If anyone can pull this off, it's Nintendo. But can even Nintendo do it? The very trailer shows something obviously impossible, where in one frame, Link's hand goes from being open to closed and when he pulls out his sword it's obvious thatit only gets yanked out halfway, then flicked out like ke cut his sheath. But with no resistance.

Now just to be fair, that swords is so huge Link needs gorilla arms to not have to do that, but that's another gripe: If he took that off and stood it up on its point, it would at least reach his chest, and he usually holds it one-handed. Somehow, it looked right with Ocarina, Majora (sorta, the hilt of the Gilded Sword looked like a weird), Wind Waker only because of the cel-shading, and Twilight just because Link was such a bad*** that it looked right. However, when Link's model is ripped from Twilight Princess and retextured to look like Toon Link, he looks okay, but his biggest sword yet doesn't.

That's another gripe I have: The graphics.Half of it looks like it was ripped from TP, retextured, and put into the game. That looks fine. But the other half, the ones made for the game, appear to be guest stars from Teletubbieland. The bosses: Isn't it obvious enough already, cryptic stuff like the dungeon item always helps in the defeat, you got the bow, and there's a huge eyeball staring you down? NOPE! We have to make an obviously anatomically incorrect scorpion that has GLOWING RED TARGETS WHERE YOU SMACK IT WITH YOUR SWORD.

Please, PLEASE let there be no voice acting. Every time there is a cool voice in an anime, when the dubbers get their grubby mitts on them, it sounds so stupid (this applies to every other voice too), so I wouldn't doubt it if somebody did that to Zelda too. Remember the corny cutscenes of the first 2 of the Unholy Triforce? I wish I couldn't! Plus, it's a different Link nearly every game so for continuity's sake, they have to change the voice actor or give them to another character every game.

The controls: During the demo with Shigeru Miyamoto, the controls were really laggy, which was blamed on interference. The open-public demo everyody who tried it said it worked fine. But do I really want to swing around Link' sword? He gets a more varied moveset, but you can't play for too long or your arms will get really sore, just like SoulCalibur Legends which kills your arms for 2 weeks. It may be cool just this one time, but not forever: Like Four Swords Adventues for the Gamecube.

But at least we get a lot of really awesome stuff: rolling bombs, a lot or cool new items, and a better looking sword beam that Fierce Deity Link's.

In short: my pre-release impressions may be wrong, it may be awesome, and there is probably stuff I've forgotten, but I'll have to get the game before I pass true judgment.

Your thoughts?

Last edited by Black_Feather_Mastuh on Sat Jul 17, 2010 2:52 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Added trailer so others can pass judgment from it, edit 2 didn't know about at-dollar-dollar)