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description3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help? Empty3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help?

Hi i want to ask anyone who can
help me with a deck recipe i want to summon the 3 Egyptian Gods as fast
as possible lets say in 2 or 3 rounds even in the first also if this is
possible Smile okay now the KEY CARDS that i need to draw as fast as i can
is:1 slifer - 1 obelisk - 1 dragon of Ra - 3 Quillbolt Hedgehog (for the
4 next trap or spell cards that I'm referring i use 2 of each in the
deck but i just need 1 of each) 1Solemn Wishes - 1 Ultimate Offering - 1
imperial iron wall - 1 spell absorption - 1 plaguespreader zombie (i
use 2 but i need 1) that's the cards well now the reason that i need
these cards is with with the absorption giving you 500 LP for every
spell card is activated and with solemn wishes giving you another 500 LP
for every time you drawand i use and 2 humingbirds as extra LP Smile all
that is for the RA so as sooner i use them much better cause when i
summon RA i will give him all my life and i will stay with 100 LP only
and he take the rest of my LP as attack and def of course you will know
that i'm just mention it.Ok now with the imperial iron wall activated as
long as i have my QuillBolt and the PlagueSpreader in graveyard there
is a combo you place 1 card from your hand to the top of your deck and
you can special summon the plaguespreader with him on the field as a
tuner i can special summon all my quillbolt from the graveyard so the
Imperial Iron Wall is for keeping them from destroy so i can tribute the
3 of them to normal summon or Slifer or Obelisk or RA when i summon 1
of them then i can special summon again the QuillBolts and by paying
500 LP with the Ultimate Offering i can summon again the 1 from the
other gods and again the same step for the third god and again 1 last
time for tribute 2 of them for use the effect of obelisk Razz that's all.
Now what i want is away with Graceful Charity Hand of Destruction Pot
Of Greed Magical Mallet Heart Of The UnderDog and other cards like these
to draw all the time until i gather the cards that i need also and
some monsters like UFOroid or Marauding Captain or Giant Rat or Magnet
Circle LV2 to special summon from my deck the 3 quillbolts some of these
let me special summon when they destroyed by battle or others when i
normal summon them or others are spell or trap cards and they let me do
that thing, they let me find a lvl 2 or lower monster or special summon 1
EARTH meaning (quillbolt monster) with 1500 or less attack anyway i
would be SUPER VERY thankful Smile if someone could help me with a combo
with drawing cards and with the monsters to let me find the quillbolts i
also have in the deck 2 Swords Of Revealing Light just to be sure Smile 2
Harpie's Feather Duster and 1 Raigeki also just to be sure Smile please i
need a good combo of cards to draw until i have these key cards like the
combo you do with EXODIA if someone can think a way to bring these
cards in 4 or less rounds sorry for the big script and Thanx for any
future help Smile

Additional Details

the deck recipe i want it for the yu gi oh 5d's tag force 5 thanx.

description3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help? EmptyRe: 3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help?

i do not have the paitence to figure out what all those cards are go and organize it then ill try and help intill then go frog engngine

description3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help? EmptyRe: 3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help?

mimgrim wrote:
i do not have the paitence to figure out what all those cards are go and organize it then ill try and help intill then go frog engngine

1 slifer
1 obelisk
1 dragon of Ra
3 Quillbolt Hedgehog
1Solemn Wishes
1 Ultimate Offering
1imperial iron wall
1 spell absorption
1 plaguespreader zombie
this is the key cards that i need to draw as soon as possible now the script it explains what they do and the strategy on how to use them to call the 3 gods i just want to use away like exodia you know draw cards with Graceful Charity and pot of greed and others until i gather them all

description3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help? EmptyRe: 3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help?

Use more tuners like quickdraw synchron, also the frog engine is the best engine fir god decks

description3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help? EmptyRe: 3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help?

what is the frog engine? is that gonna work can you bring 3 monsters in 1 turn over and over again?cause with quillbolts plaguespreader i can bring the in 1 turn as many times as i want and with that way i can summon and the 3 gods in 1 turn

description3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help? EmptyRe: 3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help?

first of all what your trying to pull of requires WAY TO MANY cards to pull off while the frog engine is much simpiler to pull sure you cant bring out all 3 gods in one turn but you have a better chance of bringing out 1 of the gods in a frog deck then you do in the deck your trying to build and the frog engine is simple

swap frog x 3
treborn frog x 2 (i say 2 cuase 3 isnt really needed IMO but alot of people play with 3 :/)
dupe frog x 2 - 3
ronitoad x 2 - 3
the above cards are key to the frog engine other helpfull cards to tech in with them would be quickdraw synchron, the tricky, level eater (only with the past 2), and spirit reaper

description3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help? EmptyRe: 3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help?

