Welcome to Duel Academy’s first ever Role Playing Game! – Hosted by Yarn Tethers

All members that participate in this, will be making history for the academy.
This Role Play will be like many forum RPG’s but different in the execution.

The theme of the RPG is ‘Murder Mystery’, and it’s up to you, the members of the academy, to try and figure out which member, (participating in the event) committed the terrible crime, of murdering the beautiful and rich Yarn Tethers, with what weapon, in which area.

The number of participants of this event will determine the number of cards given to the players.  However, 10 locations will be made, and members will go room to room with their newly made characters, and interact hoping to find new information.

Players earn new pieces of information by dueling other participants, and retrieving one of their own personal pieces of information.  For example:
You’ll post on the ‘Study’ topic, and begin talking to @Roach, duel him, and Roach will give you one of his own personal pieces of information that only he has been given, that is, if you’re able to defeat him.  I, the magnificent Yarn Tethers, will be keeping track of who has what information, and will be making sure that there are no lame-o's in the event, and that every member is playing fairly.

Once the event begins, all the participants will be Personally Messaged as to what cards they are given for the game.  EX:
If we have 10 participants, 9 Weapon Cards, 9 Character Cards, and 9 Location Cards will be sent – leaving 1 WC, 1 CC, and 1 LC out, proving Who, Where, and What the murder occurred with.  This gives each player approximately 2.7 cards, meaning that some players may have an extra piece of information, but that will be randomized, so nothing personal.  However, this “2.7” number will change based on the number of members in the game.  

Here:  http://www.duelacademy.net/t46842-character-creation-station-tm#475706
-is a link to the Character Creation Station TM.  Where you can read up on what your character needs (not much), and what you’ll be dueling with.  You can also see how the format for this event will take place, and other handy dandy information.

I want this event to premiere in 2016, so the beginning of January is the goal.  Let’s sign up quickly and thoroughly.  Prizes have yet to be determined, but honey, if I'm involved, you know they're going to be the grandest thing since A Chorus Line hit the Broadway stage in 1975~~

This event will be an experiment as to what the Academy’s future Role Playing has to offer.  It will be exciting to see what is produced.  You, have the ability to make it memorable.  Let’s succeed in creating an event that will be remembered favorably.