The Kaiju Engine

We all know the Kaiju archetype, those annoying, big monsters that your opponent summons to your side of the field by tributing one of your monsters. The best thing about them is that it's an easy way to remove threats from your opponent's side of the board, that your opponent can't counter. Tributing your opponent's monster for a Kaiju summon is part of the Summoning Procedure, so the opponent's monster is tributed before your opponent can react. Although Cyber Dragon Infinity is no longer going to be a threat, with Tellarknight Ptolemous now banned, but that doesn't mean there aren't still problematic monsters running around. Rank 4 decks can still make Traptrix Rafflesia, Kozmo Dark Destroyer is quite the threat, Masked HERO Dark Law will always be around, and with the release of Monarchs, we can expect to see a lot of Majesty's Fiend. That's just a few of the many problematic monsters that Kaiju can handle.

Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju :

Kumongous, the Sticky String Kaiju :

Gadalara, the Mystery Dust Kaiju :

Radian, the Multidimensional Kaiju :

Dorogan, the Made Flame Kaiju :

Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju :

Interrupted Kaiju Slumber :

When using this engine, the first thing you'll need to decide is how much space your deck needs to dedicate to removing problematic monsters. If you only have a couple of deck slots to spare, you'll be better off running Raigeki and Dark Hole, with a couple of Kaiju in the side. If your deck has a good amount of space to spare, then it's best to run either 4 or 6 Kaiju along with 2-3 Interrupted Slumber (2 if using 4, 3 if using 6). Any less and it can't even be considered an engine. Interrupted Slumber will wipe out the whole board, rather than just one monster, then next turn you can banish it from the grave to search another Kaiju, ready to eliminate the next threat your opponent summons. When using Slumber, you'll want to summon one of the big Kaiju to your side of the field, and the weakest to your opponent's. Because of this, it's best that half the Kaiju you run are weaker ones like Gameciel and Kumongous, while the rest should be the big beaters, like Jizukiru and Dorogan. My personal favorite ratio of Kaiju to use is 2 Gameciel, 1 Kumungous, 1 Dorogan, 2 Jizukiru, 3 Slumber. Some people like to use one of each, some like to use 2 Gameciel and 2 Kumungous. If you have two Kaiju in your hand, you can get rid of one of your opponent's threats with the weak one, then summon the big one to your side of the field.[/center]

Last edited by Linda-Senpai on Tue Feb 09, 2016 10:15 pm; edited 1 time in total