U.A. by @Wondery

Deck Screenshot : https://i.imgur.com/ld8kMGk.png

[Pro Decklist] U.A. Assault Ld8kMGk

Deck Type - Control/ Shutdown

Deck Playstyle - The idea of the deck is to search what you want with the effect of U.A. stadium or U.A. Penalty Box and always have tribute fodder so that you can summon your 5+ level U.A.s. The U.A. monsters are all earth warriors so you can run flood gates like light or shadow-impris mirrors without any negative effect on your side. The trap heavy decks like sattellars , ritual beasts ,burning abyss ,yosenjus,qliphorts are very popular so getting a royal decree on a field with Perfect Ace can be a real problem for the enemy. The deck relies on special summoning by swapping U.A. monsters so it can be really bad if you don't get a way to summon U.A. Midfielder (the only U.A. that does not require a tribute for a normal summon).On the other hand with the heroic engine the deck is more consistent than ever and allows the deck to go into rank 4 plays. Other strategy of the deck can revolve around summoning a xyz monster with a powerful effect then buffing it with the U.A. stadium card. OTK's are highly possible with the help of the card U.A. jersey.The deck can go over almost any known boss monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh and has incredible tools like Monarch's stormforth and instant fusion (to get noden which will trigger thousand blades in grave).

Opening options:You would want to have a way to summon a higher than 4 lvl U.A. and a stadium. Don't waste your midfielders for poor plays.You can stall a little by summoning gatekeeper or ace while waiting till you draw stadium or you have game.Other option is to poke with heroic challengers. 

Power Plays:You would always want to go 2nd with this deck since if you get the right cards and your opponent has a monster with a low attack on board you can OTK him with the use of U.A. stadium + U.A. midfielder + U.A. jersey. You place the stadium -> normal summon midfielder -> use stadium effect to search for U.A. mighty slugger (if you think that they might have a pesky backrow like mirror force or a monster effect from the hand like honest,kalut or battle fader) or U.A. Dreadnought dunker (has 200 more attack and pops a card). So you basically swap the midfielder for the monster that you searched thus the field spell grants it +500 atk. You activate the U.A. jersey increasing his attack by 1000 (3800 slugger , 4000 dunker) and then you attack the enemy attack position monster.During the battle battle damage is multiplied by 2 so if you hit a monster with 2000 attack with the dunker you will do 4000 dmg and because of the effect of U.A. Jersey you are allowed to attack again -> so 4000 directly = 8000 damage. 

Other awesome play is the lock that you are doing with the deck. For the lock you wanna have Perfect Ace , midfielder , royal decree and a U.A. gatekeeper/rebounder in hand (or some other big U.A.). How this works is that on the opponents turn you have royal decree versus traps , ace that can negate once (veilers dont work on your opponent turn),midfielder that can bounce ace(if they summoned a monster that can kill ace in a battle or if they baited the negate and used something after) and if you swap the ace for rebounder you can SS the ace with rebounders eff so you have another negate. Versus decks that rely on banishing instead of royal decree you would have imperial iron wall , and vs some other decks instead of that you will have the impris mirrors or vanity.

A great power play is to use instant fusion to get noden -> then if you have a HC thousand blades in the graveyard and U.A. midfielder you can summon both giving you total of 3 level 4 monsters without even using your normal summon. From there you can do weird stuff like bounce midfielder to summon another U.A. then normal summon the midfielder. If you have stadium you can go for a search and eventually noden + thousand blades -> rank 4 xyz , the 2 U.A.s rank 5-6 xyz.You can probably OTK with volcasaur(made from ace + slugger) into Gaia dragon + a buffed from the field spell number 101 (made from HC thousand blades and noden).
Tech cards:
Ghost ogre and snow rabbit:
 are a tech card that serves multiply  purposes. With emergency teleport you can ss it from the deck and use it for a tribute fodder or a synchro play.Blackrose moonlight dragon can be a pain in the ass to get over with ace and midfielder on the field or something more like royal decree. Ghost ogre can also deal with problematic boss monsters that activate their effects on the field so it is a good handtrap also. In most cases it can be sided out for some more countering options depending on the matchup.

Magic Planter:
 is a great tech card and works great with the U.A. Penalty box trap. If you tribute the penalty box you not only get to draw 2 cards but you can banish penalty box to get an U.A. spell, which include stadium , jersey or signing deal(which is like getting a monster actually).With the other cont traps like royal decree,the mirrors,imperial iron wall etc you give yourself a chance to turn the tides by getting the right cards to do a combo which will return the tide to your favor. Other ways to use this is when you are playing a deck that is backrow heavy but also relying on light/dark/banishing. He saw that you run royal decree game one so he swapped his traps for something else or his backrow is irrelevant to you since you have a mighty slugger already on the field.You can tribute your royal decree and draw 2 + your other flood gates are now live.Another use of magic planter is for perfect ace discard fodder so never set it unless you really need to bait out a MST.

I think you get the idea so far the combos and options are more than those but you can grasp the potential of the deck. The weakness of the deck is that you can sometimes draw godlike and sometimes not. All combo based decks work that way so this is not new news. Hope you enjoyed this topic Wondery out.