I used Light Beat vs Gravekeeper's -2
Number of cards : 2/2
Deck Build : 4/6
Doesn't main Royal Tribute

Concentration : 4/4

Rulings : 4/6

Just forgetting a necrovalley ruling for a moment when i reminded him.

Skills :
Good use of Cards : 8/10
Control of duel : 8/10
Siding Skills : 4/4

Result of duel : 2:1 in his favor: 4/6 - that damned Tribute saved his @$$ big time.

Total marks : 38/50

Still Ra Yellow, sorry man you gotta do better (considered our hands in the 3 duels, he had god hands in midle second game and the whole third and I had only spell in mine, trying to protect a lone monster on the field.)