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descriptionIs God dead to himself? EmptyIs God dead to himself?

Small thing I have to say before I get to the explaining. This post is not meant to spread offence in any way, it is purelyban interesting way of viewing it which I hope will interest you. Any offence I create, is solely an accident, so I'll apologize before hand, sorry.

Anyways onto the fun. Every religion that us monithiest, believes that there is only one God, and that he has lived, and will live forever. There is a situation, which I'm sure you have noticed, in which every year of your life seems shorter. There have been explanations for this, such as it feels shorter due to the lack of new experiences, or due to maturing. Hiwever there is also a mathematical explanation which is rather interesting IMO. It is this, from age 0 to age 1 it is 100% of your life, from age 1 to 2 its 50%, from age 2 to age 3 its 33%, and so on. So, id somebody lived infinstely, the percentage of their life, would be infinately small. So considering all of this, from age 1 to 2 you would live 183 days, from age 2 to 3 it would be 121 days, from age infinity-1 to age infinty you will live 0 days, 0 minutes, 0 seconds, 0 milliseconds, 0 microseconds, 0 nanoseconds, 0 picoseconds, 0 femtoseconds, etc, you get the idea. (By the way a femtosecond is 0.000000000000001 seconds). The time would be so small its more than acceptable to say somebody who is eternal, lives no time at all anymore. The only situation where you live no time at all, is when your dead, so wouldn't God be dead???

It can also be used to explain why God is unable to help in situations. Lets say that in the year 1500, that God truly was all-knowing, at this point, techincally he will still be living for infinity years, so he would have 0 time to learn anything else. So if he was all knowing AT THAT ONE TIME, he would have to learn what happens in the next years, but if he had the inability to learn, he couldnt. At that time cancer and epidemics in Africa were not a thing, so he would currently have no knowledge of it, meaning he couldnt help the people.

What do you all think about it?

Last edited by Debi on Mon Oct 31, 2016 4:46 pm; edited 2 times in total

descriptionIs God dead to himself? EmptyRe: Is God dead to himself?

God doesnt exist. Simple as that. If there was a god, he'd help stop poverty,rapings,killings, etc. Who knows how many have died while i even typed this, some innocent. Why do you have to pray to the sky so that you're fulfilled? Prayer does not determine how good of a person you are. Science explains everything in a detailed manner, but yet people still believe in the bible.
Religion was created to supress the masses and it did so well due to the fear of the unknown, the results still go on today.

descriptionIs God dead to himself? EmptyRe: Is God dead to himself?

Ok i see your point but first thing to point wrong in your logic, you say each YEAR gets shorter right? so mathematically speaking according to what you say gods "years" never get to 0 they just get smaller and smallet, but first of all year is a human perception but more importantly, if god is eternal, each of his years would be 0,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
lets say and each time smaller, but that would only mean his years past faster no that he is not living, in the perception we would take a second god would live let says 10000000 years, not no live at all.
Second thing, into the logic itself, i to be honest dont share the idea of 1st year 100%, 2dn year 50%, doesnt really make sense, perception of time is a human thing only, and its directly correlated to the brain and emotions, there's no mathemtical process involved in which each year gets less % of life, if you want an example, think of when you were a kid, and your room looked gigantic in your eyes, jumping from your bed to the ground was a insane, and now you may feel your room is small.
Its about perception, perception is an interesting concept so i would recommend you read about it, becouse you seem interested in it, for example look at concept of ideology which is basically the way each person or group of persons that may have the same ideolgy percept and interepret the world.

Also if you are interested in god's "death", you may look into nietzche book, "thus spoke zaratustra" in which the idea that god has been killed appears, and its been killed by humans, their creator the only ones that could kill god is us, since we created him.

descriptionIs God dead to himself? EmptyRe: Is God dead to himself?

Drunkion what i meant by the %s was, from age 0 to age 1 you will be living 100% of your life. From age one to two you will be living 50% of your life and so on.

descriptionIs God dead to himself? EmptyRe: Is God dead to himself?

yes, im saying it doesnt really make sense Is God dead to himself? 3974120512

descriptionIs God dead to himself? EmptyRe: Is God dead to himself?

