Hello there members of Duel Academy! I've come to announce recent changes regarding our Tournament structure.

As you may be aware we used to have our tournament schedule revolve around specific dates however, now instead of having tournaments on specific pre defined times of the month we will instead we will hold a tournament each Sunday.

Keep an eye out in the coming weeks for some familiar events to make a comeback and of course, more exciting new tournaments!

Also with this new schedule system we will be implementing a new penalty system of sorts, essentially users going inactive makes things a headache for both active participants and tournament hosts alike.

Folks who go missing in action during tournaments without notifying the host will be subjected to charges based on their DP total.

Here are the numbers:

500 or less: 50 DP fee
500 to 1000: 100 DP fee
1000 to 5000: 250 DP fee
5000 to 10.000: 350 DP fee
10.000 to 20.000: 450 DP fee
+20.000: 1000 DP fee

Consider these changes effective immediately.
That is all.