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Monarch help

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Placido Le Pwnzor
9 posters

descriptionMonarch help EmptyMonarch help

I've been runing this deck for some days now but sometimes i don't get enough tribute monsters sometimes i get 2 monarchs in 1 duel so im really asking for help here some pro help


Monarch help LYFqM

it was made to kill hand and field but sometimes i don't get enough tribute monsters :/

descriptionMonarch help EmptyRe: Monarch help

well if u plan on keeping jinzo in there id suggest putting in psychic shocwave but otherwise id say take him and dust spirit out

descriptionMonarch help EmptyRe: Monarch help

try making it more frog narch orinated >_< even with fish borg banned they can still do good plus you have to many monsters who reuire tributes >_< i sugest taking out cyber, dust, LADD, jinzo, the faders (spirit reaper is much better), 1 veiler, a raizia (you will se why)

and replace them with

spirit reaper x 2
another mobius (really great with getting rid of back row)
another swap frog
ronitoad x 2 or 3
duper frog x 2 or 3
plauge spreader zombie
glow up bulb
and mabey a ryko and lyla?

just pick your prefences out of the above

now for the spells and traps

take out the contorlers (they jsut aren't worth it to me), subtract the 2 water arts,

replace them with

another MST (this deck needs to beware of back row)
trap stun x 3
drastic drop off x 2
solemn J
another soul exchange or 2

that all i gots to sujest

descriptionMonarch help EmptyRe: Monarch help

lol at the fixes ^
oh well lets see
-3 veiler
-1 raiza
-1 cyber dragon
-2 mind crush
-1 mobius
-1 bls (theres no more lights ;p)
total: 9
+1 bulb
+1 dandylion
+2 ronintoad or w.e this frog is called ;p
+1 pot of avarice
+3 tour guide
+1 sangan
total: 9
the deck is should be working fine now ;o
also edit ur side deck and make the extra deck fit the changes

descriptionMonarch help EmptyRe: Monarch help

aah thanks i will make the changes now and test it out
i just really like the idea of monarchs because of a history class i took and i got inspired
one thing im really iffy about is taking out veilers and BLS
they have saved me from trishulas
and won me games *some*

this is how it looks with the changes what do you think?
Monarch help J8DO4

descriptionMonarch help EmptyRe: Monarch help

Sub the Jinzos... they really aren't needed....
Sub the Tour Guides... they aren't needed (Deck is focused around tribbing monarchs... not xyz'ing with tour guides...)
-Dandylion (You aren't running the entire plant engine; no need for dandy here)
+1 Fader (Need 3 for ubertribute)
+1 Soul Exchange
+2 LADD (Main Deck)
-BLS (Not needed... Side-deck him)
-1 veiler (You don't need 3 of them...)
+2 Ronin (tribute fodder)
+3 Dupe (Searching)
(RoninToadin's/Dupe Frogs? Think about putting those in!)
Note: You don't need these changes, but it's what I'd do just to have a consistent monarch deck.
That one Miighhttt be consistent, but with ronin's and dupes, the deck gives ubertroll with 2-3 LADD's which makes your opponent waste resources just to kill it and give you another ronin for more caius/raiza tribute. (For uber lolz)

Last edited by Harbinger on Sun Dec 11, 2011 4:01 am; edited 1 time in total

descriptionMonarch help EmptyRe: Monarch help

this i liek
im seeing what i can do
im not a super fan of frogs only treeborn xD
but i will post my chenges after

descriptionMonarch help EmptyRe: Monarch help

mmk. You really do need Ronin's and Dupe frogs though.
They make synchro and XYZ power amazing in the frog decks.
Ronin removing from play frogs + 2000 defense? Beast Razz

descriptionMonarch help EmptyRe: Monarch help

haha well i will try and see if i like
i really like the idea of a 2800 caius

soo.. something like this?
Monarch help 3IPwV

descriptionMonarch help EmptyRe: Monarch help

3 LaDD is overkill and 3 Raiza is plain stupid cut them to 2 and add Book of Moon cuz you siply have to run it and a Mind Crush (Dustshoot + Mind Crush = happy face)

descriptionMonarch help EmptyRe: Monarch help

2 LaDD 3 Caius and 2 Raiza are enough tribute monsters in this deck. So as Train said

-1 Raiza
-1 Mobius

Still, the deck is missing something very important. When you look at it, what do you see? Do you see a consistent deck which would usually get its stuff going? I dont. Why? One of the reasons is because you have way too much monsters and low backrow. Thing is, your only move in this deck is tribute summon and benefit from it. Since today negating summons is one of those things all decks run, one negation of tribute monster would mean disaster for ya. You would be open for attacks. Yes you do have 5 monsters which would stop those attacks but note that 2 of them will still get your LP damaged, and 3 faders will not be always there for ya, not in this slow deck. So increasing backrow would be important. At least at the level where you would have solemns and a torrential if nothing. I'm not so expert in frogs and their ratio here, others will help you in that but this ratio needs more testing and improvement from what i see.