I'm not really religious. I never considered myself to be. Every sunday I go to church and try get some question answered. Figure out a thing or two to do in life. But do I believe in God? I would answer this question with - yes and no! :') 

descriptionIs God dead to himself? EmptyRe: Is God dead to himself?

You're approaching this from a misled perspective. For instance, God in my religion (Islam) is neither dead or alive; he's simply not included in these two descriptions. God, in simple words, is "The Existence". Such word is beyond human's ability to comprehend, and hence, when interpreted by whoever, it'll always conclude wrongly regardless of how much knowledge that individual might has. Death is a characteristic of humans and other living things, it only apply to objects where at one point will reach an expiry date; that cannot be apply to God by any means. God created both of 'life' and 'death', and then attached these two attributes to everything in the universe. Anything, but God, has an expiry date, hence it could die at some point.

You see humans live for over a 100 year, and others live for 60 year, and others die in their 20s. There cannot be possibly a fixed method of measuring why some gets to live more than others, from a religious point of view the answer could be: "A man death clock starts ticking the day he's born, if you're destined to die in your 60s, then you're going to die in your 60s'. From the point of view of those who doesn't really believe in fate and all of that, it could be interpreted to: "The choices which you make and how well you treat your body are the subjects will will determine your overall life time; like smoking, eating healthy, doing exercises, etc." I, for myself, believe that it's a mix of both. God gave us options, and told us to pick whatever we want from these choices: (a) if you eat healthy, exercise, treat your mind and body well, then you'll live a bit longer, and (b) otherwise you might die sooner.

The concept of death is that of when something reaches a deadline, it can either no longer go further or simply isn't meant to. This applies to anything that has a starting point, such as birth; a car getting out of a factory; a new phone - all of these have starting point, hence they - at some point - will cease to exist. God doesn't have a starting point, hence he doesn't have an end. He simply 'EXISTS' outside of such boundaries while everything else lives inside of it.

Anyhow, this is merely my own perspective. I'm fine with whatever everyone else think of God; some believe in him and some doesn't, it's cool.

descriptionIs God dead to himself? EmptyRe: Is God dead to himself?

As a muslim and someone who believes in God,  I agree with everything Anzo said.

The term of time of God's "start" and "end" of existence is not known to us and it's something that cannot be matematicaly defined while some things as human's life span can in some ways.

If I renember correctly when I was listening some stories in Mekteb and Religion classes in school, person's destiny is written when mother feels the baby's first kick and as Anzo said, the clock starts ticking...

There are many explications about this but it just turns in philosophy however, time in this case is complex term

descriptionIs God dead to himself? EmptyRe: Is God dead to himself?

Would it be borring to be god?

Are gods dead to themself?
No they are not, if we would say they behave as humans do then they would start trolling people not to be bored. They would even try to lose some knowledge to make things more fun.

Would gods as objective existances have a subjective perception of time like humans do?
Yes, but only if they wanted so.

I would advice people not to clain their religious identity in this topic, make sure to post from a neutral viewpoint. This is philosophy after all, neutral views and objective think is necesary.

descriptionIs God dead to himself? EmptyRe: Is God dead to himself?

Skitoritto wrote:
I would advice people not to clain their religious identity in this topic, make sure to post from a neutral viewpoint. This is philosophy after all, neutral views and objective think is necesary.

It's merely to serve the purpose of stating where I'm coming from with my opinion when elaborating on my point of view that I find it necessary to point out my religion. Though it's up to others to take it upon themselves concerning what clauses they find intriguing if they really want to remain objective in this thread.

descriptionIs God dead to himself? EmptyRe: Is God dead to himself?

I avoided this topic, since its very controversial and well, technically speaking imposible.

But just to say something to @Skitoritto. No, philosophy does not need a neutral point of view. Exactly the opposite, to truly understand philosophy and craft one for yourself you need to dive and explore as well as think from all possible ends.

descriptionIs God dead to himself? EmptyRe: Is God dead to himself?

And to think from all possible ends you need to be objective.

descriptionIs God dead to himself? EmptyRe: Is God dead to himself?

