im posting this deck for some small changes and maybe to make it a quasar dragon summoner deck instead of red nova

monsters x32
flamvell baby x3
boost warrior x2
flamvell fire dog x3(important card)
flamvell magician x3(important card)
flamvell commando x2 (this one will be taken out for any good monster with 200 defense)
laval lady of the burning lake x3(important card)
tender of the laval volcano x3(important card)
laval forest spritex1(useless please change)
laval magma canoneerx3(very usefull)
magical merchant x3(gets all the cards that need to be in the grave into the grave and gives me a spell card; what more could you ask for)
laval gunnerx2
lyla light sworn sorceress x2
ryko x2

spells x8
charge of the light brigade x1
monster reborn
reasoning x1
magical stone excavationx2

Extra deck 15
red dragon archfiend x3
red nova dragon x3(BOSS MONSTER)
brionac x1
formula synchronx1
t.g. hyper lybrarian x1
laval twin slayer x1
star dust dragon x2
shooting star dragon x2(could probly get him out every single duel but i like red nova more)
shooting quasar dragon x1

Arch enemy: d.d. decks
good against: anything thats not d.d. and doesnt stop synchros/ grave yard access(gravekeeprs)