Pure Infernoids

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[Pro Decklist] Pure Infernoid I1diA9e

Deck Recipe:

Main Deck

Monsters Cards: 24
1x Card Trooper

1x Electromagnetic Turtle

2x Infernoid Antra

2x Infernoid Attondel

3x Infernoid Decatron
1x Infernoid Devyaty
3x Infernoid Harmadik
1x Infernoid Onuncu
3x Infernoid Patrulea
2x Infernoid Seitsemas

3x Infernoid Pirmais

Spell Cards: 13

1x Burial from a Different Dimension

1x One For one

2x Galaxy Cyclone
1x Monster Gate
3x Reasoning

2x Void Seer

Trap Cards: 4

1x Breakthrough Skill

1x Ring of Destruction

3x NeedleBug Nest

1x Solemn Warning

1x Skill Prisioner

Extra Deck

1x Black Rose Dragon

1x Hot Red Dragon Archfiend

1x Black Rose Moonlight Dragon

1x Stardust Dragon

1x Vulcan the Divine

1x Goyo Guardian

1x Armades, keeper of boundaries

1x Leo, the keeper of the sacred tree

1x Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer 
1x Dante, the Traveler of the Burning Abyss
1x Minerva, the Exalted Lightsworn
1x Number 101: Silent Honor ARK
1x Number 61: Volcasaurus
1x Abyss Dweller
1x Gagaga Cowboy
1x Lswarm exciton Knight

Deck Description: This deck is mainly revolving around the archetype "Infernoid". It also contains their own support of "Void" cards, and card engines that send cards from the deck to the graveyard. It has always been said that the graveyard is the second hand for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game. This deck is a very accurate example of the theory. All "Infernoid" monsters can be Special Summoned from the graveyard or hand by their own effects under certain conditions. The Conditions being: 1) The total levels and/or ranks of all monsters you control are 8 or lower (Controlling no monster is considered "level zero" thus lower than 8 also) 2) Banishing a certain amount of "Infernoid" monsters you have in hand or in the graveyard. As long as the conditions are met, you can special summon any and as many "Infernoid" monsters as you wish. For that reason, you want to place as many different choices of "Infernoid" monsters in graveyard. 

Play Style: You have to Mill as much as Possible Infernoid Monsters, to do this, you have to use cardslike "Infernoid Decatron", "Card Trooper", "Reasoning", "Monster Gate", "Needlebug Nest" etc.

Infernoid Monster are NOMI Monsters, and note that all the high levels (Level 5-10) "Infernoid" monsters can be special summoned from hand and the graveyard by banishing 2-3 (Level 5-8: 2; Level 9-10: 3) "Infernoid" monsters from the hand or the graveyard. 
Infernoid monsters whose level equal to 4 or lower can be only special summoned from the Hand by their own procedure: Banishing 1 "Infernoid" Monster from either the Hand or Graveyard. The only Infernoid that is not NOMI is Infernoid Decatron.

Card Analysis

Infernoid Onuncu: This card is the level 10 monster of Infernoids. When it is special summoned you can choose to destroy all other monsters on the field. Which is a simple yet strong effect that allows you a cleared path that may even lead to an One Turn Kill. (OTK) You will also want to take your chance to win the game as fast as possible using this chance that they have no monsters on their field. This card is deadly and can be ended up as a finisher in most situations. However, when it is in the graveyard, remember your opponent is well aware of this card's existence thus setting up ways to encounter it. Simply relying all to this card may not work sometimes, there are times that you want to have support cards such as "Void Seer" to protect it. In addition to that, this card can negate and banish a S/T card's activation or effect once per turn by tributing one monster. Although you can tribute even a token to use this effect, sometimes if this card is in your way or you want to use re-summon it and use its effect, tributing itself may not be a bad option.