CrimsonOverlord wrote:
God doesnt exist. Simple as that. If there was a god, he'd help stop poverty,rapings,killings, etc. Who knows how many have died while i even typed this, some innocent. Why do you have to pray to the sky so that you're fulfilled? Prayer does not determine how good of a person you are. Science explains everything in a detailed manner, but yet people still believe in the bible.
Religion was created to supress the masses and it did so well due to the fear of the unknown, the results still go on today.

 Not religious either btw, but did want to touch on this.

The existence of poverty and crime has very little to do with the possibilities of there being a good and do nothings to disprove the existence of any god. The point of a god is very neutral to create and preserve what youve created, good or bad means nothing to this its all an even playing field, poverty exists viar many reasons, but as a species it can be seen as means to keep us in check this also works for crime, its about the wider picture, a god would allow these things to exist diverse of good n evil to simply keep a balance for the species as a whole.

The god and evil of the things you brought up are only relevant to us as humans, for we have a concept of to which we feel if right and wrong, and this differs from person to person abit, but you get the idea.

Also to which any for example of preaching evil ways viar religion is again not a god's controled means, its as crims stated a way to generate masses, which is a human by product written down by humans, no matter the level of belief in a person the belief is aimed to another humans way of thinking from the past, its hugely doutful any god if any ofc, would actually share the views of those who follow them.

descriptionIs God dead to himself? EmptyRe: Is God dead to himself?

I like the way you think @Kangaroo-Jolty" :')

descriptionIs God dead to himself? EmptyRe: Is God dead to himself?

Well this mit not be entirely on topic, but I guess our topic is religion, so I will give my general opinion on it. 

@CrimsonOverlord, yes a God may not exist. Or it may. We don't know. We don't know because we don't understand it. That's why religious people fear God. We fear what we don't understand. Point is that is why they pray to to the sky and in cirches. 

From the belives of christianity (don't know if I spelled it right...) we know that God is above all. Everything that we see and we don't see, everything that we feel and that we don't feel...is God. You cannot imagine how God looks, nor how he talks, because you can always see him as a humam-like being and this goes against everythig that God stands for. Why am I sayig this? Thing is, God is God in every religion. There are not much difference in the all powerful being different religions belive in. The difference comes when you come to the teaching they give. The moral teachings...this is what devides religions and in time, the worlds as a whole...Because of this I say that what @Debi said can never be correct. You cannot connect a figure that we know nothing of with math. It is impossible and stands against the moral code of every religion. 

Crimsy you as an atheist say God doesn't exist. For the most part I agree. But if you don't belive in God what do you belive in? What do you think God stands for? Those are the questions that I asked when I stoped believe in God. What does he stand for for other people. And here is what I got. God stands for good. For me this is as simple as that. What Jesus (whether he did live or not) wanted was ti spread good, to connect people and make the world a better place. He was a beacon of hope for people back then that were divided by Greek, Roman and many other Gods. By creating a religion about doing good, being humble and being patient and putting on top of it a being that will spread those thing to everybody that deserves it and will be loved and hailed, Jesus knew that he would unite people and will make a step into a new stage of human live. He would stop many wars and conflicts and prevent many disasters. And as history has proven Jesus's teaching have searved there fair share of good. But it wasn't enough. In the end we are still divided by Diffrent Gods and teaching. So in the end we can ask the question...is religion actually good? 

Sorry if this is not really understandable, stuff like that flow in my head in my language and it is really hard to get into an understandable english...

descriptionIs God dead to himself? EmptyRe: Is God dead to himself?

I believe in me. Welp either way i can't force people to believe in god or not, neither does it bother me. It's a free world.

descriptionIs God dead to himself? EmptyRe: Is God dead to himself?

Spoiler :

In short, all are just theories (or rather guesses) that you are free to believe until they are proven to be true or disproven.

Me, just post without thinking is there really a higher being (god) than us or not, because EGAO

descriptionIs God dead to himself? EmptyRe: Is God dead to himself?

@Pepchoninga Stop colorizing your post; makes it less appealing to actually read.

descriptionIs God dead to himself? EmptyRe: Is God dead to himself?

Don't like it? Don't read it fgt Is God dead to himself? 4204681869

descriptionIs God dead to himself? EmptyRe: Is God dead to himself?

What? No idea what you just said. I didn't read it.

descriptionIs God dead to himself? EmptyRe: Is God dead to himself?

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