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descriptionNordic Deck EmptyNordic Deck

Ok so i made a tournament on KCVDS and i ran a Nordic deck, it's pretty good i think.. i won the whole tournament with them,anyways here is the decklist any ideas that you think can improve the deck are welcomed.


Vanadis of the Nordic Ascendant x3
Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beasts x3
Guldfaxe if the Nordic Beasts x3
Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts x2
Valkyrie of the Nordic Ascendant x1(1 is better and leaves room for better draws. She's situational and I wouldn't want to pitch 2 nordics for her effect.)
Svartalf of the Nordic Alfar x1
Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter x2
Super-Nimble Mega Hamster x2
Effect Veiler x1
Chaos Sorcerer x2

Spells 8:

Forbidden Lance x2(I am not a fan of Trap Stun,this card have helped me so much for saving odin, thor, or loki, or even against my opponent's monsters.)
Dark Hole
Monster Reborn
Book of Moon
Giant Trunade
Burial from a Different Dimension

Gleipnir, The Fetters of Finrir x3
Nordic Relic Gungnir x2.
Nordic Relic Laevateinn x2
(This is very VERY important. This card is a amazing. When your opponent kills tanngrisnir or hamster like you I them to I use this card to kill their monster. It cannot be stardusted, solemned, bribed, or anything. Cards cannot be activated in response to it. So that leaves their field empty for a direct nordic god direct attack the next turn. D-prison is good in almost any deck. Keyword: almost. This is one exception
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Mirror Force
Solemn Judgment
Nordic Relic Megingjord x1(People Actually don't run this card, is in my opinion AMAZING i Stall so much with it, it has saved me so many times.. i just have to run it.)


Odin x3
Loki x2
Thor x3
Stardust x2
Black Rose x2
Catastor x1
Brionac x1
Colossal Fighter x1

Thats the deck, rate it and tell me what do you guys think.

descriptionNordic Deck EmptyRe: Nordic Deck

~Moved to the Appropriate Section

descriptionNordic Deck EmptyRe: Nordic Deck

I dont know in what tournament you did participate but this deck looks everything else than competitive. I will tell you why.

This deck you made is not fast at all. And, you force to use Chaos Sorcerer in the place where he should not be at all. Yea you can tell me how your deck is amazing and so but it is not competitive. Try to play in a real tournament where Six Samurais, Gravekeepers and other good decks rule and you will see what I mean.

First, where is your draw power? With only Gleipnir, The Fetters of Finrir you cannot be fast. Six samurais use also Smoke but they have plenty draw engines besides that card. That is why are they so fast. If you want to succeed you must be at least a bit faster than now you are. Pot of Duality at 3x is a must in here.

Next to this, your Vanadis can dump any Nordic from your deck into Graveyard which means you can throw and then use Pot of Avarice to bring them back and gain advantage by it.

Svartalf of the Nordic Alfar and Valkyrie of the Nordic Ascendant. If you want to play competitive just throw them out and don't ask why. Reason is so obvious. These cards are nothing in this deck. Instead of that you must max out Tanngnjostr.

Alo Hamster is too good not to be maxed out especially when you even run Ryko.

Chaos Sorcerer must be out. You need good draw power. For that you need Avarice. If you use Avarice you don't like monsters to be removed so much. Then again your decks main purpose contradicts with Chaos. When you play Vanadis and want to summon Odin, its obvious that you will first use Vanadis effect to throw another Vanadis and secure Odin's presence on field even more. Then when your Odin gets destroyed you will want to remove those Vanadises to bring him back. Same if you want to summon Thor, you just send Guldfaxe. So if you use those cards to remove them for Chaos Sorcerer then why are you using a Nordic deck for that in the first place when you will harm Odin and Thor so much with it. If you think Burial will do the job you are wrong. You dont have any draw engines in here and to wait a duel for one card, nah. Doesnt work even in Fairy tales.

Effect Veiler is very important here and I prefer to use it at 2x.

Now those trap line up makes me scream. Where are important cards in life like Solemn Warning? You dont need it? Oh yes my friend, you need them so much in here.

