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descriptionFusion Monster Creation Tournament EmptyFusion Monster Creation Tournament

The Topic Says Everything

You create a Fusion Monster card and material monster required for its fusion

Sign up by posting your cards

1st place - 300 DP and 150 Credits
2nd Place - 200 DP and 100 Credits

Deadline - 25/02

descriptionFusion Monster Creation Tournament EmptyRe: Fusion Monster Creation Tournament

i made my cards already
so the material monster is...
Fusion Monster Creation Tournament Createcardphp-2
and the Fusion monster is ...
Fusion Monster Creation Tournament Createcardphp2-2

i know the texit is to small because the effect is too long so am going to right it below

This card can only be Special Summoned from your Fusion Deck by returning the above cards from your side of the field to the Deck. (You do not use "Polymerization".)
When this Card destroyed and sent to the graveyard u can return all MAGNEMITE In You RPG to your Deck.
By removing 2Cards from your hand u can destroy 1 card on the field. )

descriptionFusion Monster Creation Tournament EmptyRe: Fusion Monster Creation Tournament

Fusion Monster Creation Tournament GOten

Effect Says wrote:
When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent destroy 1 face-down card on the field.

Fusion Monster Creation Tournament Trunks

Effect Says wrote:
Destroy any monster this card battles with at the end of the Damage Step. The destroyed Monster is Special Summoned in your opponent's next Standby Phase

Fusion Monster Creation Tournament Gotenksmycard

Effect Says wrote:
"Goten" + "Trunks" monsters
This card can only be Special Summoned from your Fusion Deck by removing from play the above cards you control(You do not use "Polymerization"). This card is not effected by the effect of a Spell, Trap, or Effect Monster. At the end of your 2rd turn after this summoning this Monster return it to the Fusion Deck to Special Summon the material monsters used for its fusion. You cannot summon this card again until the end of your 3rd turn after this returning this monster.

descriptionFusion Monster Creation Tournament EmptyRe: Fusion Monster Creation Tournament

well here are my cards hope u like them Motorhead series again Smile
Fusion Monster Creation Tournament 38815_motorhead_rock_n_roll
Fusion Monster Creation Tournament 38900_motorhead_sacrifice
Fusion Monster Creation Tournament 38970_god_motorhead
almost no chance to read his eff so here it is

''Motorhead Sacrifice'' + ''Motorhead Rock 'N' Roll''
When this Monster is Fusion Summoned succesfully, you can select and activate one of these effects
1.Select and Special Summon 1 monster which includes ''Motorhead'' in its name from your Hand or Graveyard.
2.Destroy Spell or Trap Cards on the field up to the number of other''Motorhead'' monsters you control.

descriptionFusion Monster Creation Tournament EmptyRe: Fusion Monster Creation Tournament

I vote for fenixfx's
others are taken from anime so no creativity

descriptionFusion Monster Creation Tournament EmptyRe: Fusion Monster Creation Tournament

assassin and shadow to simple i think

descriptionFusion Monster Creation Tournament EmptyRe: Fusion Monster Creation Tournament

ok 1st one the MAGNEMITE
the fusion monster name is MAGNETON
and the fusion material r 3x MAGNETON (wrong text)
then u said (by returning the above cards from your side of the field to the Deck) and then (return all MAGNEMITE In You RPG to your Deck) what would send them to RFG (if that what u meant by RPG) xD
so 7/10
the 2nd one GOTENKS is cool and not overpowered, but still the effect of ur 2nd standby phase makes it a little bit weak so it deserves 8.5/10
the 3rd one MOTORHEAD have a real nice effect and actually it's the only one that uses Polymerization xD
since it have 2 effects that looks like Stratos I'll give it 8.5/10 as well Razz
anyways, (1)Fenix - (2)Assassin - (3)shadow

descriptionFusion Monster Creation Tournament EmptyRe: Fusion Monster Creation Tournament

well Thanks for the votes guys and ill give my vote for assassin cuz i see big improvement and he is good competion

descriptionFusion Monster Creation Tournament EmptyRe: Fusion Monster Creation Tournament

These are my cards :D

Materials :

Fusion Monster Creation Tournament Create11

Fusion Monster Creation Tournament Create12

Fusion :

Fusion Monster Creation Tournament Create14

Last edited by ItachiUchiha on Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:35 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : bad links)

descriptionFusion Monster Creation Tournament EmptyRe: Fusion Monster Creation Tournament

nice 9/10 good pics
but if i'd have to tell in order of the who i like the most i'd say 1.fenix

descriptionFusion Monster Creation Tournament EmptyRe: Fusion Monster Creation Tournament

well i win this one and Assassin gets 2nd place the new theme will be announced soon

descriptionFusion Monster Creation Tournament EmptyRe: Fusion Monster Creation Tournament

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