Help with my Toon Deck EGzd2nb

Monsters: 13

2x Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
2x Toon Ancient Gear Golem
2x Toon Cyber Dragon
1x Caius the Shadow Monarch
1x Breaker the Magical Warrior
2x Idea the Heaven Knight
3x Eidos the Netherworld Knight

Spells: 24

3x Toon Kingdom
3x Geartown
3x Terraforming
3x Toon Table of Contents
2x Comic Hand
1x Instant Fusion
1x Limiter Removal
1x Raigeki
1x Book of Moon
1x Galaxy Cyclone
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
3x The Monarchs Stormforth

Traps: 3

2x Magical Hats
1x Call of the Haunted

Currently, I built the deck in a way that I can consistantly summon Toon Ancient gear golem and have toon world on the field as quickly as possible, and the deck does that. I have changed the deck quite alot from using mostly toon monsters to dabbing in different support cards to avoid an mst'able field state.

The deck does what I built it to do, which is bring out toon ancient gear golem every duel with toon world on the field establishing my win condition. But honestly it still feels like too fragile of a glass cannon in that if my monster is indirectly targeted and not destroyed, or is unable to be successfully summoned, I hit a wall that is difficult to catch up with how the deck is currently.

I'm hoping for some constructive advice as to what i could possibly add or remove to build a more stable deck and field, if possible.

the gattling dragon and barbaroid are in there just in case cyber dragon nova is sent to the graveyard by card effect and i get to use it's effect i can bring out a level 8 monster or one that negates effects of monsters it destroys by battle.

Thank you in advance for any advice.