/ Assault Mode
Skilled Dark Magician
Magical Exemplar
Magical Marionette
Dark Red Enchanter
Legendary Flame Lord
Mythical Beast Cerberus
Sorcerer of Dark Magic

Spells: 17 total

Magical Dimension x2
Spell Power Grasp x2
Magical Citadel of Endymion x2
Field Barrier
Magicians Unite
Enemy Controller
Mist Body
Mage Power
Swords of Revealing Light
Incandescent Ordeal
A Feather of the Phoenix

Traps: 6 total

Pitch-Black Power Stone
Miracle Restoring
Assault Mode Activate
Localized Tornado
Magic Cylinder
Magician's Circle

Extra: 4 Total

Supreme Arcanite Magician - Fusion
Tempest Magician\
Arcanite Magician-- Synchro
Explosive Magician/

descriptionA Spell Counter Deck EmptyRe: A Spell Counter Deck

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