its good and ive won a lot with it but its missing something HELP

al sugestions in +/- form pleas to make it easier to edit my deck

Monsters: x 20

grapha, dragon god of dark world x 2

goldd, wu-lord of dark world x3

silvia, warlord of dark world x3

broww, huntsman of darkworld

brrom, mad king of dark world x2

gren, tactician of dark world x2

kahkki, guerilla of dark world x2

snow, mage of dark world x2

morphing jar

fabled raven x2

spells: x14

dark world dealings x3

dark world lightning x2

card destruction

dark hole

monster reborn

gate way of the dark world x2

into the void x2

pot of avirice x2

traps: x6

deck devistation virus x2

eradicator epidemic virus

bottomless trap hole

royal decree x2
