Spoiler :

For those who don't know the cards

Monsters: 21
Geb, The Holy Marked Dragon x3
Tefnut, The Holy Marked Dragon x2
Shu, The Holy Marked Dragon x3
Isis, The Holy Marked Dragon x3
Nephthys, The Holy Marked Dragon x2
Holy Marker of the Divine Dragons x3
Luster Dragon #2
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon x3
Osiris, The Holy Marked Dragon

Spells: 12
Holy Marker of Gathering x3
Monster Gate
Super Rejuvenation x3
Heavy Storm
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Book Of Moon
Enemy Controller

Traps: 7
Holy Marker of Reflections
Holy Marker of Obliteration
Call of the Haunted x2
Solemn Judgment
Solemn Warning x2

Don't really worry about the Extra or Side deck, I'll work on that myself.

Everything is really what you would expect from a Holy Mark deck. I run Luster Dragon #2 as when it's comboed with Shu, I get to Xyz summon Atum, which then lets me grab a REDMD from my deck, which leads to more dragons from my grave. Other then that, I'd love to hear your guys' rates and fixes, so don't be shy!