I use Chaos Plant vs Malefic Machinas +2

Number of cards : 2/2

Deck Build: 6/6

Concentration: 4/4

Rulings: 5/6
- Malefic > Skill Drain missunderstanding

Good use of Cards : 5/10
- You can't summon like that Cyber dragon and other Machines.Chimeratech Fortress is real badass and you do that twice.First i decide to not summon chimera, because it wasn't necessary, but 2nd duel you saw what happened.Be more carefull with machines, cydra is good, but can screw you so badly sometimes.
Control of duel : 5/10
Siding Skills : 0/4

Result of duel : I Won 2-0 0/6

Total marks: 29/50

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