Alrighty, so, I have decided to cave into my theory crafting mindset and mentality; present to you an idea that II have conjured up, which actually works pretty damn well. That is --- Speedroid Metalfoes. I have given it a bit of testing; it actually works as well in practice as it does in theory.



1x Rescue Rabbit
3x Terrortop
1x Takemtomberg
3x Goldriver
3x Silverd
3x Volframe
2x Gameciel
3x Bunbunku
1x Kirin


1x Metalfoes Fusion
2x Pot of Desires
2x Gold Sarc
2x Twin Twisters
3x Painful Decision
1x Summoner's Art
1x Raigeki


3x Metalfoes Counter
1x Combination
3x Strike
1x Warning

Extra Deck:

1x Breaksword
1x Castel
1x Utopia
1x Lightning
1x Leviair
1x Emeral
2x Adamite
1x Crimsonite
1x Orthoric
1x Dweller
1x ABC Buster Dragon
1x Dante
1x Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon
1x Majester

Side Deck (all that I can definitely say I have in for now, still to be completed):

2x Winter Blossom
2x Ghost ogre
2x Maxx "C"
1x Jowgen

So, yea, the theory I'm working with is the whole Gold Sarc/Rescue Rabbit combo. Rabbit's already a good card in the deck; thanks to the Terrortop/Takemtomburg and Gold Sarc engine, it now means you can make a r3 and a r4 without having to use up your normal summon, as well as doing regular metalfoe plays/acquiring a search with Bunbunku (depending on how the remaining 3 cards in your hand turn out). Heck, even if you draw Rabbit, you can still end up with a R3/R4 and a Bunbunku search with Gold sarc and Terrortop also in your hand (Just Gold Sarc for Bunbunku and SS it with Leviair). The extra is really the only thing I'm unsure on tbh, as I threw it together quickly haha. Emeral is great in this deck, especially when you think about the painful decision combo and Emeral allowing you to revive the Metalfoe you sent. Suggestions are welcomes on this :-)