Nordic Relic Megingjord. Dont be funny with this card. "AMAZING" you said huh? Just think about it, you have this card and one of your Nordics which are not dark. Your opponent uses Catastor and your trap becomes garbage. Just imagine how many effects to destroy a monster on the field are out there? By doubling their atk and def you dont save them from being destoryed at all! Then again what will you do when your are open with no monsters to protect you? This card is always garbage believe me on word. Think again, if you replace it for Waboku, or Threatening Roar (if you insist these kind of defense cards) isnt it better than this card in any situation? You dont have to answer it, it is better by default.

Nordic Relic Laevateinn. Do I hear again word "amazing"? You must be fan of Relics, other than that this card is also nothing so good. Leaving your opponent to destroy your monster means you have Tanngrisnir, other than that you dont want your monster to be destroyed at all. Again same as before what will you do when you are open for attacks without any monster. I say Dimensional Prison but you do as you wish. Isnt it better to stop your opponent before your monster gets destroyed or to have something to protect you even when you dont have situations where you cant use your relic cuz you have no monsters left on field. Prison does both and even more. It says other card cannot be activated to response, but what will you do when you dont have a monster which is standard situation in any duel? Stardust can be killed by Prison too. Bribe, who uses bribe? If you see someone using it in a regular, competitive deck, tell him from me that he is insane. Solemn Judgment is one. No one will want to use Solemn to stop a trap if its not key move for win condition. You better worry how you will be able to have a monster on field for your card than what it can negate lol. Conslusion: "Keyword: almost. This is one exception" If you want to be a pro, before you say something like above, get very good arguments for it.

Nordic Relic Gungnir. You should name your deck "Relic" not Nordic. This one is actually a bit better than others but still I dont prefer it. Simply because you dont lose a monster and still destroy your opponents. This way you even can remove your Odin and Thor to protect them. Also this one can destroy any card not just monster, keep that in mind. This is why its better than other relics you got there.

Now to tell you one strategy which proved to be good and I dont see that you pull it of so much since you used Tanngnjostr at 2x. One reason why Gleipnir, The Fetters of Finrir is a trap is that you can use it when your opponent attacks your monster. Then you use it to get Tanngnjostr from deck. Your monster gets destroyed and you special summon Tanngnjostr in defense position. You use this when your opponent has nothing else to attack with, in other words on opponents last attack. Then next turn you simply can Black Rose or other things you had in mind.

Sorry for my sarcasm, I had to point out importance of some things. All this you can consider help, but if you want to convince me that your deck is good as it is then you did not need to post it here in the first place. Smile

descriptionNordic Deck EmptyRe: Nordic Deck

Thanks for your help, if you would have been a little bit nicer that would have been cool.. Yes my deck won a tournament. And yes i killed Six sams, dragons, GK's.. they were all very good players, so don't tell me they sucked.. Thank you again for your help.

descriptionNordic Deck EmptyRe: Nordic Deck

I apologize if you felt bad about my sarcasm.

descriptionNordic Deck EmptyRe: Nordic Deck

It's ok. Your advice was helpful

descriptionNordic Deck EmptyRe: Nordic Deck

Sorry i used your deck w/o permission, but I think this deck is amazing...

in 3/5 duel, i summoned Odin thx to Gleipnir sending valk to my hand... Valk and Svartalf Good to maximize Vanadis potential

and Laevattin Save me a couple times from six sam's Shien and shogun's combo effect (I HATE SIX SAMS!)

Megingjard made an OTK with Odin and god... gungnir save Odin etc from cards eff loke brio, Chaos sorce, trap hole, dimension prison, etc

Who needs duality? You can synch when you need em' Razz and chaos sorce good 4 suprising opponent and defeat catastor n krebons

This is the best Nordic deck out there.. i always confused how to make a nordic deck.. and you helped me thx XD

Just adding something... maybe you can add frozen fritz and zeman (Like mini-odin)(vanadis as tuner)

descriptionNordic Deck EmptyRe: Nordic Deck

^ do not necropost, it's considerate as spam, you could say what you wanned to say in an PM instead of posting here, if i catch you again you will receive your first official warning.

descriptionNordic Deck EmptyRe: Nordic Deck

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