hey i`am viralz , you can call me viralz
but don`t call me anything else
and if you wanna duel ask me anytime ::Monkey1::
but don`t call me anything else
and if you wanna duel ask me anytime ::Monkey1::
*Starts to walk out of room, but just before he leaves, he says:*
Oh, and by the way, if you happen to see any flying tacos anywhere, don't be alarmed, but come tell me immediately.
And don't touch them. They *might* be radioactive, and it *might* cause you to be vaporized.
Or they could end up sending you to a different dimension. I'm not sure which. The victims *cough* I mean volunteers never came back *cough* I mean never reported back to me.
Jaden_yuki-- wrote:Mim stop spamming!~
mimgrim wrote:Jaden_yuki-- wrote:Mim stop spamming!~
take a look at the first page the creator of this topic spammed it more then i did........