Infernoid Devyaty: The second highest level Infernoid monster that is in allowed to use in the main deck. Level 9. To be short, this monster has an effect of "Heavy Storm" that doesn't affect face-up "Void" S/T cards when special summoned. There will be a lot of situations where this gives more advantage than "Infernoid Onuncu". When you feel not save to attack with the set card(s) you opponent has, rather than using Onuncu, this is the better option to use. Seeing to use which can be difficult to do sometimes. Also, just like Onuncu, this card can negate can banish card effects by tributing one monster also. In contrast, Onuncu can only negate Spell and Trap cards; Devyaty can only negate Monster effects. This is also another factor to the decision of using which of the two Infernoids you should special summon.

Infernoid Attondel: The level 8 Infernoid. Out of all High Level Infernoids, this has the most useful effect. This card can attack twice if it destroyed a monster by battle. Which can cause fatal damage to your opponent and can easily be the finisher of the game. This is also a Level 8 monster, which means u can still get out 1 more Infernoid after this is on the field. This card can cause more damage than Onuncu also.

Infernoid Seitsemas: Level 7 Infernoid Monster. This card's effect is to at the end of Battle Phase allow banish one card on the field if it attacked a monster. Which can come in handy to remove cards, especially those with destruction protection that Onuncu, Devyaty, and Attondel suffers to remove such as "Number 101: Silent Honor ARK", "Wind-up Zenmaines", and cards with strong effects like "Macro Cosmos", "Toon Kingdom" that are protected by "Card Guard".

Infernoid Patrulea: The monster that takes over the Level 4 spot of the archetype. This card can destroy one Spell or Trap card on the field once per turn, which is very handy to destroy certain stun cards. The fact that it is a level 4 makes it very versatile for Synchro and XYZ summon also. This is one card that you want to put 3 copies in.

Infernoid Harmadik: The level 3 Infernoid. It can once per turn destroy one monster on the field no matter the battle position. Which is a very useful effect, but watch out for the fact that it can destroy monster that you don't want to destroy like "Fire Hand", "Burning Abyss" monsters, and "Shaddoll" Monsters as they gain effect when destroy/ sent to graveyard. To use, or not to use the effect, is a important factor to consider before you use it recklessly. However, this is still a card that you would want to run 3 copies.

Infernoid Antra: Level 2. This card can act as a Floodgate (Stun cards) remover or a monster to get rid of monsters with destruction protections. However, if it's a S/T card you bounced back, note that your opponent can activate it again next turn. Also, the lack of ATK (its ATK is 0) of this card makes its priority fall from the choices of other Infernoids.

Infernoid Pirmais: Level 1. This card bounce into the Deck a Set Card, and your opponent cannot directly chain that Set card to this effect. It can bounce a Monster or A S/T.

Infernoid Decatron: This is the only Infernoid monster that can be normal and special summoned by other methods. Although it's original level is 1, its effect allows it to be basically any level from 2-11. Also it copies the effect of the monster that you sent to the graveyard by its own effect. Mostly you want to sent "Antra", "Harmadik", and "Patrulea" to adjust it's level and to gain advantage instantly, but this effect also acts as a "Foolish Burial". You can choose the boss monster you want for the situation and get it out as you want. Also, the fact that this card can be used as banishing cost for Infernoids, is a tuner, and able to adjust its level makes it a great card to be in an Infernoid deck. It's a must to run 3 copies.

Void Seer: It gives a coat of protection (unaffected by opponent's card effects) to a Infernoid during the turn it's activated. Also, its second effect to prevent effect destruction is nice. Even if this card is sent to graveyard from the deck, it will not go to waste like the a lot of S/T does. Therefore, it is a really handy card for this deck, if possible always put as many copies as you can.

Mill Engines: Since all high level Infernoids are better off in graveyard, instead of search engine or draw engine, mill engines are more useful in this deck. (Mill = sending cards from the deck to the graveyard)

Card Trooper: This card mill 1-3 cards as a cost to gain 500 ATK for each card sent. Which fills up the graveyard while being a 1900 ATK beater. Its last effect gives +1 hand advantage also, which is nice in a deck that spend their hand cards quick like this.