This is the God Deck i use in DN now some cards may not exist in TF5 but i will still give deck list
3 Gods (+Horakhty idk if its in the game i dont think so though)
Arcana force 0 - The Fool
Cyber Dragon
3 Cyber Valley
3 Giant Germ
Glow-Up Bulb
Jester Confit
Plaguespreader Zombie
2 Spell Striker
2 Spirit Reaper
Treeborn Frog
2 Burden of the Mighty
Dian Keto the Cure Master
Foolish Burial
2 Forbidden Lance
2 Gold Sarcophagus
Heavy Storm
Machine Duplication
Monster Reborn
Limit Reverse
Solemn Judgement
2 Ultimate Offering
2 Zoma the Spirit

This deck is about the monster cant be destroyed in battle special summon with their eff from the grave or hand so u have to tribute to summon the Gods and use cards like Foolish Burial to send a god to the grave and summon it with either COTH monster reborn or any other card u think Thats it hope it helps :D

description3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help? EmptyRe: 3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help?

3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help? EjPvX

I've used this a lot and it's great.

description3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help? EmptyRe: 3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help?

Yubel wrote:
3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help? EjPvX

I've used this a lot and it's great.
thanx a lot i will try it can i ask you for a favor if its not too much trouble can you tell me the cards please?

description3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help? EmptyRe: 3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help?

Atheridis wrote:
This is the God Deck i use in DN now some cards may not exist in TF5 but i will still give deck list
3 Gods (+Horakhty idk if its in the game i dont think so though)
Arcana force 0 - The Fool
Cyber Dragon
3 Cyber Valley
3 Giant Germ
Glow-Up Bulb
Jester Confit
Plaguespreader Zombie
2 Spell Striker
2 Spirit Reaper
Treeborn Frog
2 Burden of the Mighty
Dian Keto the Cure Master
Foolish Burial
2 Forbidden Lance
2 Gold Sarcophagus
Heavy Storm
Machine Duplication
Monster Reborn
Limit Reverse
Solemn Judgement
2 Ultimate Offering
2 Zoma the Spirit

This deck is about the monster cant be destroyed in battle special summon with their eff from the grave or hand so u have to tribute to summon the Gods and use cards like Foolish Burial to send a god to the grave and summon it with either COTH monster reborn or any other card u think Thats it hope it helps :D
thanx a lot man i have send you and a personal message

description3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help? EmptyRe: 3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help?

Atheridis wrote:
This deck is about the monster cant be destroyed in battle special summon with their eff from the grave or hand so u have to tribute to summon the Gods and use cards like Foolish Burial to send a god to the grave and summon it with either COTH monster reborn or any other card u think Thats it hope it helps :D

ahem, you can't summon a God from the grave, fairly certain it either has to be properly summoned first (if you can SS from grave in general), or, you can SS them, they suicide at the end of the turn.
Not sure, I don't exactly see the God cards every day XP

description3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help? EmptyRe: 3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help?

Eheroduelist wrote:
Atheridis wrote:
This deck is about the monster cant be destroyed in battle special summon with their eff from the grave or hand so u have to tribute to summon the Gods and use cards like Foolish Burial to send a god to the grave and summon it with either COTH monster reborn or any other card u think Thats it hope it helps :D

ahem, you can't summon a God from the grave, fairly certain it either has to be properly summoned first, or, if you can SS them, they suicide at the end of the turn.
yes and if i i'm not mistaken i'm not sure but i think in their description it says that they can't special summon them only normal summon

description3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help? EmptyRe: 3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help?

they can be SS but they die at the end of the turn

description3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help? EmptyRe: 3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help?

yes they can be spessial summond and they do get destroyed at the EP (only ra cant be SS) but having 1 turn of a monster with 4000 atk points or just needing the last god for horakhty it helps btw thats how i summond horakhty once :D.

description3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help? EmptyRe: 3 Egyptian Gods deck recipe help?

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