Now to draw engine. Duality will not stop your tribute summon, but it will stop your frogs etc. However you do have 5 monsters which would summon in opponents turn so again you do have choice. Also Soul Exchange. You can run PoD and get many advantages here with it. You need it in fact because this deck is way too slow to be good.

Next thing you could try is to benefit on other field called Cyber Valley. I mean you use Treeborn, Fader and many other fodders for it. You don't have to remove treeborn, instead 3 E-con will get you to remove opponent monsters, big ones. That can be one devastating engine which looks so poor but does wonders in means of draw power and removal of your opp monsters. Also One for One would have few more targets Smile This would also mean to cut down a bit your tribute ratio for this, to balance between draw and your ace monster combos.

Now, think about these things all of us recommended and try out what do you think its best for now. Post it again and we will see what we can do more about it.

descriptionMonarch help EmptyRe: Monarch help

i do see your point Amy the thing about this deck is that it almost has no draw power and most of the time i get no tributes here's the look now
Monarch help 3gul0
tell me what you think

descriptionMonarch help EmptyRe: Monarch help

If I must add... Monarchs don't really run backrow support...
This means: No mirror force
No D-prison
No Dustshoot (Can be a dead sometimes... but it'll still work)
No bottomless
no warning
no judgment...
It all adds up to make treeborn frog dead...

Edit: Why'd you take out glow-up bulb...
that gives you the synchro monsters + Emergency tribute power

descriptionMonarch help EmptyRe: Monarch help

ok out off all that i learned from all of these comments i went with a little something like this
Monarch help 0vRFx

draw power AND enough tributes thanks for all the advice, this build is actually working alot better then the other ones LaDD @3 did clog me up all in all i do thank all of your advices they have helped me

btw i know you said no traps but reckless greed is very chainable that meaning very good here i do need the draw power now that fishborg ain't here...

if anyone else got some good tips lemme know

descriptionMonarch help EmptyRe: Monarch help

I'd take out Pot of Avarice, 1 Ronintoad and the Dupe Frog, for a 3rd Swap, 3rd Raiza and 2nd Vanity's Fiend.
Not a big fan of Reckless here. You could try either 3 Dualities instead, or 2 Dualities and a 3rd card - perhaps Maxx "C".

descriptionMonarch help EmptyRe: Monarch help

ill try and help again here

- 2 veiler (i would side them instead)
+ 2 spirit reaper (this card can do some epic stalling)
- 1 dust spirit
+ 1 mobius
- 1 ladd (you need cards that need 1 tribute not 2)
+ 1 mobius
- 1 fader
+ 1 swap frog
- 1 vanity's fiend (better for side deck)
+ 1 dupe
- 3 reckless greed
+ 2 drastic drop off
+ 1 mind crush
- 2 enemy controler
+ 2 trap stun
- gorz
+ debris dragon (more sync power and he can grap a treeborn or dupe for a lv 5 or lv 6 drgon sync)

descriptionMonarch help EmptyRe: Monarch help

hey try this one

descriptionMonarch help EmptyRe: Monarch help

Mimgrim, the whole point of LADD in this deck is uber amazing negation power.
Do you not read the entire effect of LADD?
Look here's how you get out LADD.
Say you're back is against the wall
hand: one-for-one
pot of duality
Battle fader

This hand gives you amazing power with a treeborn frog in the grave.
when the opponent attacks, you fader.
Field: 1 Fader.
(If they warning that sucks lol)
Standby phase treeborn.
Sac treeborn and fader for LADD. Ladd negates the following:
Mirror force.
Any thing.

Again... Debris Dragon has NO purpose in this deck.
- Mobius
- CyDra
+1 Glow-Up Bulb.
You NEED the BULB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

descriptionMonarch help EmptyRe: Monarch help

.___. im not even gonna comment on the drastic drop off thing...

glow-up yeah i should put it in there i'll see what i can do, and thanks agian for the helpss

descriptionMonarch help EmptyRe: Monarch help

Another thing: The changes you want to make mim? You try those in this deck.
For treeborn frog's effect to work you may not have any spell or trap cards in the S/T Zone.
E-con: This is necessary for synchro shenanigans and tribute shenanigans, let alone attacking your opponent with their own monster/tributing it for LADD.
Btw: Since you can activate E-Con in the standby phase (quickplay spell) Treeborn frog may come back again and again.
This also works when he is solemn warning'd.

Gorz: I won't even say this...
Gorz is a necessity...
Drastic Dropoff: WHAT? NO
Mind Crush: I don't even like these being in here.
Mobius: ... With starlight hanging around? I'd rather not.
DDS: ... DDS is amazing... You set that little guy and BOOOOOMMMM in the damage step. [This means no starlight road (:]

descriptionMonarch help EmptyRe: Monarch help

what's dds?

descriptionMonarch help EmptyRe: Monarch help

Dark dust Spirit

descriptionMonarch help EmptyRe: Monarch help

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