Reasoning: It's not exaggerating to say that this card is the deck's key card. Since all Infernoids are not able to be normal summoned, they will all stack up in the graveyard when revealed. It doesn't matter if they called the level right, the purpose is to send as many Infernoids in the graveyard as you can. Therefore, for this card's sake, Infernoid deck shall not contain a lot of monsters that can be normal summoned. This card can stack up a lot of Infernoid monsters in the graveyard, perhaps up to 20 cards can be milled. Should always be at its maximum number of copies.

Monster Gate: This works as the same as "Reasoning" except the cost for tributing one monster. However, it is a limited card so maximum you can only run one copy.

Needlebug Nest: This works as the same as "Reasoning"  and "Monster Gate" except that it is a Normal Trap card, and mills 5 Cards from your Main Deck.

Galaxy Cyclone: Works as a S/T remover (x2). Plus its second effect makes it doesn't go to a waste even when it is in the graveyard. Really comprehensive with this deck.

Breakthrough Skill + Skill Prisioner: A free chain cards that can be used to negate opponent's monster effect. Again, just like "Galaxy Cyclone" and "Void Seer", these cards have a second effect in the graveyard which is workable in this deck also.

Ring of Destruction: Another free chain card. This is used because the key point of this deck is not controlling the game state, it's to rush in one hit and kill as fast as it can. Therefore, this card can make the job easier to kills off your opponent faster.

Electromagnetic Turtle: A great defensive tactic: It can banish itself from the Graveyard to end the Battle Phase.

Extra Deck

"Duel Dragon"\Signer Dragon Series: Both "Black Rose" dragons can be used to Defense or Destruction: "Moonlight" bounce a Special Summoned Monster, "Black Rose Dragon" wipe the field, and then you can Summon your Infernoids from the Graveyard.
Hot Red Dragon can wipe the field too, during your Main Phase 1. Stardust Dragon is a Protection against Destruction Cards.

"Keeper" Series: While Armades blocks every card to be used while it battles, Leo auto protects itself from being targeted by any card.

Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer: A very generic rank 4 XYZ, can remove cards that shuts the deck down or simply monster removal.
Number 101: Silent Honor ARK: Yet another very generic rank 4 XYZ, but this serves another purpose in here. It's destruction prevention let it survives through Onuncu's effect.
Minerva, the Exalted Lightsworn: The only rank generic rank 4 that mills cards easily. Plus, if lucky, it may mill one of our few Lightsworn monsters in the deck for its additional effects.

Vulcan the Divine: A great card that can bounce itself or another face-up card you control and 1 face-up card your opponent controls.

Gagaga Cowbow\Number 61: Volcasaurus: The burn effects they have can let you finish a Duel!

Weaknesses and Conclusion

As all of you may have realized already, this deck requires a lot of banishing and it heavily relies on the graveyard. Therefore, cards that doesn't allow cards to be banished such as "Imperial Iron Wall", "Artifact Lancea", "Chaos Hunter",etc. and cards that banish ALL cards that sends to the graveyard such as "Masked HERO Dark Law", "Macro Cosmos", "Retaliating 'C'", etc. shuts down this deck extremely. Unlike most deck where all you have to side is either "Banish all cards" or "Forbids Banishing" cards, this deck will not function with those side, it's quite interesting. Therefore, be prepared to encounter the S/T by cards like "Galaxy Cyclone", "Mystical Space Typhoon", etc. Also be prepared to get rid of the monsters that stuns this deck with cards such as "Ring of Destruction", "Breakthrough Skill", "Infernoid Harmadik", etc. Some hand traps that Infernoid monsters can not get rid of will require back up support from cards such as "Mind Drain", "Mask of Restrict", etc.

This may be a deck that is easy to use, but on the other hand, this is also a deck that can be countered easily. Keep in mind that the hard part for this deck is the side deck, most of the generic side deck cards will only ending up tying yourself up. Be careful to pick what cards you have in your side deck, and except all things that your opponent can throw to you. If you are able to achieve that, you can win with this deck in no time! Have fun playing Infernoids!